Trump lied about MS-13

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Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Actually our birth rate sucks so we need immigrants to pay the social security our old folks need to live on when they retire. But we only need immigrants who have education, money, or skills that can be used. We don't need any more welfare recipients.
Except they don’t. They steal from the pot for the old retirees. Dude, it’s the fight .
RWNJs are still at it.

Too damns dumb to simply read the OP, instead they just keep telling the same lie.

MS13 are the worst slime on the planet.

My OP stated trump lied about them originating in another country.

Lie all you want. It won't change those facts.
And no one cares where they originate. Should be clear in the thread eh?
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans

Well MS-13 is from EL Salvador, so why does that make you fear Mexicans?
It has nothing to do with race or country of origin, we fear poverty stricken people coming here and using up all our government handouts. We fear poverty stricken people coming here and bidding down our jobs so that wages no longer pay us enough to live like Americans but force us to live like third worlders instead. What country they come from is immaterial.
We don't need immigrants who are ignorant and have no skills. In fact, we don't need immigrants who do have skills because they will just take jobs from Americans.
For less money
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Actually our birth rate sucks so we need immigrants to pay the social security our old folks need to live on when they retire. But we only need immigrants who have education, money, or skills that can be used. We don't need any more welfare recipients.

Screw that. We have enough people in this country. We don't need anymore. More people means more pollution and more resource consumption and more traffic. Those millenials who voted for politicians who didn't want to do anything about Social Security are just going to have to live with massive tax increases.
--------------------------------------------- and more immigration especially from the third world means more laws and diverse foreigners enforcing the laws . Also means less freedom and freedom of speech as more laws are made to protect foreigners from getting their feelings hurt . Plus unthinking foreigners means bye bye to Gun RIGHTS as many third worlders unite with anti gunners . And Western based laws will be modified to accomadate foreign nonwestern thinking and feelings BPat .
No surprise that he lied about this too. Has he ever told the truth about anything? Finally today, listening to his "animals" and that they're coming 'in record numbers' lie, I decided to post the facts.

No record numbers. Obama deported more than trump so that's another trump lie.

Also, RWs here have posted about MS-13 coming FROM other countries. They're wrong/lied as well.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union | Democracy Now!
Obama's deportation numbers were inflated. Turning back people before they cross the border is not deportation.
High deportation figures are misleading
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Actually our birth rate sucks so we need immigrants to pay the social security our old folks need to live on when they retire. But we only need immigrants who have education, money, or skills that can be used. We don't need any more welfare recipients.

Screw that. We have enough people in this country. We don't need anymore. More people means more pollution and more resource consumption and more traffic. Those millenials who voted for politicians who didn't want to do anything about Social Security are just going to have to live with massive tax increases.

We have enough people in the country? does that mean people should stop having kids? If an immigrant from Mexico comes here through the legal channels, takes the time and pays money to come here when they could have just as easily walked over the border like everyone else, wants to be an American, takes the oath,
Then I don't see any reason why they should not be accepted until they show a reason not to be accepted.
Obama's deportation numbers were inflated. Turning back people before they cross the border is not deportation.

Obama could not muster the votes in congress to give illegals amnesty or change our immigration laws, so he decided to just ignore our immigration laws.
Calm down, little Luddly Neddite. Don’t go getting yourself all worked up for being wrong.
Everyone knows Trump was talking about ms13. :itsok:

Why can't you idiots read?

We would like to thank you for giving us the best campaign strategy democrats can come up with...


Run with it you idiots...
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.

You said, "Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people" and you are calling someone else a liar?
not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Actually our birth rate sucks so we need immigrants to pay the social security our old folks need to live on when they retire. But we only need immigrants who have education, money, or skills that can be used. We don't need any more welfare recipients.

Screw that. We have enough people in this country. We don't need anymore. More people means more pollution and more resource consumption and more traffic. Those millenials who voted for politicians who didn't want to do anything about Social Security are just going to have to live with massive tax increases.

We have enough people in the country? does that mean people should stop having kids? If an immigrant from Mexico comes here through the legal channels, takes the time and pays money to come here when they could have just as easily walked over the border like everyone else, wants to be an American, takes the oath,
Then I don't see any reason why they should not be accepted until they show a reason not to be accepted.
It's real simple: We don't need anymore immigrants. What's good for them isn't the issue. Immigration laws exist for the benefit of Americans, and if we don't believe we benefit by allowing Pedro to immigrate, then we have no reason to do so. End of story.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
It looks to me like you're defending MS-13.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
It looks to me like you're defending MS-13.
It looks like you're defending idiocy, defending it very well.
Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
It looks to me like you're defending MS-13.
It looks like you're defending idiocy, defending it very well.
I'm not defending you.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
Then you shouldn’t defend them.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Says the guy that defends criminals and terrorists like Hamas and MS 13.....not to mention loves violent protests against right wing sir, you are the NAZI/COMMIE
I do not care about Hamas and MS13. You're an idiot. I'm not defending those groups. You are a piece of shit liar, and have no shame.
hey dumbfuck, the people that you love are.....the make excuses for them and try to blame trump and Israel for their bullshit.....sorry but you're a lefty and lefties love them some Hamas and MS 13

That's not defending MS-13. That's attacking Trump for calling all illegal immigrants, "animals." Now while I don't believe he did, many do and that's what they're offended by. But by no means is that defending MS-13.

Do you doubt if they win, and manage to marginalize President TRump, that MS 13 will remain here forever?

THat that is not part of their goal of Amnesty?
MS-13 will remain here even if we deport all of the ones here illegally because many of them are citizens who can't be deported. The best we can do is to lock them up.

Now what does that have to do with you falsely claiming that some are defending MS-13?

It does nothing with my true claim.

If we deport all the one's here illegally and deport the ones that have legal status by revoking their citizenship, gained though lying, and imprison large percentages of their actual citizen members,

we can end them as a group.

That is what the Left is fighting against.
That's moronic. That's like saying let's end all drug use, but when someone points out that's not possible, some idiot accuses that person of defending drug use.

Except that for decades, people who raise the points, or similar points, to yours, their alternative, which they have made national policy for decades, is basically inaction.

NOte even in your analogy, you say nothing like, and instead work realistically to reduce drug use".

Because that has not what we have been doing. We have been doing nothing because doing something is politically hard.

What your pipe dreams miss, is that many of those gang members are natural born citizens, who cannot be deported. And for the ones who became naturalized, there are only a few exceptions allowing for denaturalization. The only ones who could even be considered would have to be naturalized citizens whom the government can prove joined MS-13 within five years of becoming a citizen.

1. THe majority, last I heard, are/were illegals. DEPORT them all, and the gang is vastly weakened, are reduced.

2. The naturalized citizens? I bet that a very good percentage of them were members when they were naturalized, or within that 5 year period. That another massive blow to an already weakened gang (assuming we did/ are doing number 1.

3. IT IS INSANE that that is not the national consensus and is even a matter of debate.

Again, the best solution for those who can't be deported is to lock them up.

And I still have not seen anyone here defending them.

A counter attack is a form of defense.

Attacking Trump, for attacking ms-13, and thus attempting to weaken or stop his attacks on MS 13, is defending MS 13.
Another swing and a miss —no one is attacking Trump for attacking MS-13.
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