Trump lets 11yr old cut grass at the WH *vid*

I love this story....

WASHINGTON — The National Park Service might be out of a job keeping the White House grounds maintained.

A 10-year-old boy named Frank wrote President Donald Trump to offer his lawn mowing services “at no charge” — and we all know the President loves a good deal.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders read the letter from the White House briefing podium on Wednesday.

“As I mentioned last week, I want to take time to recognize people from around the country that write in and ask the President questions, and today, I wanted to read you a special letter to the President from someone who embodies the enterprising and ambitious spirit of America,” Sanders told reporters.

After a rather testy exchange earlier in the briefing about immigration, Sanders tried to shift gears with the letter from the young man from Falls Church, Virginia, who stated that he had started his own business mowing his neighbors’ lawns.

“Even though I’m only 10, I would like to show the nation what young people like me are ready for,” Frank wrote.

The young entrepreneur even offered to bring extra fuel and batteries for the power mower and weed whacker equipment he uses.

Sanders said she spoke with the President and not only did he want to pass along the message to Frank that he’s “doing a great job,” but he also wanted to invite Frank to the White House to cut the grass in the famous Rose Garden.

Sanders added, “it’s our responsibility to keep the American dream alive for kids like Frank.”


No surprise since the angry orange thinks that he is 10.

I guess that hate keeps you warm at night.
I would have killed to mow the white house lawn when I was a kid!!
I was also cutting grass at that age. Not once did I ever think about writing the president with an offer to cut the WH lawn. lol

Living in Texas the weekly commute was out of my price range.
My dad was transferred to the pentagon when I was that age. I only saw him on weekends because it was a good 2-3hr commute.

Much too far for any WH lawn cutting services. lol
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I would have killed to mow the white house lawn when I was a kid!!
I was also cutting grass at that age. Not once did I ever think about writing the president with an offer to cut the WH lawn. lol

Living in Texas the weekly commute was out of my price range.
My dad was transferred to the pentagon when I was that age. I only saw him on weekends because it was a good 2-3hr commute.

Much too far to offer the WH lawn cutting services. lol

My stepmother was head of the prezes security detail at the white house during the Carter years.
I gotta do all kinds of cool shit! Flew the helicopter simulators at Bolling,if I remember correctly,these were the one's on hydraulics that mimicked your stick and collective input.....I crashed repeatedly.
Back then I didnt realize how disappointed I'd be looking back and knowing the only presidents hand I'd shook was Jimmy's.
The kid thinks he's Forest Gump.

Good for the kid I'm sure he enjoyed it. His brother also wrote a letter, "I have always wanted to captain an aircraft carrier across the Pacific". "Ok, as long as you don't collide with a freighter".
I would have killed to mow the white house lawn when I was a kid!!
I was also cutting grass at that age. Not once did I ever think about writing the president with an offer to cut the WH lawn. lol

Living in Texas the weekly commute was out of my price range.
My dad was transferred to the pentagon when I was that age. I only saw him on weekends because it was a good 2-3hr commute.

Much too far to offer the WH lawn cutting services. lol

My stepmother was head of the prezes security detail at the white house during the Carter years.
I gotta do all kinds of cool shit! Flew the helicopter simulators at Bolling,if I remember correctly,these were the one's on hydraulics that mimicked your stick and collective input.....I crashed repeatedly.
Back then I didnt realize how disappointed I'd be looking back and knowing the only presidents hand I'd shook was Jimmy's.
Sounds like a fun time!

Be glad it wasn't obamas. That would be something I'd never admit to anyone.... even if i was too young to know better.
My specialty at that age was shoveling driveways for a quarter. Sometimes if the snow was deep I would get a whole dollar. Kudos to Frank and to President Trump.


Today, liberals would show up wanting to see your government permit, your government license to shovel snow and then tax 40% of it.
"Trump is such a RAYSSSSSISSSSST! Why did he give this opportunity to a WHITE kid!"

Imagine if the kid had been a Mexican. :biggrin:
What if Trump had given a BLACK kid bragging rights, that he cut the lawn for the President?! Imagine how the libs would run with that!

"Look at our RAYSSSSISSSST" president using that black kid for SLAVE LABOR!"
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I just hope he doesn't ask for advice on how to run a country some day. lol
That was pretty cool, a story he can pass down and someday start a landscaping business on.
The Donald has a young American entrepreneur inspire other young Americans that hard work pays off!

Remember when Barry Hussiane Obama a radical Muslim sympathizer invited that ugly ass Muslim terrorist wannabe who brought an old Radio Shack clock made to look like an obama...I mean a bomb to the public school and then tried to sue the state for discrimination?

The Donald has a young American entrepreneur inspire other young Americans that hard work pays off!

Remember when Barry Hussiane Obama a radical Muslim sympathizer invited that ugly ass Muslim terrorist wannabe who brought an old Radio Shack clock made to look like an obama...I mean a bomb to the public school and then tried to sue the state for discrimination?

If he did it for free it didn't pay off..

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