Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq

I'm watching a town hall on CNN and Trump just refused to repeat his debate claim that Bush lied to get us into Iraq. He was given 3 opportunities to repeat his statement and wouldn't do it.

Your thoughts?

More than half of the Republican party doesn't want the Chimpanzee for their nominee. So of course he's going walk back all kinds of statements. But it's too late, the damage has already been done.
Fox News Poll: Clinton up by 6 points, 89 percent say 'hot-headed' describes Trump | Fox News


Hummmmmmmmmm, some said the same about Reagan, he was elected twice.
Takes a big imagination to draw a resemblance between Trump and Reagan.

Not really, both are former dems, both are called cowboys, hothead and what ever. I don't really think Reagan was as conservative as many think, he was too willing to grow government and compromise. He brought on William Bennett to the DOE with the intent of closing it, that didn't happen. So yeah, some comparisons are appropriate.
Not really, both are former dems, both are called cowboys, hothead and what ever. I don't really think Reagan was as conservative as many think, he was too willing to grow government and compromise. He brought on William Bennett to the DOE with the intent of closing it, that didn't happen. So yeah, some comparisons are appropriate.

Reagan actually had a record as an elected official. Reagan didn't engage in the kind of namecalling NaziTrump does. While Reagan had an 11th Commandment of not speaking ill of a fellow Republican, Nazi Trump pretty much cut a path of scorched earth through the GOP, which is why they can't support him now.
Not really, both are former dems, both are called cowboys, hothead and what ever. I don't really think Reagan was as conservative as many think, he was too willing to grow government and compromise. He brought on William Bennett to the DOE with the intent of closing it, that didn't happen. So yeah, some comparisons are appropriate.

Reagan actually had a record as an elected official. Reagan didn't engage in the kind of namecalling NaziTrump does. While Reagan had an 11th Commandment of not speaking ill of a fellow Republican, Nazi Trump pretty much cut a path of scorched earth through the GOP, which is why they can't support him now.

Yep, that's why I said only "some" comparisons were appropriate. Reading is fundamental.
Not really, both are former dems, both are called cowboys, hothead and what ever. I don't really think Reagan was as conservative as many think, he was too willing to grow government and compromise. He brought on William Bennett to the DOE with the intent of closing it, that didn't happen. So yeah, some comparisons are appropriate.

Reagan actually had a record as an elected official. Reagan didn't engage in the kind of namecalling NaziTrump does. While Reagan had an 11th Commandment of not speaking ill of a fellow Republican, Nazi Trump pretty much cut a path of scorched earth through the GOP, which is why they can't support him now.

Only a moron or an ass would call Trump a nazi.
Yep, that's why I said only "some" comparisons were appropriate. Reading is fundamental.

So is not saying utterly retarded stuff like an inbred redneck..
"Weeehhaaa, Cleetus, Trump dun be just like Reagan!"
MMM, what he said was not "retarded".

What you said was "retarded" and also bigoted and racist.

No, it's kind of insulting to compare a clown like Trump to a guy like Reagan, who actually accomplished stuff.

Have you not been paying attention today?

Yes, your use of racial slurs against rural whites was bigoted and racist and "retarded".

Trump does not have the resume that Reagan has when he was running for the Presidency, that is true.

But hIs policy positions are very serious and very popular with a large segment of the population.

Calling him a clown at this late date smacks more of propaganda on your part than a legitimate point.
Yes, your use of racial slurs against rural whites was bigoted and racist and "retarded".

Trump does not have the resume that Reagan has when he was running for the Presidency, that is true.

Um, yeah, he doesn't have the basic skills for the job. Thank you for pointing that out.

But hIs policy positions are very serious and very popular with a large segment of the population.

Um, yeah, the ignorant and the racist are large segments of the population. They'd still be a fucking disaster if anyone tried to make them into policy.

Calling him a clown at this late date smacks more of propaganda on your part than a legitimate point.

I called him a clown when he started. He's still a clown.

More ass-clownery.

Trump offers praise for Saddam Hussein's efficient killing of 'terrorists' -

"He (Saddam) was a bad guy -- really bad guy. But you know what? He did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights. They didn't talk. They were terrorists. Over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism," Trump said.
Yes, your use of racial slurs against rural whites was bigoted and racist and "retarded".

