Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

But the Hildebeast gets a PASS when she says SHE MISSPOKE!!!! See the 53 second mark!

And just 4 or 5 bankruptcies.

A couple of comments ago, the fact that "all his businesses" went bankrupt was a reason for him to NOT be President.

Now that you have been informed that the vast majority of his businesses did NOT go bankrupt, is that a reason for him to BE president?

Rhetorical question: I know such intellectual honestly is beyond any liberal.

I think one bankruptcy should be disqualifying. Especially if he walked away with millions and his partners took a bath.

Rhetorical Question: If you find out that the GOP lost in November, but Trump enriched himself, would you understand you've been scammed?

No, you can't.

Not if you have a mob of dishonest asshole godwin smear artists following your around constantly lying and smearing you.

That's the point of smear campaigns. To make people look bad regardless of whether it is true or not.

Your not knowing this is proof that are a liar or a moron.

Well, Maybe the "Godwin Smear Artists" wouldn't have as much of a case if Trump didn't keep retweeting images from Nazi Websites.

Like this.


and this..


Oh, yeah, and this...

And just 4 or 5 bankruptcies.

A couple of comments ago, the fact that "all his businesses" went bankrupt was a reason for him to NOT be President.

Now that you have been informed that the vast majority of his businesses did NOT go bankrupt, is that a reason for him to BE president?

Rhetorical question: I know such intellectual honestly is beyond any liberal.

I think one bankruptcy should be disqualifying. Especially if he walked away with millions and his partners took a bath.


Which shows that you don't understand how high risk investments work.

No, you can't.

Not if you have a mob of dishonest asshole godwin smear artists following your around constantly lying and smearing you.

That's the point of smear campaigns. To make people look bad regardless of whether it is true or not.

Your not knowing this is proof that are a liar or a moron.

Well, Maybe the "Godwin Smear Artists" wouldn't have as much of a case if Trump didn't keep retweeting images from Nazi Websites.

Like this.


and this..


Oh, yeah, and this...


1. Some bad stats. Black on black violence IS a far larger problem then police on black violence or white on black violence.

2. NOt sure of context. Who are those guys or who are they supposed to be?

3. Not every 6 pointed star is a Star of David. IN this you prove my point. Trump is NOT going after the minuscule anti-semite vote.

My point stands.

Not if you have a mob of dishonest asshole godwin smear artists following your around constantly lying and smearing you.

That's the point of smear campaigns. To make people look bad regardless of whether it is true or not.

Your not knowing this is proof that are a liar or a moron.
1. Some bad stats. Black on black violence IS a far larger problem then police on black violence or white on black violence.

Those were bad stats, those were libelous racist claims that originated on a NAZI WEBSITE.

2. NOt sure of context. Who are those guys or who are they supposed to be?

They are Nazi Soldiers... which NaziTrump retweeted pictures of for Veterans' day. He was thinking of other veterans, obviously.

3. Not every 6 pointed star is a Star of David. IN this you prove my point. Trump is NOT going after the minuscule anti-semite vote.

Naw, he's going after the miniscule anti-Hispanic vote.
1. Some bad stats. Black on black violence IS a far larger problem then police on black violence or white on black violence.

Those were bad stats, those were libelous racist claims that originated on a NAZI WEBSITE.

So? Bad stats can float around and mislead good people.

2. NOt sure of context. Who are those guys or who are they supposed to be?

They are Nazi Soldiers... which NaziTrump retweeted pictures of for Veterans' day. He was thinking of other veterans, obviously.

Only a fucking asshole would call Trump a nazi at this point.

That is a very good photo to be of nazis. I think you are leaving out some important details.

3. Not every 6 pointed star is a Star of David. IN this you prove my point. Trump is NOT going after the minuscule anti-semite vote.
Naw, he's going after the miniscule anti-Hispanic vote.

1. So you admit that it was not an anti-semite slur. Good. So why did you post it like it was? Oh, because you are a dishonest liberals. But I repeat myself.

2. It is not a bias to want to deport illegals, or to discuss the negative impact of Third World immigration.
So? Bad stats can float around and mislead good people.

a good person wouldn't repeat a malicious stat like that. A Nazi Orange Hairpiece would.

