Trump Just Walked Back His Statement About Bush and Iraq


Clinton lied in a legal proceeding while under oath, any regular citizen would have been punished much more harshly. No one is supposed to be above the law, but I guess you think otherwise.

Please point out a case where someone was "punished" for lying about a consensual sex act in court.

Come on, dude, it shouldn't be any problem for you to find a case where someone was "punished harshly" for doing what Clinton did.

(Hopefully, this will go better than your attempts to find an example of Obama being decisive other than, "He said shooting unarmed black children was a bad thing.")
What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
go get a bj and calm down
Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

There were only 45 Democratic Senator at the time. The vote never got close to the two thirds need to convict and remove him from office. What a waste of tax payer money that was. For what? Two consenting adult had sex and lied about it. Holy shit stop the press.

Clinton lied in a legal proceeding while under oath, any regular citizen would have been punished much more harshly. No one is supposed to be above the law, but I guess you think otherwise.

It was a senseless years long witch hunt from the beginning after having found no evidence of corruption in the original case led by a man who had just as much a libertine lifestyle as President Clinton. But as you or someone pointed out, he did pay a price. It simply didn't rise to the standard to remove him from office. They had their trial, get over it.
What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
go get a bj and calm down

What, you offering? You first need my wifes permission.
Joe, Post #237:
JB: "No, he treated a politically motivated lawsuit with the contempt it deserved."

** Hillary claims ALL ACCUSATIONS made by women regarding Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Rape are to be taken SERIOUSLY. Thanks for demonstrating that you are as serious about that as HILLARY and SLICK WILLY dave done / do!

Joe, Post #237:
JB: "He was given a slap on the wrist for a technical violation."

** Translation: I admit Bill Clinton was found in CONTEMPT OF COURT for his LACK OF ETHICS, but I am going to try to spin it by claiming being DISBARRED from Practicing Law is a 'slap on the wrist' and somehow means it wasn't that big of a deal. (That's part of the problem with Liberals like Obama and Hillary -- they think breaking the law isn't that big od a deal!)

Joe, Post #237:
JB: "You are leaving out a couple of key bits of information there, such as..."

*** Bill Clinton and his Attorneys PAID his victim off! Approx $80,000 was given to her to go away. After sexually harassing her he and his woman-bashing wife verbally attacked her by claiming she was the result of 'dragging a $1 bill through a trailer park'....but in the end his deviant actions cost a helluva lot more than a dollar!

Joe, Post #237:
JB: "No, an appropriate impeachment would have been"

** Oh, so in an attempt to weasel your way out of the fact that he was IMPEACHED by the House you seek to say it 'does not count' because it does not meet your 'standard', because the Liberals were short on ethics and sought to protect Clinton rather than do the right thing. :p Good luck with that. It has already gone into the books as Clinton being IMPEACHED in the House. I do not remember seeing an asterisk beside it saying it doesn't really count because YOU said so.

I guess that means the ACA should not REALLY be considered a law because it did not meet those same 'bi-partisan standards' you seek to apply to Clinton's IMPEACHMENT in the House.

It was a senseless years long witch hunt from the beginning after having found no evidence of corruption in the original case led by a man who had just as much a libertine lifestyle as President Clinton. But as you or someone pointed out, he did pay a price. It simply didn't rise to the standard to remove him from office. They had their trial, get over it.
1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.
1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.
1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.
1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.
He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.
He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary.
No, guy, I have what you lack- a sense of perspective.

You see, back in 1999, I was one of your right wing assholes who screamed "IMPEACH CLINTON".

Today, I realize, I had a pretty good life when Clinton was in charge. My properties were worth a lot of money, my debts were low, my pay was good. But I talked about "Subornation of perjury" like that was a real thing, as opposed to a couple of people who just didn't want to talk about their private life.

Then your boy Bush came along and gave us wars, recessions, muffed responses to disasters, and I realized how fucked up things can truly get when you people DO get your way on stuff.

