Trump leading in Wisconson, the media lies will not stop the voters

POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.


Do you think that Mrs. Tuzla Clinton in the WH is the goal of the establishment?
If Trump is the choice of the people, and the GOP nukes Trump off the ballot, then the answer to your question is yes, because the GOP fears Clinton less than Trump who is a billionaire and does not have to play by the crooked party rules that the people are saying no too.
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.



Trump 2016 "Nominate Me Or Else!"

Man, the destruction of the Republicrat Party is a hell of a lot more fun than I thought it would be .... I wonder if the Demopublicans can provide as much comedic value when they finally self immolate.
It's not about republicans or democrats, it is about the choice of the people. If the GOP negates the will of the people they deserve to lose, same with any party. If delegates can choose the nominee, then why should the people bother voting? is the entire system a sham?
With 28% of the vote in, according to CNN Cruz has 53%, Trump 30%, most outlets have already called the election for Cruz.
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.



LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

Hmmmm...seems i've heard"Trump has no chance" somewhere......
And you're going to hear it a lot more. Again, money doesn't lie. As stated, Trump Is the big loser in WI.
. If delegates can choose the nominee, then why should the people bother voting? is the entire system a sham? is the entire system a sham?
*BINGO* .. Alex tell 'em what he's won.

The sooner all the partisan drones figure out that the duopoly is nothing more than a scam designed to exploit the citizenry, the sooner we can get on with the business of healing the Republic.
They polled the people of Wisconsin and they discovered that only about 35% feel that a change is needed.

So of course they voted for establishment candidates.
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.


Bassman got it bassackwards. How embarrassing.

I'm available as a posting advisor, for a small fee. lol
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.

I love this shit! Civil war in the Republican party. Trump is the result of a lot of things but one being the teabag obstructionists of 2008. Republicans miscalculated with all that shutting down government bullshit.

I prefer president trump over a Cruz presidency but I'd prefer to run against Cruz.

Cruz has zero chance of winning. Republicans are going all in on crazy. I freaking love it!
How did Wisconsin work out for you, Vaggie?

How did it work out for Mrs. Tuzla Clinton? Not too badly actually. She was whooped by the crypt keeper and still got almost as many delegates. Quite the system the establishment has created. Why not just crown her and save a lot of money?
Don't like it start your own party. Vote for Cruz over hillary. Or stay home and let Cruz win. If you would do that then your not a very good democrat/American
POLL SHOCK. Donald Trump Leads by 10 Points In Wisconsin. Trump Says He Will Win | RedState Trump is the nominee, there will be no brokered convention, because if the GOP does not nominate him they can not win and will be putting Hillary in the white house as Trump will run as an independent that will aid Hillary. If this happens blame the GOP, not Trump. The people are already wise to the media lies that have put Crudz in the lead.


Well that poll was incorrect, but that will not stop Trump supporters from still making asinine claims...

The Convention will be brokered and Trump and Cruz will not be the nominee...

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