Trump keeps winning~ Two Judges Confirmed This Week

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Count is now 104 judges confirmed.

63 District Court judges

39 Circuit Court judges

2 Supreme Court justices

The two judges confirmed were for the 2nd circuit, the New York circuit!! There will be two more vacancies after June as two judges take senior status. If Trump fills these seats the 2nd circuit will flip to majority Republican appointees!

Have you noticed better rulings from the 9th circuit lately? This is due to Trump appointees. And there are currently three more nominees pending in the Senate (two on the floor, one in committee).

And June is coming. Will Ginsburg retire?.... Perhaps just fade away?
Count is now 104 judges confirmed.

63 District Court judges

39 Circuit Court judges

2 Supreme Court justices

The two judges confirmed were for the 2nd circuit, the New York circuit!! There will be two more vacancies after June as two judges take senior status. If Trump fills these seats the 2nd circuit will flip to majority Republican appointees!

Have you noticed better rulings from the 9th circuit lately? This is due to Trump appointees. And there are currently three more nominees pending in the Senate (two on the floor, one in committee).

And June is coming. Will Ginsburg retire?.... Perhaps just fade away?
Amy Barrett for Ginsburg!


American Restoration: 30% of judges will be Trump picks.

President Trump, who plans to have named 150 federal judges by the end of this year, is on a pace to fill 30% of the bench, a historic legacy being tied to the conservative movement to restore America.

Legal experts said that over his first term, Trump is expected to name some 250 judges to the Supreme Court, district courts, courts of appeals, and the U.S. Court of International Trade. Overall, there are 870 federal judges.

“By the end of this year, the president will have likely nominated/confirmed almost 150 federal judges, including two Supreme Court justices; he may well appoint another justice to the Supreme Court before the close of his first term, as both Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are now in their 80s. Also, in key circuits where the Left formerly dominated, we have a conservative majority,” said Timothy S. Goeglein, vice president for external and government relations at Focus on the Family.

And that, said Goeglein, a former George W. Bush administration official, is sparking a conservative restoration of the Constitution.​

Thank you Cocaine Mitch!

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