Spoken like a true Liberal-1st ignorant partisan.
- Hillary and Liberals argued for the war and voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war...and afterwards, like with everything else, they seek to be absolved of any accountability.

- Liberals like you claim the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years and the recession began THEN...but - again - seek to avoid any accountability for it. The Liberals took over both the House and Senate, 5 seats shy of a Super majority. THEY controlled the budget, THEY controlled the spending, and THEY controlled the economy. The economy Obama claims he 'inherited' came from the Democrats controlling the economy the last 2 years before he took over, not Bush!

- Muffed responses to disasters? After 9/11/01 there was not another successful terrorist attack on US soil his entire Presidency. Obama has allowed 4 -5. There were some he could have stopped and refused/failed to do so. He even abetted one terrorist by giving them a visa and ushering them right on in to kill Americans WHILE he touted his infallible 'background check system' and while MOCKING American concerns for our national security and protection!

He has taken this nation to war on his own - without Congressional approval to do so - and has used our military to aid the PERPETRATORS OF 9/11/01 take over their own country!

He armed Mexican Drug Cartels, allowing them to murder over 500 citizens, to include 2 American citizens, with those weapons.

He has supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS.

He threatened to unleash his DOJ on any American who exercises their 1st Amendment Right by saying anything bad about Islamic Extremists.

He has declared to the world, almost apologetically to terrorists / extremists as he once again falsely blamed a video for 9/11/12, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam!"

He and his SoS HIRED AL QAEIDA to protect a US Ambassador, gambled with the Ambassador's life by leaving him in Benghazi - despite the threats that caused every other country to pull their people out - because he sought to protect his re-election year LIE that Al Qaeida was 'on the run' and the War on Terror' was over...HE AND HILLARY NEEDLESSLY GOT 4 AMERICANS KILLED TO PROTECT HIS POLITICAL LIE!

What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
go get a bj and calm down

What, you offering? You first need my wifes permission.
you name the price ,,,,go see trump and post a picture
No, guy, I have what you lack- a sense of perspective.

You see, back in 1999, I was one of your right wing assholes who screamed "IMPEACH CLINTON".

Today, I realize, I had a pretty good life when Clinton was in charge. My properties were worth a lot of money, my debts were low, my pay was good. But I talked about "Subornation of perjury" like that was a real thing, as opposed to a couple of people who just didn't want to talk about their private life.

Then your boy Bush came along and gave us wars, recessions, muffed responses to disasters, and I realized how fucked up things can truly get when you people DO get your way on stuff.

Spoken like a true Liberal-1st ignorant partisan.
- Hillary and Liberals argued for the war and voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war...and afterwards, like with everything else, they seek to be absolved of any accountability.

- Liberals like you claim the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years and the recession began THEN...but - again - seek to avoid any accountability for it. The Liberals took over both the House and Senate, 5 seats shy of a Super majority. THEY controlled the budget, THEY controlled the spending, and THEY controlled the economy. The economy Obama claims he 'inherited' came from the Democrats controlling the economy the last 2 years before he took over, not Bush!

- Muffed responses to disasters? After 9/11/01 there was not another successful terrorist attack on US soil his entire Presidency. Obama has allowed 4 -5. There were some he could have stopped and refused/failed to do so. He even abetted one terrorist by giving them a visa and ushering them right on in to kill Americans WHILE he touted his infallible 'background check system' and while MOCKING American concerns for our national security and protection!

He has taken this nation to war on his own - without Congressional approval to do so - and has used our military to aid the PERPETRATORS OF 9/11/01 take over their own country!

He armed Mexican Drug Cartels, allowing them to murder over 500 citizens, to include 2 American citizens, with those weapons.

He has supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS.

He threatened to unleash his DOJ on any American who exercises their 1st Amendment Right by saying anything bad about Islamic Extremists.

He has declared to the world, almost apologetically to terrorists / extremists as he once again falsely blamed a video for 9/11/12, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam!"