1. So you admit that it was not an anti-semite slur. Good. So why did you post it like it was? Oh, because you are a dishonest liberals. But I repeat myself.

2. It is not a bias to want to deport illegals, or to discuss the negative impact of Third World immigration.

Hitler blamed the Jews, NaziTrump blames the Hispanics. Same shit, different assholes.
So? Bad stats can float around and mislead good people.

a good person wouldn't repeat a malicious stat like that. A Nazi Orange Hairpiece would.

Sure they would. Good people get fooled by bad stats. That is a truism.Your denial of it is absurd.

1. So you admit that it was not an anti-semite slur. Good. So why did you post it like it was? Oh, because you are a dishonest liberals. But I repeat myself.

2. It is not a bias to want to deport illegals, or to discuss the negative impact of Third World immigration.

Hitler blamed the Jews, NaziTrump blames the Hispanics. Same shit, different assholes.

YOu are implying that since once, a long time ago, one bad man lied about outsiders causing problems, that outsiders NEVER cause problems.

THat is fucking stupid.

I challenge you to support your claim that Hispanics do not cause or contribute to the issues that Trump has said they do.
YOu are implying that since once, a long time ago, one bad man lied about outsiders causing problems, that outsiders NEVER cause problems.

THat is fucking stupid.

I challenge you to support your claim that Hispanics do not cause or contribute to the issues that Trump has said they do.

Wow, now you are saing "Hispanics" instead of "Illegals". Are you widening the net to include Puerto Ricans and Cubans, too

Don't you have a Bund meeting to get to?
YOu are implying that since once, a long time ago, one bad man lied about outsiders causing problems, that outsiders NEVER cause problems.

THat is fucking stupid.

I challenge you to support your claim that Hispanics do not cause or contribute to the issues that Trump has said they do.

Wow, now you are saing "Hispanics" instead of "Illegals". Are you widening the net to include Puerto Ricans and Cubans, too

Don't you have a Bund meeting to get to?

You are the one that expanded the discussion to "hispanics" so fuck you, you moron.

And of course, you failed to address my point at all, like the troll you are.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Esquire Magazine 2004

My life is seeing everything in terms of "How would I handle that?"

Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way. Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county? C'mon. Two minutes after we leave, there's going to be a revolution, and the meanest, toughest, smartest, most vicious guy will take over. And he'll have weapons of mass destruction, which Saddam didn't have.

What was the purpose of this whole thing? Hundreds and hundreds of young people killed. And what about the people coming back with no arms and legs? Not to mention the other side. All those Iraqi kids who've been blown to pieces. And it turns out that all of the reasons for the war were blatantly wrong. All this for nothing!

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county?...



Hypothetically, if someone freed you from a genocidal mass murder, would you be grateful?
You are the one that expanded the discussion to "hispanics" so fuck you, you moron.

And of course, you failed to address my point at all, like the troll you are.

The only point you have is on your head, you inbred redneck racist fuck.

Hypothetically, if someone freed you from a genocidal mass murder, would you be grateful?

Not if what they left behind was worse.

You see, for the average Iraqi, life wasn't too bad in 2003. The civil wars were over, there weren't IED's going off in the streets.

Then your boy Bush came in and fucked it all up by toppling the government.

The only thing people in Iraq were grateful for was when we left.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county?...



Hypothetically, if someone freed you from a genocidal mass murder, would you be grateful?
Well tell us how much our troops were greeted as liberators with flowers and candy?
You are the one that expanded the discussion to "hispanics" so fuck you, you moron.

And of course, you failed to address my point at all, like the troll you are.

The only point you have is on your head, you inbred redneck racist fuck.

And as always, if you refuse to let a lefty slither away from a debate and keep calling them on their bullshit, and keep demanding real answers,

they eventually come to this.


You are unable to defend or support your claims and you are too dishonest to admit it.

And as always, if you refuse to let a lefty slither away from a debate and keep calling them on their bullshit, and keep demanding real answers,

they eventually come to this.


You are unable to defend or support your claims and you are too dishonest to admit it.

