Trump kills innocent civilians should be impeached.

Except he did kill way more civilians than Biden and they didn't try to impeach him over it. The old Republicans knew this. The Neo-GOP pretend they don't.

"Former President Donald Trump released a statement condemning President Joe Biden after the military admitted it killed 10 Afghan civilians in a late August drone strike. However, civilian deaths from U.S.-led airstrikes in Afghanistan increased by 330 percent during the Trump administration.

"The number of civilians killed by international airstrikes increased about 330 percent from 2016, the last full year of the Obama Administration, to 2019, the most recent year for which there is complete data from the United Nations," a December 2020 report from the Costs of War Project at Brown University explained.

In 2019 alone, more than 700 civilians were killed in Afghanistan by airstrikes. The report explained that this was more than "in any other year since the beginning of the war in 2001 and 2002."

You vile fascist vermin are such shameless liar;

{"The number of civilians killed by international airstrikes increased about 330 percent from 2016,}

Airstrikes? Not drone strikes? ????

Oh that's right, Trump reduced our forces to 2500 total in the country. It was Afghani's in planes, not drones?

International? Of course, it wasn't Americans - it was Afghanis.
Fuck you mother fucker. You're the only one lying here. I'll EASILY prove you're a fucking democrat pansy who was all uptight and worried about the attack.

In the following post you were all worried about what the Iranian people thought of what Trump did. Fucking pansy. You never once said "It sure was nice to take out someone who was responsible for so many American lives." No you're a fucking liberal who is only worried about people liking us. FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. You kill a thousand Americans and we blow your ass to bits and FUCK you and your feelings.

And in this post you were even calling killing that son of a bitch "attacking their country and threatening their culture" as if this murderous terrorist was a representation of Iranian people as a whole or Iranian culture. God damn you're a stupid mother fucker. You even said that killing this son of a fucking bitch would embolden the Iranian people against the US. Just like everything else about you, you're wrong about that too. Just fucking admit it, you're a fucking Biden suck up fuck up. You didn't even fucking believe that the Iranian regime forced people to attend his funeral with the threat of imprisonment or death. You're a fucking libtard that is so fucking clueless to the real world you embarrass yourself with your stupidity every fucking time you post. So just fuck off.

In HappyJoy 's defense - I don't think he actually understands what he posts. He copies and pastes from the fascist hate sites like KOS and CNN.

MSNBC told him he was outraged that a terrorist was killed, so he was.

These are drones, not capable of actual thought.
Fuck you mother fucker. You're the only one lying here. I'll EASILY prove you're a fucking democrat pansy who was all uptight and worried about the attack.

In the following post you were all worried about what the Iranian people thought of what Trump did. Fucking pansy. You never once said "It sure was nice to take out someone who was responsible for so many American lives." No you're a fucking liberal who is only worried about people liking us. FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. You kill a thousand Americans and we blow your ass to bits and FUCK you and your feelings.

And in this post you were even calling killing that son of a bitch "attacking their country and threatening their culture" as if this murderous terrorist was a representation of Iranian people as a whole or Iranian culture. God damn you're a stupid mother fucker. You even said that killing this son of a fucking bitch would embolden the Iranian people against the US. Just like everything else about you, you're wrong about that too. Just fucking admit it, you're a fucking Biden suck up fuck up. You didn't even fucking believe that the Iranian regime forced people to attend his funeral with the threat of imprisonment or death. You're a fucking libtard that is so fucking clueless to the real world you embarrass yourself with your stupidity every fucking time you post. So just fuck off.

Way to mislead. When did I blame Trump for innocent people killed in drone strikes?
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief

If this had happened under Trump's watch, he would have the Pentagon lie about it, cover it up. That's what Trump does.
Did you jerk-offs get upset with Dubya when you heard about Abu Ghraib during the Iraq war?
Did you fuck ups get mad at George when you found out Saddam had NOTHING to do with the 9/11 attacks?
Fuck no.
In HappyJoy 's defense - I don't think he actually understands what he posts. He copies and pastes from the fascist hate sites like KOS and CNN.

MSNBC told him he was outraged that a terrorist was killed, so he was.

These are drones, not capable of actual thought.
I wish you assholes for once in your life would know what you're talking about.