He and his SoS HIRED AL QAEIDA to protect a US Ambassador, gambled with the Ambassador's life by leaving him in Benghazi - despite the threats that caused every other country to pull their people out - because he sought to protect his re-election year LIE that Al Qaeida was 'on the run' and the War on Terror' was over...HE AND HILLARY NEEDLESSLY GOT 4 AMERICANS KILLED TO PROTECT HIS POLITICAL LIE!



You're like the Chatty Cathy doll of GOP propaganda.
What Clinton perjured over is irrelevant, the fact is a sitting president committed perjury and was allowed to go on his merry way. Also the fact that they couldn't get 12-14 regressives to put their constitutional duties over party just proves my point.

I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
go get a bj and calm down

What, you offering? You first need my wifes permission.
you name the price ,,,,go see trump and post a picture

Was that a yes or a no?
I should also point out 10 REPUBLICANS, including Fred Thompson, voted against convicting Clinton for the dreaded "lie about a blow job"... but you guys keep leaving that part out.

God, you're one pathetic MF. The man committed perjury and I offer nothing but disdain for anyone who voted to acquit. Your pathetic attitude just says you think people you favor are above the law.
go get a bj and calm down

What, you offering? You first need my wifes permission.
you name the price ,,,,go see trump and post a picture

Was that a yes or a no?
if you're double jointed you don't need help
Spoken like a true Liberal-1st ignorant partisan.
- Hillary and Liberals argued for the war and voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war...and afterwards, like with everything else, they seek to be absolved of any accountability.

Once again, if Loan you my car and you use to run over a bunch of nuns and orphans, that's still on you. Hillary didn't go to war with Saddam over the objections of the UN. Bush did.

** Hillary claims ALL ACCUSATIONS made by women regarding Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, and Rape are to be taken SERIOUSLY. Thanks for demonstrating that you are as serious about that as HILLARY and SLICK WILLY dave done / do!

I think everyone took Paula Jones seriously, until it was pretty clear she was lying, got key facts wrong, and refused to negotiate in good faith. Obviously, you don't seem to understand the difference between "take seriously" and "Treat as absolute truth in the face of massive contrary evidence."

** Translation: I admit Bill Clinton was found in CONTEMPT OF COURT for his LACK OF ETHICS, but I am going to try to spin it by claiming being DISBARRED from Practicing Law is a 'slap on the wrist' and somehow means it wasn't that big of a deal. (That's part of the problem with Liberals like Obama and Hillary -- they think breaking the law isn't that big od a deal!)

Bill Clinton hadn't practiced law in 20+ Years before he left office and hasn't practiced it since even though he can get his law license back. Maybe they should stamp his meal card No Dessert.

*** Bill Clinton and his Attorneys PAID his victim off! Approx $80,000 was given to her to go away. After sexually harassing her he and his woman-bashing wife verbally attacked her by claiming she was the result of 'dragging a $1 bill through a trailer park'....but in the end his deviant actions cost a helluva lot more than a dollar!

Actually, it was Carville who was the source of the "$100 bill though a trailer park", which describes Paula Jones perfectly. When she found she didn't get the 2.5 million payday the hucksters who used her promised, she promptly took off her clothes for Playboy and let Tonya Harding beat her up for money. Really classy.

** Oh, so in an attempt to weasel your way out of the fact that he was IMPEACHED by the House you seek to say it 'does not count' because it does not meet your 'standard', because the Liberals were short on ethics and sought to protect Clinton rather than do the right thing. :p Good luck with that. It has already gone into the books as Clinton being IMPEACHED in the House. I do not remember seeing an asterisk beside it saying it doesn't really count because YOU said so.

It doesn't count because the Senate slapped that shit down as quickly as they could. Again TEN REPUBLICANS voted against conviciton in the Senate, including Fred Thompson.

1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.
1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.
1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.
1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.
He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.
He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary.

And today, they just dismissed bullshit charges against Rick Perry. Using the legal system to acheive what you can't do at the ballot box has issues for both sides. Just ask Scooter Libby, Scott Walker or Rick Perry.

