Trump leads Bush, Rubio in Florida (GOP nomination polling)


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

1,902 LV, MoE = +/-2.2, internet (email only) poll

Donald Trump 26.1%
Jeb Bush 20.0%
Unsure or Someone Else 15.9%
Scott Walker 12.2%
Marco Rubio 9.7%
Ben Carson 4.5%
Ted Cruz 4.2%
John Kasich 4.1%
Rand Paul 3.3%

Margin: Trump +6.1
That is 4 points outside of the margin of error. He is definitely ahead in Bush's and Rubio's home-state.

Very informative internals:

St Pete polls Trump 2015-07-029.jpg

So, according to the self-identification of the GOP survey group, it is 92% white, 62% male and 81% age 50 and over.

And the breakdown within the breakdown:

St Pete polls Trump 2015-07-029 internals 1.jpg

St Pete polls Trump 2015-07-029 internals 2.jpg

Trump wins the white vote, but loses the minority vote (Black, Latino).
Trump wins among both genders, but more among men, who are definitely overrepresented in this poll.
Trump wins in every age group from 30 up. Bush wins among the younger voters.

Let's compare the demographics of the GOP as represented in this poll with the current demographics of the State of Florida:

Florida QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

St Pete polls compare to state demographics.jpg

The statistics show that the demographics of the Republican Party of Florida are radically different than that statistics of the state itself. The Florida GOP relies almost exclusively on white voters who are 50 and older to win the elections that they win.

And that Latino statistic? The FL GOP is 35% of the Florida electorate at current, so 5.5% of 35% = 1.93%. So, essentially, only 2% of the Florida electorate is comprised of Republican-Latinos. That's it.

The race, gender and age factors in this state explain very quickly why, in state elections in off years or mid-term cycles, the GOP can do well enough to win some very important elections or achieve parity with the DEMS, but in national presidential elections where many, many more people come out to vote, as the fourth largest, soon-to-be the third largest state in the Union, it is having a really hard time getting to 50%, a problem that is only going to get worse for the GOP in the next twelve years when many of the 50 and older crowd die off and the younger voters who are enrolled are more and more minorities. That's not a slam on the FL GOP. It's simple math.

The Hedgehog Report is a REPUBLICAN poll-reporting website, I know the owner. I suppose you could call him a RINO from Maryland, although he seems to espouse very, very conservative opinions. This is how he presented these poll totals at his website last night:

St Pete polls HHR reaction.jpg

I remind, he is a Republican, not a Democrat.

Florida has a huge number of delegates to the RNC and is a pure WTA state in the primaries.
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That's why Trump should be left out of the debates, he's not a serious candidate.

That's what the TV says.
Oh, and let it be known, the Democrat party in Florida totally sucks.

State elections occur during Presidential years, which means that there is no drop off from Presidential years for the state vote. And Republicans totally dominate state politics. I mean totally. They hold every state-wide elected office and two-thirds majorities in both chambers of the legislature.
Oh, and let it be known, the Democrat party in Florida totally sucks.

State elections occur during Presidential years, which means that there is no drop off from Presidential years for the state vote. And Republicans totally dominate state politics. I mean totally. They hold every state-wide elected office and two-thirds majorities in both chambers of the legislature.

Absolutely. The Democratic Party is excellent at shooting itself in the foot in Florida, and this has been so for a long time.
Oh just saw a poll on ZeroHedge. Something about "Hispanics Favor Trump"?

That couldn't be right because Stats polls are NEVER wrong!

Oh just saw a poll on ZeroHedge. Something about "Hispanics Favor Trump"?

That couldn't be right because Stats polls are NEVER wrong!


Uhm, they are not my polls, bud.

I just report them.


And in this state poll, Trump is not winning among the few Republican Hispanics out there...
How could you NOT short stocks when it's controlled by algorythms? It HAS to crash sometime. Plus Gold and Silver has been monkey hammered by selloffs of PAPER not physical.

Trump popular among Hispanics. They must hate Illegal Aliens too!

BREAKING POLL Donald Trump Leads ALL GOP Candidates With Hispanic Voters - The Gateway Pundit

If the numbers jive, and they are talking about national polls, we are talking about Latinos who are members of the Republican Party. The other 80-85% of Latinos do not.

Compare that to a big gulp cup vs. a baby sippy cup.

Hillary's big gulp cup is filled to the brim.
Trumps's little sippy cup is less than one-third full.

Kind of underwhelming, eh?

Yepp, it is very underwhelming.

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