Trump kicks Latino news anchor out of his IA press-conference


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
I'm on the road right now, but this is being reported everywhere, for instance, Politico, Wapo, ABC, etc.

Will add many links when I get home.

Jorg Ramos is the best known, most influential Spanish speaking news anchor in Spanish-language television that has any American viewership.

Trump's bouncer physically removed the news anchor.


I'm sure this will sit really well with Latino-Americans...

...looks like Trump has locked up the white supremacist vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
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omg omg , notice the LATINO in the title?

did we EVER see something written like. the former grand wizard of the KKK Democrat, Robert Byrd. blaa blaaa

low down dirty politics is all it is folks

you people on the left are SO empty and Predictable. it's become pathetic you can't run on your candidates or their Policies.
I'm on the road right now, but this is being reported everywhere, for instance, Politico, Wapo, ABC, etc.

Will add many links when I get home.

Jorg Ramos is the best known, most influential Spanish speaking news anchor in Spanish-language television that has any American viewership.

Trump's bouncers physically removed the news anchor.


I'm sure this will sit really well with Latino-Americans...

...looks like Trump has locked up the white supremacist vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I actually saw it myself and let's just say that T-Rump didn't do himself any favors with the press corp by lying to them.

Granted Ramos was refusing to be ignored by T-Rump but he had legitimate questions that T-Rump didn't want to address. That was when he was removed by security and things went downhill from there.

T-Rump then just flat out lied and said that he didn't know who Jorge Ramos was when he has actually named him in his $500 million lawsuit against Univision. :eek:

The other members of the pres corp then asked T-Rump why he wouldn't answer Ramos's questions and that ultimately resulted in T-Rump backing down and allowing Ramos to return.

The exchange that subsequently followed is well worth watching because it was the first time that T-Rump couldn't be his usual bullying and dismissive self because the entire press corp was watching his responses.

Needless to say T-Rump couldn't provide legitimate answers and didn't know that the bulk of the illegal immigrants are arriving by train rather than crossing the border where he wants to waste taxpayer money building his wall.

Overall it was not a good conference for T-Rump IMO and I suspect that his media coverage is going to be more critical in the future and the questions more probing.

Most importantly I believe that the tide has turned and that the press corp won't allow themselves to be intimidated by him any longer.

Going to be interesting to watch how this develops.
Ok, I'm home now. Time for the promised links:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gets tossed out of Donald Trump event

Donald Trump sparred with Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos during a news conference in Iowa on Tuesday, permitting security guards to remove the journalist from his event before allowing him back in and engaging in a sharp back-and-forth on immigration issues.

“You haven’t been called on; go back to Univision,” Trump yelled at Ramos after the anchor repeatedly tried to toss questions to Trump despite not being called on.

Trump Boots Jorge Ramos From Press Conference: 'Go Back To Univision' (VIDEO)

(Video at the link)

More to come... still between business appts.
The reporter was a jerk and not doing his legitimate job as a journalist. Score one for Trump.
I'm on the road right now, but this is being reported everywhere, for instance, Politico, Wapo, ABC, etc.

Will add many links when I get home.

Jorg Ramos is the best known, most influential Spanish speaking news anchor in Spanish-language television that has any American viewership.

Trump's bouncer physically removed the news anchor.


I'm sure this will sit really well with Latino-Americans...

...looks like Trump has locked up the white supremacist vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Per Gallup, the 'favorable/unfavorable' spread among Latinos regarding trump is 51 points. 5 times the next republican candidate.

Luckily for the GOP Latinos are completely unnecessary in the general election. So what could possible go wrong?
I'm on the road right now, but this is being reported everywhere, for instance, Politico, Wapo, ABC, etc.

Will add many links when I get home.

Jorg Ramos is the best known, most influential Spanish speaking news anchor in Spanish-language television that has any American viewership.

Trump's bouncer physically removed the news anchor.


I'm sure this will sit really well with Latino-Americans...

...looks like Trump has locked up the white supremacist vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Jorge Ramos is an radical immigration reform activist. I'd kick him out too... there's nothing objective about him. Good for Trump.
The reporter was a jerk and not doing his legitimate job as a journalist. Score one for Trump.