- Muffed responses to disasters? After 9/11/01 there was not another successful terrorist attack on US soil his entire Presidency. Obama has allowed 4 -5. There were some he could have stopped and refused/failed to do so. He even abetted one terrorist by giving them a visa and ushering them right on in to kill Americans WHILE he touted his infallible 'background check system' and while MOCKING American concerns for our national security and protection!

Uh, guy, all the supposed "Terrorist" incidents were committed by American citizens who happen to be Muslim. (As opposed ot the hundreds of incidents where Christians kill each other in this country.)

He has taken this nation to war on his own - without Congressional approval to do so - and has used our military to aid the PERPETRATORS OF 9/11/01 take over their own country!

Actually, the NATO treaty obligated us to participate in Libya. Sorry. We've been over this.

He armed Mexican Drug Cartels, allowing them to murder over 500 citizens, to include 2 American citizens, with those weapons.

The Gun Industry dumps 250,000 guns a year into Mexico. Mexico has beggged us to crack down, and the NRA blocks every effort. But you go focus on those two guns the ATF was tracking.

He and his SoS HIRED AL QAEIDA to protect a US Ambassador, gambled with the Ambassador's life by leaving him in Benghazi - despite the threats that caused every other country to pull their people out - because he sought to protect his re-election year LIE that Al Qaeida was 'on the run' and the War on Terror' was over...HE AND HILLARY NEEDLESSLY GOT 4 AMERICANS KILLED TO PROTECT HIS POLITICAL LIE!

Except he wasn't LEFT in Benghazi. He CHOSE TO GO to Benghazi. I know you were home schooled and all, but Benghazi is not the capital of Libya.
I would respond to your post, but it is amazingly long, amazingly inaccurate, and amazingly partisanly trying to cover Hillary's ass from the fact that she not only voted to give bush authorization to go to war she argued FOR doing so.

It also seeks to exempt Hillary from any accountability for her responsibility as Secretary of State, for being so inept and politically partisan that she could not - FAILED TO - run her own agency, for failing to have the ability to make the decision / call required to protect those whose lives for whom she was responsible, for being the ONLY nation's rep to abandon their people to die in Benghazi when everyone else pulled their people out, who denied their Ambassador additional security, stripped him of 14 members of his security detail AFTER 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, for lying about knowing of the requests and then when caught LAUGHING about the murder of a US Ambassador, claiming she thought the hundreds of pleas for his additional security to protect his life was a JOK!

What is a JOKE is Hillary Clinton, her failure to even run an AGENCY that led to the NEEDLESS deaths of 4 Americans, and the attempts by liberals who are SO PARTISAN that they seek to defend such people due solely because of what PARTY they belong to.

Bottom Line: Obama and Hillary's attempt to keep up Obama's re-election CHARADE / LIE about the War on Terror being over and Al Qaeida being on the run was made a higher priority than protecting Stevens' life. SHE got him killed...needlessly!

She said in 2008 that SHE was the woman to call in the WH when shite hit the fan at 2am...and in 2012 she proved when the call did come in she couldn't make the decision that would keep American lives safe...and when they were in jeopardy she was more interested in lying and keeping her ass out of the frying pan.
Obama illegally hands over thousands of guns and grenades to Mexican Drug cartels, resulting in the murders of OVER 500 people, to include 2 US citizens, and you SERIOUSLY try to blame the US gun manufacturing industry for HIS ACTIONS?

:wtf: Can you try any harder to justify Obama's F* UP in Fast and Furious or the fact that so much BLOOD is on HIS hands for authorizing the obviously flawed plan?!
"Actually, the NATO treaty obligated us to participate in Libya. Sorry. We've been over this."


So if NATO calls up and tells a President that they are going to help North Korea take over South Korea, the US President has no choice but to agree and does not have to go to Congress to request authorization to do so?