Guy, we are sort of done pandering to you stupid racists who keep voting against my economic interests.

The Illegal isn't your enemy. The Hispanic isn't your enemy. the Muslim isn't your enemy.

Your enemy is the One Percenter who wants to cheat you out of the fruits of your labors.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

Does anybody really believe that Iraq is going to be a wonderful democracy where people are going to run down to the voting box and gently put in their ballot and the winner is happily going to step up to lead the county?...



Hypothetically, if someone freed you from a genocidal mass murder, would you be grateful?
Well tell us how much our troops were greeted as liberators with flowers and candy?

Why can't lefties ever answer a yes or no question with a yes or no answer?

That was my POINT.

We Americans would be grateful for being freed from a genocidal mass murder.

And we projected that onto the Arab/Muslim nation of Iraq.

We also have a problem with assuming that our culture of desiring Freedom and Equality is universal.

These are two of the basic mistaken beliefs that Americans had and STILL HAVE.

And why are hopes that Iraq would become a strong ally were ill founded.
Why can't lefties ever answer a yes or no question with a yes or no answer?

That was my POINT.

We Americans would be grateful for being freed from a genocidal mass murder.

And we projected that onto the Arab/Muslim nation of Iraq.

The only thing we were "liberating" was the oil they were standing on top of.

get real, dude.

We also have a problem with assuming that our culture of desiring Freedom and Equality is universal.

These are two of the basic mistaken beliefs that Americans had and STILL HAVE.

And why are hopes that Iraq would become a strong ally were ill founded.


Guy, we didn't got to war to "liberate" them.

We went to war because George W. Stupid told us that Saddam had a nuke and he was going to get us!!!!

the whole, Let's bring democracy to Iraq was an afterthought when we found out that the he really didn't have WMD's and the rest of the world wasn't going to clean up our mess.
And as always, if you refuse to let a lefty slither away from a debate and keep calling them on their bullshit, and keep demanding real answers,

they eventually come to this.


You are unable to defend or support your claims and you are too dishonest to admit it.

Guy, we are sort of done pandering to you stupid racists who keep voting against my economic interests.

That you believe your economic interests are served by voting democratic is a valid position. One I disagree with and would be happy to debate with you.

But for now.


The Illegal isn't your enemy.

Mmm, he is here in violation of my Right of National Sovereignty, his presence in the labor pool lowers my wages, and he brings violent crime, drugs and slavery with him.

We certainly have a real conflict of interests here, and I would say that does make him my enemy.

The Hispanic isn't your enemy.

Mmm, his presence here in the labor pool lowers my wages and his presence in the electorate is turning America into a Third World Shithole.

He might not be my enemy, but I certainly don't want to import more of them.

the Muslim isn't your enemy.

The actions of too many muslims here say otherwise. The events of Europe, where they have higher percentages of muslims, shows that importing more of them is a bad idea.

Your enemy is the One Percenter who wants to cheat you out of the fruits of your labors.

Hence my support for the candidate who will reverse the policy of using Third World Labor to undermine US wages.
Why can't lefties ever answer a yes or no question with a yes or no answer?

That was my POINT.

We Americans would be grateful for being freed from a genocidal mass murder.

And we projected that onto the Arab/Muslim nation of Iraq.

The only thing we were "liberating" was the oil they were standing on top of.

get real, dude.

Please link to show that we have received ANY oil from Iraq at anything but market prices.

Hint: YOU CAN'T.

YOu get real.

We also have a problem with assuming that our culture of desiring Freedom and Equality is universal.

These are two of the basic mistaken beliefs that Americans had and STILL HAVE.

And why are hopes that Iraq would become a strong ally were ill founded.


Guy, we didn't got to war to "liberate" them.

We went to war because George W. Stupid told us that Saddam had a nuke and he was going to get us!!!!

the whole, Let's bring democracy to Iraq was an afterthought when we found out that the he really didn't have WMD's and the rest of the world wasn't going to clean up our mess.[/QUOTE]

You obviously were not paying attention to the MONTHS of discussion and debate about invading Iraq.

The "liberate from Saddam" AND the "Strong democratic ally" were certainly part of the decision.

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