Trump lied about MS-13

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Liberals defend gangs like MS-13 because they they think it means more dead white Americans and that's what they want.
The term "Regressive Left" was coined by a liberal Muslim Brit to describe illiberal leftist authoritarians who, desperate to attack, demean and discredit America, will in effect align themselves with the most regressive, murderous, fundamentalist, barbaric groups in the world.

This is just the latest example, the latest illustration of his point. Clear as a bell. Look at all the deflect/pivot/attack tactics used on this thread.

They literally can't help themselves, this is who they are.
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.

Yeah, legal Immigration can be useful when used properly
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.

Yeah, legal Immigration can be useful when used properly
---------------------------- as you Gamble , Guess and Engineer the lives of Americans and their kids with immigration eh Yarddog ??
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.

Yeah, legal Immigration can be useful when used properly
---------------------------- as you Gamble , Guess and Engineer the lives of Americans and their kids with immigration eh Yarddog ??

Well, sure you can see the problems that can occur when just anyone is allowed to come in without going through due process. Legal immigration is another thing.
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
They are ALL the same imo . Many are LEGALS and illegals and are non Western , unAmerican in their thinking and are only looking to eat on a regular basis . See the immigrant that gets to the USA , gets the ability of the vote and some political power and then works for Gun Control in the USA or 'shariah law in the USA as examples YardDog .
The left are defending MS13 gang members again, shocker. You people really are filthy scum.

Yeah I don't know how the left defends these people...except they are useful pawns in their cause....Nazis/commies are so violent and sick
Nazis and Commies sound like your type of people, evil liars like you.
Nope, sorry bro

you guys defend MS 13, we don't. we call them animals and you get offended. Tell the parents of a 14 year old rape/muder victim they are wonderful humans with rights too!
You almost gotta laugh. The angry psychotic left and the angry psychotic fake news media is now in the business of defending gang members who commit beheadings and turn young women into virtual slaves because they hate the President. If one or two MS-13 gang members entered the U.S. last month and five gang members entered the U.S. this month wouldn't the term "record numbers" be accurate? Isn't it time the Washington Post condemns the actions of animals who commit horrific crimes rather than spending time nit picking the President's words?

Okay, I have to believe that you idiots are serious with this and yet, not one of you can post a link to anyone, right or left, who defends these slime.

Including this thread.

Please, just be honest for just a moment. Do you really believe that posting where they started is the same as "defending" them? Do you really believe that?
talk about links....were is that one i asked you to post from page one?....
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.
--------------------------------- aw mexicans , salvadorans or belizians or guats . All third world sh1thole dwellers invading the USA . Not much difference between them is there Siete ??
actually there is.....
No surprise that he lied about this too. Has he ever told the truth about anything? Finally today, listening to his "animals" and that they're coming 'in record numbers' lie, I decided to post the facts.

No record numbers. Obama deported more than trump so that's another trump lie.

Also, RWs here have posted about MS-13 coming FROM other countries. They're wrong/lied as well.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Made in the USA: The Real History of the MS-13 Gang Trump Talked About in State of the Union | Democracy Now!

I see you started celebrating World Whiskey Day two days early.
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

I too do not know where Hondurus lies on the globe.
what?? let me help.....


That's not defending MS-13. That's attacking Trump for calling all illegal immigrants, "animals." Now while I don't believe he did, many do and that's what they're offended by. But by no means is that defending MS-13.
Show me where he called all illegals animals?
Sorry, dumbfuck, I don't entertain rightard delusions. Next time, try reading for comprehension...

Faun: "Now while I don't believe he did..."
great, then make fun of the people that believe he did
Either they are spreading these lies aka the media
or they believe in these bullshit lying sources aka your fellow commies
Making fun of retards on the right keeps me busy enough. I don't have time to do that to those on the left too. That's your job. And based on you challenging me to show you where Trump called illegals, "animal," when I said I didn't believe he did, indicates you suck at that job.
I get it, calling people on the left retarded would take the rest of your life.
Pc language is not warranted here. A retard is a retard regardless of what pc language bullshit id is hanging on him like Downs syndrome or whatever. Abort all retards, along with those who have the Gay gene.
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

I too do not know where Hondurus lies on the globe.
what?? let me help.....

---------------------------- not important is it , just another sh1thole init Siete ??
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans

Well MS-13 is from EL Salvador, so why does that make you fear Mexicans?
It has nothing to do with race or country of origin, we fear poverty stricken people coming here and using up all our government handouts. We fear poverty stricken people coming here and bidding down our jobs so that wages no longer pay us enough to live like Americans but force us to live like third worlders instead. What country they come from is immaterial.
Just another way Trump is trying to get us to fear Mexicans
not all brown people are Mexicans.....most of the MS-13 people are El Salvadorians and Hundurians,Mexican gangs are their rivals....

not to Trump .. all he ever mentions is mexico ,, hes not smart enough to even know where el salvador and hondurus are on a globe.

Yep but true of RWs as well.

Say immigrant and they think Mexico.

sick of his lies about Mexico and the people from there. Very few coming in and we need them more than they need us.
We don't need any more ignorant peasant immigrants. We don't need immigrants at all.
Actually our birth rate sucks so we need immigrants to pay the social security our old folks need to live on when they retire. But we only need immigrants who have education, money, or skills that can be used. We don't need any more welfare recipients.
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