A reporter asking Trump for specifics on his policy positions?

What an intolerable asshole.
Ok, I'm home now. Time for the promised links:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gets tossed out of Donald Trump event

Donald Trump sparred with Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos during a news conference in Iowa on Tuesday, permitting security guards to remove the journalist from his event before allowing him back in and engaging in a sharp back-and-forth on immigration issues.

“You haven’t been called on; go back to Univision,” Trump yelled at Ramos after the anchor repeatedly tried to toss questions to Trump despite not being called on.

Trump Boots Jorge Ramos From Press Conference: 'Go Back To Univision' (VIDEO)

(Video at the link)

More to come... still between business appts.
This reaffirms the fact that Trump is hostile toward Hispanics and those who question him.
Ok, I'm home now. Time for the promised links:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gets tossed out of Donald Trump event

Donald Trump sparred with Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos during a news conference in Iowa on Tuesday, permitting security guards to remove the journalist from his event before allowing him back in and engaging in a sharp back-and-forth on immigration issues.

“You haven’t been called on; go back to Univision,” Trump yelled at Ramos after the anchor repeatedly tried to toss questions to Trump despite not being called on.

Trump Boots Jorge Ramos From Press Conference: 'Go Back To Univision' (VIDEO)

(Video at the link)

More to come... still between business appts.
This reaffirms the fact that Trump is hostile toward Hispanics and those who question him.

It is also evidence that T-Rump holds grudges and acts on them.
Ramos did not impress me with his line of questioning

First, Trump was right in that Ramos was out of order and butting in

Secondly, when given a second chance, Ramos tried to keep three questions going simultaneously. This left Trump a huge hole to get out of
Ramos did not impress me with his line of questioning

First, Trump was right in that Ramos was out of order and butting in

Secondly, when given a second chance, Ramos tried to keep three questions going simultaneously. This left Trump a huge hole to get out of

T-Rump was deliberately ignoring Ramos which is why the situation occurred.

Secondly Ramos was out of line but it was the only way he could get T-Rump's attention.

The press corp did not like the way T-Rump mishandled the situation and lied to them.

That is going to go badly for T-Rump in the future IMO.
Ok, I'm home now. Time for the promised links:

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gets tossed out of Donald Trump event

Donald Trump sparred with Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos during a news conference in Iowa on Tuesday, permitting security guards to remove the journalist from his event before allowing him back in and engaging in a sharp back-and-forth on immigration issues.

“You haven’t been called on; go back to Univision,” Trump yelled at Ramos after the anchor repeatedly tried to toss questions to Trump despite not being called on.

Trump Boots Jorge Ramos From Press Conference: 'Go Back To Univision' (VIDEO)

(Video at the link)

More to come... still between business appts.
This reaffirms the fact that Trump is hostile toward Hispanics and those who question him.

It is also evidence that T-Rump holds grudges and acts on them.

And his behavior rubs off on others.

A Trumpite who was there then told US-Citizen Jorge Ramos to "get out of my country":

These are the kind of white supremacists and zenophobes that Trump is attracting. Just because Jorge Ramos is dark-skinned, that rude man assumed that he was not an American.

That is just plain old sad.
I'm on the road right now, but this is being reported everywhere, for instance, Politico, Wapo, ABC, etc.

Will add many links when I get home.

Jorg Ramos is the best known, most influential Spanish speaking news anchor in Spanish-language television that has any American viewership.

Trump's bouncer physically removed the news anchor.


I'm sure this will sit really well with Latino-Americans...

...looks like Trump has locked up the white supremacist vote.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Did you mention that Ramos's daughter works for Hillary?

let me recheck your OP


Still not there
Odd that no one seems to bring up Trump's connection to the Drug Cartels. He appears to admit in public to knowing a lot of them personally.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Something Odorless, Colorless, and Nameless, Not even found in Torah(?): Many contenders for GOP nomination, maybe know a lot about(?)! Many maybe find copies in museums, where they belong--near the Egyptian Imperial mummies, who maybe knew about their version of reservations.)

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