Trump does not have the resume that Reagan has when he was running for the Presidency, that is true.

Um, yeah, he doesn't have the basic skills for the job. Thank you for pointing that out.

And by lying about what I said, you reveal that you yourself don't believe that you can defend your position honestly.

But hIs policy positions are very serious and very popular with a large segment of the population.

Um, yeah, the ignorant and the racist are large segments of the population. They'd still be a fucking disaster if anyone tried to make them into policy.

Deporting illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs will be a disaster?

What has been a disaster has been the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs and the flood of cheap Third World Labor into the workforce.

Calling him a clown at this late date smacks more of propaganda on your part than a legitimate point.

I called him a clown when he started. He's still a clown.

More ass-clownery.

Trump offers praise for Saddam Hussein's efficient killing of 'terrorists' -

"He (Saddam) was a bad guy -- really bad guy. But you know what? He did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights. They didn't talk. They were terrorists. Over. Today, Iraq is Harvard for terrorism," Trump said.

The left, your side, has made a mantra of the idea that Bush's removal of Saddam de-stabilized the Middle East.

I suspect that when lefties have said that very thing to smear republicans you have not found it "clownish".

But when Trump says it, your Confirmation Bias leads you to see it as "proof" of your assumptions about Trump.
And by lying about what I said, you reveal that you yourself don't believe that you can defend your position honestly.

what do you think a "resume" is, guy? Well, having written over 700 of them, I can tell you they are "lists of skills".

Deporting illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs will be a disaster?

What has been a disaster has been the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs and the flood of cheap Third World Labor into the workforce.

Triggering a trade war will not bring jobs back. Neither will a Nazi policy of rounding up people.

The left, your side, has made a mantra of the idea that Bush's removal of Saddam de-stabilized the Middle East.

I suspect that when lefties have said that very thing to smear republicans you have not found it "clownish".

Uh, guy, there's a big difference between recognizing a half-assed invasion with no international support destabilized a region and claiming a brutal dictator was "Great" at "killing terrorists".

But when Trump says it, your Confirmation Bias leads you to see it as "proof" of your assumptions about Trump.

Yes, when Trump says completely stupid things, it confirms my bias that he's a really stupid person.

A very clever person who is pranking the shit out of all you rednecks.
And by lying about what I said, you reveal that you yourself don't believe that you can defend your position honestly.

what do you think a "resume" is, guy? Well, having written over 700 of them, I can tell you they are "lists of skills".

Agreeing that Trump did not have Reagan's resume is not the same as stating that he "does not have the basic skills for the job". As I said, your need to lie demonstrates that you believe that you cannot defend your position on it's merits.

And as such is a tacit admission that you are wrong and I am right.

Deporting illegals and bring back manufacturing jobs will be a disaster?

What has been a disaster has been the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs and the flood of cheap Third World Labor into the workforce.
Triggering a trade war will not bring jobs back.

Continuing to be the world's bitch on trade will not only NOT bring those jobs back, but will continue to lose more and more jobs. Demanding Fairer Trade may bring back those jobs. We do have a lot of leverage.

There is, of course some risk. Less, imo than there is by continuing the status quo.

Neither will a Nazi policy of rounding up people.

Fuck you you asshole.

The left, your side, has made a mantra of the idea that Bush's removal of Saddam de-stabilized the Middle East.

I suspect that when lefties have said that very thing to smear republicans you have not found it "clownish".

Uh, guy, there's a big difference between recognizing a half-assed invasion with no international support destabilized a region and claiming a brutal dictator was "Great" at "killing terrorists".

The left has had quite a bit of hyperbole in how they have stated that point also. And as I said before, and as you have implied, you did not find it "clownish" when they did it.

THus your complaint is not valid.

But when Trump says it, your Confirmation Bias leads you to see it as "proof" of your assumptions about Trump.

Yes, when Trump says completely stupid things, it confirms my bias that he's a really stupid person.

Got it. When libs say it, it is smart. When someone you don't like says it, it is stupid.

Standard lefty double standard.

A very clever person who is pranking the shit out of all you rednecks.

