Trump Lays Out Executive Action Plan


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
Today, President-elect Donald Trump publish a 2-3 minute video detailing the executive actions he has planned in the first 100 days of his term.

Specific items addressed were:

1) CLEARLY stated that these are executive actions - which means he will use his executive authority to implement these items. (0:51 seconds)

2) Announced his intention to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, and committed to unilateral trade agreements that will benefit the American worker. (1:02)

3) Committed to cancel government restrictions on production of American energy - to include shale oil and clean coal. (1:11)

4) Establish a new policy that for every 1 new regulation published, two old ones must be eliminated (1:29)

5) Direct DoD to define a comprehensive plan to protect against cyber attacks, and other attacks, against vital national infrastructure (1:41)

6) Direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visas that negatively impact the American worker. (1:55)

7) Establish a policy that government executives are banned from lobbying for a period of 5 years after leaving office, and banned lifetime from lobbying for a foreign government. (2:04)


I feel it is necessary to stress these are "executive actions" - things the President can do without Congressional approval or cooperation.

Liberal news outlets have already attacked Trump for ignoring his core campaign promises - such as, Obamacare repeal, the southern Wall, etc., all of which will require Congressional involvement.

Of course, they choose not to address what he actually said, but only what he didn't say.


I also found his method of delivery interesting - using social media to come straight to the American people, rather than releasing it to the mainstream media and allowing them to distort the actual message. Sounds to me like war has been declared.
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I hope it succeeds. Personally I think it'll take more emphasis on math and sciences to get us back to #1. Unfortunately it looks like the money shifters will remain in control.
I hope it succeeds. Personally I think it'll take more emphasis on math and sciences to get us back to #1. Unfortunately it looks like the money shifters will remain in control.

I didn't interpret it as being the only elements of his executive action plan, but rather the first phase (the ones that they've worked out to date).

We'll just see where it all goes.
Didn't see anything in there I didn't like. Or Anything Liberals should object to.
Today, President-elect Donald Trump publish a 2-3 minute video detailing the executive actions he has planned in the first 100 days of his term.

Specific items addressed were:

1) CLEARLY stated that these are executive actions - which means he will use his executive authority to implement these items. (0:51 seconds)

2) Announced his intention to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, and committed to unilateral trade agreements that will benefit the American worker. (1:02)

3) Committed to cancel government restrictions on production of American energy - to include shale oil and clean coal. (1:11)

4) Establish a new policy that for every 1 new regulation published, two old ones must be eliminated (1:29)

5) Direct DoD to define a comprehensive plan to protect against cyber attacks, and other attacks, against vital national infrastructure (1:41)

6) Direct the Department of Labor to investigate all abuses of visas that negatively impact the American worker. (1:55)

7) Establish a policy that government executives are banned from lobbying for a period of 5 years after leaving office, and banned lifetime from lobbying for a foreign government. (2:04)


I feel it is necessary to stress these are "executive actions" - things the President can do without Congressional approval or cooperation.

Liberal news outlets have already attacked Trump for ignoring his core campaign promises - such as, Obamacare repeal, the southern Wall, etc., all of which will require Congressional involvement.

Of course, they choose not to address what he actually said, but only what he didn't say.


I also found his method of delivery interesting - using social media to come straight to the American people, rather than releasing it to the mainstream media and allowing them to distort the actual message. Sounds to me like war has been declared.

I would expect blowbacks, primary from the courts. Some of these actions are going to be in conflict with federal law.

It appears from Trump comments, he hopes to reopen TPP negotiations. However, the countries that have signed off on it, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Brunei, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Chile and Peru may not be open to renegotiation and willing to see the US go their own way. This would open the door to China, something the US would not like to see happen. Like most of Trumps deals they involve much risk. In this case, the US is risking participating in the development of trade with the pacific rim countries, containing the most promising emerging markets. If Trump is successful, he may well come up with a better trade deal. If the TPP countries dismiss him, the US stands to loose big time in a very profitable market.
Those of us that supprted him got an e email survey of what was the most imprtant issues.
It was refreshing to have the voices of the people by a newly elected President.
Those of us that supprted him got an e email survey of what was the most imprtant issues.
It was refreshing to have the voices of the people by a newly elected President.
It applies and addresses all of the survey questions.
Number one jobs!
Yay #3! Obama has been stifling Alaska pretty hard, when the Saudi's went after Russian economy we took a serious hit (for the first time in like idk 20 years) hopefully Trump will unleash us and we can recover our economy so the left stops yelling at us about Federal funding. It really irks me that they've got that argument.

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