Trump leading in Wisconson, the media lies will not stop the voters

LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

hang around so you can eat those words tomorrow.
nom nom nom nom...

How did Wisconsin work out for you, Vaggie?

Worked out just fine, my #2 guy won! How did that lying, corrupt, criminal, murderer Hillary work out for you, carpet muncher? Bernie burned that lesbians ass!

It's good to know that you will have no problem with "your guy" coming in 2nd place in November. :D

Or you watch that old, white, socialist beating the shit out of that c*unt, what is it now, the last EIGHT primaries!!! :ahole-1:
Trump trails by 10, not leads by 10. Betting odds have Cruz at 90% chance of winning Wisconsin. Follow the money, not some one-off poll that fits your wishes.
The media is lying, as no one wants Trump to be able to run and win the general election. Except for real Americans, like you will never be. We will know by this time tomorrow, and if Cruzzy wins, then Hillary is the next President.

I say this as a non-American, watching through the lens of public broadcasting in another country:

The rest of the world is standing by appalled that anyone is even considering voting for Donald Trump. We thought it a cosmic joke at the beginning, but everything out of his mouth is ignorant, ill-considered, disrespectful, and foul. He lies endlessly, and his proposals won't work. His incitement of his supporters to violence at his rallies is disgusting.

He cannot build a wall, nor can he force Mexico to pay for it. He cannot tear up NAFTA and other signed trade agreements. He lies to you about endlessly. That you would even consider voting for this demagogue is frightening.
Trump trails by 10, not leads by 10. Betting odds have Cruz at 90% chance of winning Wisconsin. Follow the money, not some one-off poll that fits your wishes.
The media is lying, as no one wants Trump to be able to run and win the general election. Except for real Americans, like you will never be. We will know by this time tomorrow, and if Cruzzy wins, then Hillary is the next President.

I say this as a non-American, watching through the lens of public broadcasting in another country:

The rest of the world is standing by appalled that anyone is even considering voting for Donald Trump. We thought it a cosmic joke at the beginning, but everything out of his mouth is ignorant, ill-considered, disrespectful, and foul. He lies endlessly, and his proposals won't work. His incitement of his supporters to violence at his rallies is disgusting.

He cannot build a wall, nor can he force Mexico to pay for it. He cannot tear up NAFTA and other signed trade agreements. He lies to you about endlessly. That you would even consider voting for this demagogue is frightening.
That's President Trump to you.
Go suck Trudeau's dick.
His father would be jealous.
The rest of the world is standing by appalled that anyone is even considering voting for Donald Trump. We thought it a cosmic joke at the beginning, but everything out of his mouth is ignorant, ill-considered, disrespectful, and foul. He lies endlessly, and his proposals won't work. His incitement of his supporters to violence at his rallies is disgusting.

The rest of the world needs to stop and take a look at the assholes they've been putting into power over the years and stop being "appalled" by what anybody else is doing. Was it the U.S. that put people like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Benito Mussolini or any of the other cast of characters in the rogues gallery of nutcases into power?

Yeah Trump's an asshole but he's our asshole and the "rest of the world" needs to learn to stay out of what we decide to do with our assholes and worry about what to do with their own.
The rest of the world is standing by appalled that anyone is even considering voting for Donald Trump. We thought it a cosmic joke at the beginning, but everything out of his mouth is ignorant, ill-considered, disrespectful, and foul. He lies endlessly, and his proposals won't work. His incitement of his supporters to violence at his rallies is disgusting.

The rest of the world needs to stop and take a look at the assholes they've been putting into power over the years and stop being "appalled" by what anybody else is doing. Was it the U.S. that put people like Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Benito Mussolini or any of the other cast of characters in the rogues gallery of nutcases into power?

Yeah Trump's an asshole but he's our asshole and the "rest of the world" needs to learn to stay out of what we decide to do with our assholes and worry about what to do with their own.

well said, it not for the USA, all of Europe would be speaking German today. If those ingrates want us to continue to protect them they better get their checkbooks ready.
LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

hang around so you can eat those words tomorrow.
nom nom nom nom...


enjoy it while you can. are you also celebrating Bernie's win?
LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

hang around so you can eat those words tomorrow.
nom nom nom nom...


enjoy it while you can. are you also celebrating Bernie's win?
You just can't stop yourself from making a fool of yourself, can you.

I am a John Kasich supporter. Since before he even announced he was running. And I have made that abundantly plain many times on this forum.

Stop listening to the obviously erroneous voices in your head and open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.
LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

hang around so you can eat those words tomorrow.
nom nom nom nom...


enjoy it while you can. are you also celebrating Bernie's win?
You just can't stop yourself from making a fool of yourself, can you.

I am a John Kasich supporter. Since before he even announced he was running. And I have made that abundantly plain many times on this forum.

Stop listening to the obviously erroneous voices in your head and open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

I also liked Kasich early on, but his recent moves and statements have turned me off. He is counting on a screwed up convention that will ignore the primary voters, that makes him one of the establishment.

However, if he pulls it off, I will vote for him. We must keep Hillary out of the whitehouse, if we fail to do that nothing else matters, the USA as a free democratic republic will be over.
How did Wisconsin work out for you, Vaggie?

Worked out just fine, my #2 guy won! How did that lying, corrupt, criminal, murderer Hillary work out for you, carpet muncher? Bernie burned that lesbians ass!

It's good to know that you will have no problem with "your guy" coming in 2nd place in November. :D

Or you watch that old, white, socialist beating the shit out of that c*unt, what is it now, the last EIGHT primaries!!! :ahole-1:
Yes I was Great! :clap:

But with your terms for women, I cannot understand why RWrs get such a bad rap with women. It's very odd.
How did Wisconsin work out for you, Vaggie?

Worked out just fine, my #2 guy won! How did that lying, corrupt, criminal, murderer Hillary work out for you, carpet muncher? Bernie burned that lesbians ass!

It's good to know that you will have no problem with "your guy" coming in 2nd place in November. :D

Or you watch that old, white, socialist beating the shit out of that c*unt, what is it now, the last EIGHT primaries!!! :ahole-1:
Yes I was Great! :clap:

But with your terms for women, I cannot understand why RWrs get such a bad rap with women. It's very odd.

I only call you FAG, left wing women C*UNTS, not all women! ,,,And then I don't call you queers names until you START UP with your bullshit!
LOL. You Trumpettes will believe anything. Like I said, look at the betting odds. Trump has no chance in WI, and is falling way behind in California.
You can find a poll to say anything you want, but the money doesn't lie.

hang around so you can eat those words tomorrow.
nom nom nom nom...


enjoy it while you can. are you also celebrating Bernie's win?
You just can't stop yourself from making a fool of yourself, can you.

I am a John Kasich supporter. Since before he even announced he was running. And I have made that abundantly plain many times on this forum.

Stop listening to the obviously erroneous voices in your head and open your eyes, willfully blind monkey.

I also liked Kasich early on, but his recent moves and statements have turned me off. He is counting on a screwed up convention that will ignore the primary voters, that makes him one of the establishment.

However, if he pulls it off, I will vote for him. We must keep Hillary out of the whitehouse, if we fail to do that nothing else matters, the USA as a free democratic republic will be over.

Gee....that sounds serious.

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