That is what you're saying. OBAMA dragged the United states into war - USED OUR MILITARY - to help Jihadists who for years had been hiring Islamic extremists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to KILL AMERICANS, to help the PERPETRATORS of 9/11/01 - Al Qaeida, kill Qaddafi and take over Libya. He did NOT go before Congress to try to make any semblance of a case (which he KNEW he would never be able to do) to do so. And you are NOW trying to say that Obama HAD NO CHOICE EXCEPT TO DO SO because we were bound by a NATO treaty to do so, no matter what.

:lmao: Dude, you are SO full of shit! You have just proven there is NOTHING you will not say to try to excuse Obama for his actions!
Uh, guy, all the supposed "Terrorist" incidents were committed by American citizens who happen to be Muslim. (As opposed ot the hundreds of incidents where Christians kill each other in this country.)


"ALL the 'supposed' terrorist incidents..."

You mean like the case of 'workplace violence' at Fort Hood, where Barry could not tell that a guy calling himself the 'Warrior of Islam' who had threatened to behead his fellow officers if they refused to convert to Islam and who screamed 'Allah Akbar' as he gunned down his fellow soldiers, was a terrorist, but instead he just thought the guy had had a bad day?

"...were committed by American citizens"

REALLY? Like the terrorist he and his 'fool-proof' vetting system gave a visa to and allowed to waltz right in and kill 12 Americans in California?!

Yeah, Barry has been REALLY worried about American citizen safety - just before his terrorist visa holder killed those 12 Americans he was MOCKING American citizens over their concern for our national security and their protection!

In the Boston Marathon Bombing Obama was warned about the brothers and even given their names will in advance of the terrorist attack that maimed and killed Americans, the attack he failed to prevent even though he KNEW who the terrorists were. After the attack he KNEW he had F*ed up, which is why he had their faces posted all over the TV with his administration asking for citizens' help identifying them...EVEN THOUGH HE ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!

"I think everyone took Paula Jones seriously, until it was pretty clear she was lying..."


Of course, his eventual paying Jones approx. $80,000 to NOT re-file the law suit and just go away was pretty much a dead give-away, especially after being dis-barred, that he was guilty and wanted to cut his losses and walk away.
1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.
1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.
1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.
1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.
He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.
He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary.

And today .... Rick Perry..... Scooter Libby, Scott Walker or Rick Perry....

What does anything about Perry, Libby, or Walker have to do with the fact that Clinton was:

1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.

1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.

1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.

1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.

He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.

He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary???


They have NOTHING to do with those facts, but you couldn't think of doing anything else but doing the 'Saul Alynski Spin' to distract from the fact that Clinton is a record-setting, history-making dirt bag / sexual deviant.
1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.
1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.
1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.
1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.
He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.
He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary.

And today .... Rick Perry..... Scooter Libby, Scott Walker or Rick Perry....

What does anything about Perry, Libby, or Walker have to do with the fact that Clinton was:

1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.

1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.

1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.

1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.

He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had.

He proved he would do ANYTHING to protect himself and his political career - just like Hillary???


They have NOTHING to do with those facts, but you couldn't think of doing anything else but doing the 'Saul Alynski Spin' to distract from the fact that Clinton is a record-setting, history-making dirt bag / sexual deviant.
and left office with very high approval ratings ,,,compared to the pub moron gwb who slithered out of the wh with close to the record low.......but gwb had something to his credit ,,,,,he created isis
and left office with very high approval ratings

"Yeah, Clinton was the

1st sitting President to be 'dragged into court' and forced to testify.

1st sitting President to be sued for sexual harassment.

1st sitting President to be found in Contempt of Court for his lack of ethics in his attempt to circumvent the law.

1st sitting President to be DISBARRED for his lack of ethics in such a matter.

He violated his oath of office, he sacrificed any ethics and integrity he may have had

...but he had descent poll numbers when he left, so it's all good."


The TRUTH continues to be proven daily by responses like yours, Eddie, and that truth is that the problem is NOT that the DNC's leaders are all criminals and / or scumbags but rather their blindly-partisan 'lemming' followers just don't care.

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