Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

Where is the proof that President Obama authorized it/ Oh yeah it doesn't exist. More of your constant stream of lies. The real culprit is the failed war on drugs......
Do you really listen to yourself? An Obama agency hand-delivers thousands of guns to Mexican Drug Cartels without notifying the President (Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, Border Patrol)...then when the President find out he does NOTHING. NO ONE gets fired after more than 500 people die as a result. He refuses to hand over any personal correspondence regarding it, citing Executive Privilege...although he did not know about it, and he protects his Atty General from prosecution after he is caught perpetrating 2 Felony Counts of Perjury, trying to continue the cover-up of the massively failed act. And just because it was presented to President Bush - who rejected the idea because HE was smart enough to realize the guns could not be controlled once across the border - for his approval to run the Op why would anyone expect it to be presented to Obama for HIS approval, right?! :p

Dude, think before you speak / type.

So, um, assuming any of that drivel that you heard on Hate Radio is true, where are the articles of impeachment, then? I mean, unlike "Lying about a blow job", these things would be actionable, if any of them were true.

Of course, they aren't. They are just more of the Hate Radio Crazy you live on because you don't have any friends.

Heres the reality. Mexico is being flooded with American guns. If these guns hadn't fallen out of the tracking program (That actually did catch some gun walkers, but local authorities refused to prosecute because "Second Amendment",) the Cartels would have just used one of the 250,000 other guns that cross the border every year.
Fast and Furious was an Obama Administration Obama-authorized FAILED Gun Running Operation that resulted In the deaths of more than 500 civilian deaths to include those of 2 Americans citizens for which no one was ever punished.

Spin it, explain it, justify it all you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Again, as long as we sell guns to anyone who wants them, I just can't get upset that our efforts to track them aren't working so well. Now, if you were really concerned about Mexicans (right) you'd be for shutting down these gun stores that are selling these guns.
So your argument NOW is ...

'it's all good' because it did not personally effect any American citizens' lives?!

Tell me, do all liberals have so little integrity, morals, and ethics, or is it just you, Boo, and a few others on this board?

As I have pointed out, the problem is NOT the pathological lying, sexual deviant, national security-jeopardizing, Constitution and Rule of Law violating Liberals that are the problem - it's the act that their morally, ethically corrupt lemming-like supporters just don't give a damn. Thanks for that PERFECT example!

I redacted you usual hate radio spew, tell it to someone who gives a fuck.

But, um, yeah. The constitution was not endangered because Paula Jones saw Clinton's dick. She has two kids and shitloads of boyfriends, she knows what a dick looks like.

So unless you are claiming that Clinton's male member is some kind of Lovecraftian Horror that drives women mad, you really don't have a case that there was any harm here.

Under the legal definition of sexual harrassment at that time- Clinton would have had to have...

1) Been Jones direct supervisor
2) Have taken some retaliatory action against her.

Neither of these things were the case, which is why Susan Weber Wright threw out the case.

None of which had any effect on my life.

On the other hand, Bush's incompetence DID have an effect on my life. I wish he had spent some time diddling interns instead of screwing things up for the rest of us.
Again, as long as we sell guns to anyone who wants them, I just can't get upset that our efforts to track them aren't working so well.

So you have no problem that your President and his administration ILLEGALLY ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans.

Ya just can't make this shite up, folks....another demonstration that the problem isn't that our government is so inept, crooked, and criminal but is instead that Liberals just don't give a damn.

This program was SO FLAWED that the incredibly ignorant (according to Liberals) George Bush refused to authorize this program when he was President, pointing out how there was NO WAY to track or secure the guns once they crossed the border.

I find it even more 'funny' that in an attempt to rebuke/shame his own country Obama brought the President of Mexico to speak before Congress, during which speech the Mexican President claimed the US had no right to enforce its own Immigration policy AND blamed citizens for the gun running from inside the US into Mexico when Obama had just perpetrated one of if not THE largest gun-running ops ever into Mexico. Over 500 of his people were murdered by Mecxican Drug Cartels using the weapons and grenades OBAMA gave them, yet he never criticized Obama or the Obama administration.

I redacted you usual hate radio spew, tell it to someone who gives a fuck.
AGAIN, thank you for continuing to demonstrate the problem being that Liberal 'sheep' just don't care about their politicians criminal and deviant actions....
So you have no problem that your President and his administration ILLEGALLY ran guns to Mexican Drug Cartels, resulting in the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 Americans.

Ya just can't make this shite up, folks....another demonstration that the problem isn't that our government is so inept, crooked, and criminal but is instead that Liberals just don't give a damn.

Besides the fact you are just making that number about 500 people up... your argument has a logical fallacy that ONLY those 2000 guns the ATF attempted to track were the ONLY guns available for the Cartels to purchase.

In fact, 250,000 guns walk across the border every year. So you want to blame Obama for guns he didn't sell, in a program he didn't initiate, because he didn't shut it down fast enough? This is your argument?

This program was SO FLAWED that the incredibly ignorant (according to Liberals) George Bush refused to authorize this program when he was President, pointing out how there was NO WAY to track or secure the guns once they crossed the border.

Nor was that the point, really. The point was to identify who the gun runners were, not to stop any individual gun. Just like our drug interdiction efforts are to catch the smugglers, not the specific joint that someone smoked before he piled up his car in an intersection.

Oh, yeah... as for Wide Receiver- Bush didn't stop that program... and 450 guns used in Wide Receiver were lost.