Screw your racist bullshit, you bigot.
Agreeing that Trump did not have Reagan's resume is not the same as stating that he "does not have the basic skills for the job". As I said, your need to lie demonstrates that you believe that you cannot defend your position on it's merits.

And as such is a tacit admission that you are wrong and I am right.

Right. Reagan had a skill set due to his resume. Army Officer, Union President, Governor of the largest state in the Union.

Trump's skill set consists of "Inheriting a lot of money when his dad died" and "beclowning himself on national TV". These are not the skills you need to be president.

Continuing to be the world's bitch on trade will not only NOT bring those jobs back, but will continue to lose more and more jobs. Demanding Fairer Trade may bring back those jobs. We do have a lot of leverage.

Of course we do. That leverage is going to the store and buying the stuff that says "Made in USA". That's our leverage. We don't excercise it, but you think letting NaziTrump take away our choices is a plan.

The left has had quite a bit of hyperbole in how they have stated that point also. And as I said before, and as you have implied, you did not find it "clownish" when they did it.

THus your complaint is not valid.

Please name a supposedly "clownish" statement by a major political leader. I think it's the opposite. It was obvious invading Iraq was a bad idea the minute Baghdad fell and we realized Bush had lied his ass off. But folks on the left have said that without waxing romantic about what a swell guy Saddam was.
Agreeing that Trump did not have Reagan's resume is not the same as stating that he "does not have the basic skills for the job". As I said, your need to lie demonstrates that you believe that you cannot defend your position on it's merits.

And as such is a tacit admission that you are wrong and I am right.

Right. Reagan had a skill set due to his resume. Army Officer, Union President, Governor of the largest state in the Union.

Trump's skill set consists of "Inheriting a lot of money when his dad died" and "beclowning himself on national TV". These are not the skills you need to be president.

And yet at the time lefties like you lied their asses off about Reagan just being a "B list Actor".

The same way you are lying about Trump having no relevant skills.

Continuing to be the world's bitch on trade will not only NOT bring those jobs back, but will continue to lose more and more jobs. Demanding Fairer Trade may bring back those jobs. We do have a lot of leverage.

Of course we do. That leverage is going to the store and buying the stuff that says "Made in USA". That's our leverage. We don't excercise it, but you think letting NaziTrump take away our choices is a plan.

Trade policy is a Government function.

And only a dishonest asshole troll, would call Trump a nazi.

The left has had quite a bit of hyperbole in how they have stated that point also. And as I said before, and as you have implied, you did not find it "clownish" when they did it.

THus your complaint is not valid.

Please name a supposedly "clownish" statement by a major political leader. I think it's the opposite. It was obvious invading Iraq was a bad idea the minute Baghdad fell and we realized Bush had lied his ass off. But folks on the left have said that without waxing romantic about what a swell guy Saddam was.[/QUOTE]

Nice moving of the goal posts.

In doing that you implicitly admitted that you have not found it "clownish" when lefties have said waxed "romantic" about what a "swell guy Saddam was".
And yet at the time lefties like you lied their asses off about Reagan just being a "B list Actor".

The same way you are lying about Trump having no relevant skills.

Has NaziTrump ever guided legislation? Managed a government department? I'm curious what "skills" he has or that you think he has.

That he's run a bunch of businesses that all ended up in bankruptcy due to his bad management. That he's the subject of 3500 lawsuits from people he's cheated?

Trade policy is a Government function.

And only a dishonest asshole troll, would call Trump a nazi.

No, CONSUMER DECISIONS are trade policy. What you all don't seem to get is that the decline of manufacturing and the rise of foreign brands preceeded NAFTA and the WTO and such. Mostly due to the bad decisions made by American companies not to innovate, not focus on quality and pricing.

So your argument is that we force consumers pay more money for an inferior product, and things will work out fine?

Nice moving of the goal posts.

In doing that you implicitly admitted that you have not found it "clownish" when lefties have said waxed "romantic" about what a "swell guy Saddam was".

Except Lefties have never done that. In fact, the go-to response for Iraq apologists have been "But Saddam was a bad man!" (which of course, he was.) I know, I've used it before 2008 when I realized the GOP was full of shit.

Iraq critics have focused on 1) Saddam didn't have the WMD's Bush said he had. 2) The invasion was poorly executed and 3) our mismanagement of the post-invasion situation cost thousands of American and Iraqi lives.