"Definition of fascism

1 : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality"""


Fuck you mother fucker. You're the only one lying here. I'll EASILY prove you're a fucking democrat pansy who was all uptight and worried about the attack.

In the following post you were all worried about what the Iranian people thought of what Trump did. Fucking pansy. You never once said "It sure was nice to take out someone who was responsible for so many American lives." No you're a fucking liberal who is only worried about people liking us. FUCK THAT. I don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. You kill a thousand Americans and we blow your ass to bits and FUCK you and your feelings.

And in this post you were even calling killing that son of a bitch "attacking their country and threatening their culture" as if this murderous terrorist was a representation of Iranian people as a whole or Iranian culture. God damn you're a stupid mother fucker. You even said that killing this son of a fucking bitch would embolden the Iranian people against the US. Just like everything else about you, you're wrong about that too. Just fucking admit it, you're a fucking Biden suck up fuck up. You didn't even fucking believe that the Iranian regime forced people to attend his funeral with the threat of imprisonment or death. You're a fucking libtard that is so fucking clueless to the real world you embarrass yourself with your stupidity every fucking time you post. So just fuck off.

You got waaaaaay too much time on your hands. Waaaaay.
I wish you assholes for once in your life would know what you're talking about.

"Definition of fascism

1 : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality"""


View attachment 543826

Holy shit but you're stupid.

Xi's man says "fuck the SCOTUS, my word is law, and you call Trump a dictator."

Stupid beyond words.

You are literally the Nazi party reborn.

Let's look, shall we dumb fuck?

exalts nation and often race above the individua


Republicans exalt individuals and individualism.

Nazi democrats on the other hand only see people as their race and lump all people of the same skin color together.

centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader

{The New York Times today gently chided Joe Biden for his unprecedented early unilateral governance, which is a clue to how extraordinary it is. In one week, Biden has signed more consequential executive actions than most presidents do in their entire terms. This “is no way to make law,” the Times notes. “A polarized, narrowly divided Congress may offer Mr. Biden little choice but to employ executive actions or see his entire agenda held hostage. These directives, however, are a flawed substitute for legislation.”}

severe economic and social regimentation,

You mean like collectivism, socialism?

and forcible suppression of opposition

You are dumb as all fuck.

It's WHY you're a Nazi
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief
Whether it's killing innocents in politically theatrical drone strikes or trafficking thousands of virus-infected illegals all over the country while exempting them from vaccines or passing bills for abortions on demand with no limits or restrictions, Democrats do not care about the lives of those claim to rule.

The only lives that matter to them are their own.
I wish you assholes for once in your life would know what you're talking about.

"Definition of fascism

1 : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality"""


View attachment 543826
You’re a Holocaust denier so your opinion is irrelevant
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief
Does this mean if I go waste a few brownies I lose my career at Quazars place ?
This would be the mantra from the leftists on this site if Trump did what Biden did.

Instead the likes of Crepitus Dragonlady rightwinger Mac1958 candycorn DrLove surada BlindBoo colfax_m and other partisan Leftists are silent. Crickets….

Why? It was Joe Biden

Hypocrisy 101

Truth over Facts
Buyers Remorse
Embarrassment in Chief

Please stop attributing a motive to anything anyone else does other than yourself. You're neither qualified nor smart enough to speak for any of the rest of us.

Once again, you seek to score political points on the deaths, in a war zone, of innocents. You didn't give a rat's ass about any of the more than 50,000 Afghan civilians who died during this accursed war, but now that Biden is President, suddenly you care passionately about innocents dying.

You're a total piece of shit. From top to bottom.
Please stop attributing a motive to anything anyone else does other than yourself. You're neither qualified nor smart enough to speak for any of the rest of us.

Once again, you seek to score political points on the deaths, in a war zone, of innocents. You didn't give a rat's ass about any of the more than 50,000 Afghan civilians who died during this accursed war, but now that Biden is President, suddenly you care passionately about innocents dying.

You're a total piece of shit. From top to bottom.
Please stop attributing a motive to anything anyone else does other than yourself. You're neither qualified nor smart enough to speak for any of the rest of us.

Once again, you seek to score political points on the deaths, in a war zone, of innocents. You didn't give a rat's ass about any of the more than 50,000 Afghan civilians who died during this accursed war, but now that Biden is President, suddenly you care passionately about innocents dying.

You're a total piece of shit. From top to bottom.

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