The Guns That Got Away - Businessweek

I find it even more 'funny' that in an attempt to rebuke/shame his own country Obama brought the President of Mexico to speak before Congress, during which speech the Mexican President claimed the US had no right to enforce its own Immigration policy AND blamed citizens for the gun running from inside the US into Mexico when Obama had just perpetrated one of if not THE largest gun-running ops ever into Mexico. Over 500 of his people were murdered by Mecxican Drug Cartels using the weapons and grenades OBAMA gave them, yet he never criticized Obama or the Obama administration.

Again, you keep talking about "Grenades", but no one is ever claiming that there were any Grenades sold during Fast and Furious.

AGAIN, thank you for continuing to demonstrate the problem being that Liberal 'sheep' just don't care about their politicians criminal and deviant actions....

I don't care about deviant actions from EITHER side. I don't care that Newt was cheating on his wife when he insisted on impeaching Clinton or John Ensign was making payoffs to his Cheif of Staff because he fucked the man's wife, or that David Vitter was paying hookers to have sex with him while he wore diapers. And neither did you, because you kept re-electing those guys.
The guns were all purchased legally in AZ not by the ATF but by alleged straw buyers from certain dealers.....

Fast and Furious was an Obama Administration Obama-authorized FAILED Gun Running Operation that resulted In the deaths of more than 500 civilian deaths to include those of 2 Americans citizens for which no one was ever punished.

Spin it, explain it, justify it all you want. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

There is no justification for the world wide war on Americans or other citizens of the world who use non government approved recreational substances.
"I don't care about deviant actions from EITHER side."

Yeah, we know - you continually repeat that every time you defend the Obama administration for another scandal, another violation of the law, and/or another bunch of dead bodies / people / Americans. We got it.
There is no justification for the world wide war on Americans or other citizens of the world who use non government approved recreational substances.


Evidently you are using some now....

Sometimes I indulge in a brownie or two and a few glasses of wine, but I never ingest anything related to the Cartels. It's all 100% grown in the USA. California wine and weed. Great combination.

Evidently you need to. Might help you remove that stick.......
"I don't care about deviant actions from EITHER side."

Yeah, we know - you continually repeat that every time you defend the Obama administration for another scandal, another violation of the law, and/or another bunch of dead bodies / people / Americans. We got it.

You mean the actual stuff you guys do that is a lot more serious than anything you've accused Obama of?
"I don't care about deviant actions from EITHER side."

Yeah, we know - you continually repeat that every time you defend the Obama administration for another scandal, another violation of the law, and/or another bunch of dead bodies / people / Americans. We got it.

You mean the actual stuff you guys do that is a lot more serious than anything you've accused Obama of?

Oh, you can always tell when a Wingnut is losing an argument is when he takes stuff out of context to respond to.
big deal he lied about a BJ and pubs made a federal case out of it
You just won't give that ;lie' up will you, Eddie?! The man was the 1st sitting President hauled into court, forced to testify, and withstand a civil law suit for sexually harassing an American citizen / woman, tried to circumvent the legal process while denying a citizen of her rights in order to get his ass out of trouble, was found guilty of Contempt for his lack of ethics, and was DISBARRED for his actions.

Funny how you Libs always avoid that one like the Zika virus when telling your story...
Nah, what's funny is that even after all that, Clinton still left office with the highest approval rating of any exiting president ever recorded.
and their hero the swine bush left with the lowest Wonder if it was lower than Carters?
Wonder no more -- both ended with 34% approval according to Gallup. But Bush edges out Carter as worse with a higher percent of disapproval at 61% to Carter's 55%.
It's on the record. What more can he say? Did he say Bush told the truth? Then he isn't walking anything back.

Actually he said Bush made a bad mistake.
Bush did make a big mistake and lied to America about the intel.

But people in the Republican PArty dont want their noses rubbed in it 24/7.

I can understand that perhaps you want Trump to commit political suicide by hammering an irrelevant issue.

Jeb! aint gonna win, so why bother with his families legacy?

Funny, I keep hearing that claim, yet no one has explained how Bush got all the other leaders of the free world to go along with this, so called lie, and get them to lie to their countries also. Do you have any proof of this conspiracy?
Lol, yes, they found no WMDs of any signifance in IRaq after untold thousands of dead.

Curveball was a known liar, the Brits knew it, but Bush ran with it anyway. His appointees in the intell community had their reports revised to the point that some refused to sign the revisions. Things that might well have been WMDs were solid known WMDs, things that remotely may have been became likely WMDs.

Bush lied like all these political whores lie, by spin, omission and effrontery.

OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.
Do tell us, OKTexas.
OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.
I dont know, but then I doubt anyone in the West does either.

We can guess but it would not prove anything other than what we prefer to believe.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?
Trump has "walked back" nearly everything he's said, so?
OK, now tell us what was on all those planes and trucks that went to Syria during the build up to the invasion.
I dont know, but then I doubt anyone in the West does either.

We can guess but it would not prove anything other than what we prefer to believe.

Yep, all we can do is speculate, but most of the equipment we had sat photos of were gone.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

More than half of the Republican party doesn't want the Chimpanzee for their nominee. So of course he's going walk back all kinds of statements. But it's too late, the damage has already been done.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

More than half of the Republican party doesn't want the Chimpanzee for their nominee. So of course he's going walk back all kinds of statements. But it's too late, the damage has already been done.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News


Hummmmmmmmmm, some said the same about Reagan, he was elected twice.
I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

More than half of the Republican party doesn't want the Chimpanzee for their nominee. So of course he's going walk back all kinds of statements. But it's too late, the damage has already been done.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News


Hummmmmmmmmm, some said the same about Reagan, he was elected twice.
Takes a big imagination to draw a resemblance between Trump and Reagan.

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