I don't think I ever heard a Leftie say "Saddam was a swell guy who killed terrorists", because that would be a retarded thing to say. I mean, seriously what kind of retard would say that?

And yet at the time lefties like you lied their asses off about Reagan just being a "B list Actor".

The same way you are lying about Trump having no relevant skills.

Has NaziTrump ever guided legislation? Managed a government department? I'm curious what "skills" he has or that you think he has.

Only an asshole troll would call Trump a nazi.

That he's run a bunch of businesses that all ended up in bankruptcy due to his bad management. That he's the subject of 3500 lawsuits from people he's cheated?

Very few of the hundreds of businesses that he has run have ended in bankruptcy.

Your media is lying to you.

Lots of executive experience, great communication and persuasion skills and a back ground in Business and economics.

Trade policy is a Government function.

And only a dishonest asshole troll, would call Trump a nazi.

No, CONSUMER DECISIONS are trade policy.

No, they are not. That is a silly thing to say.

What you all don't seem to get is that the decline of manufacturing and the rise of foreign brands preceeded NAFTA and the WTO and such. Mostly due to the bad decisions made by American companies not to innovate, not focus on quality and pricing.

The mismanagement of American business is a valid point.

ONe that was raised decades ago.

The way it was supposed to work, was that competition would force American business to focus on quality and innovate and pricing.

ANd then become more competitive.

But that policy has failed.

and even in fields where we have been very innovative, such as computers, our rivals are undercutting US on price and our business leaders are outsourcing and importing cheap labor.


So your argument is that we force consumers pay more money for an inferior product, and things will work out fine?

My argument is that we need to stop letting other nations screw up with unfair trade.

Nice moving of the goal posts.

In doing that you implicitly admitted that you have not found it "clownish" when lefties have said waxed "romantic" about what a "swell guy Saddam was".

Except Lefties have never done that. In fact, the go-to response for Iraq apologists have been "But Saddam was a bad man!" (which of course, he was.) I know, I've used it before 2008 when I realized the GOP was full of shit.

Iraq critics have focused on 1) Saddam didn't have the WMD's Bush said he had. 2) The invasion was poorly executed and 3) our mismanagement of the post-invasion situation cost thousands of American and Iraqi lives.

I don't think I ever heard a Leftie say "Saddam was a swell guy who killed terrorists", because that would be a retarded thing to say. I mean, seriously what kind of retard would say that?....[/QUOTE]

Trump actually did NOT say that Saddam was a "swell guy".

He said he "bad guy" who "killed terrorists".

Your complaints about Iraq sound very much like what Trump has been saying.
Very few of the hundreds of businesses that he has run have ended in bankruptcy.

Your media is lying to you.

Lots of executive experience, great communication and persuasion skills and a back ground in Business and economics.

Hundreds of businesses? Really? The guy is the subject of thousands of lawsuits.

Trump actually did NOT say that Saddam was a "swell guy".

He said he "bad guy" who "killed terrorists".

Your complaints about Iraq sound very much like what Trump has been saying.

Yeah, but I can say them without sounding like a Nazi.
Very few of the hundreds of businesses that he has run have ended in bankruptcy.

Your media is lying to you.

Lots of executive experience, great communication and persuasion skills and a back ground in Business and economics.

Hundreds of businesses? Really? The guy is the subject of thousands of lawsuits.

And just 4 or 5 bankruptcies.

A couple of comments ago, the fact that "all his businesses" went bankrupt was a reason for him to NOT be President.

Now that you have been informed that the vast majority of his businesses did NOT go bankrupt, is that a reason for him to BE president?

Rhetorical question: I know such intellectual honestly is beyond any liberal.

Trump actually did NOT say that Saddam was a "swell guy".

He said he "bad guy" who "killed terrorists".

Your complaints about Iraq sound very much like what Trump has been saying.

Yeah, but I can say them without sounding like a Nazi.

No, you can't.

Not if you have a mob of dishonest asshole godwin smear artists following your around constantly lying and smearing you.

That's the point of smear campaigns. To make people look bad regardless of whether it is true or not.

Your not knowing this is proof that are a liar or a moron.

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