Trump Lies Again That Nancy Pelosi Refused National Guard Help For Jan. 6

Nancy Pelosi has a lot of explaining to do.

Lol, gateway pundits. The fakes fake Chinese owned fake news out there. Hilarious
And now it's coming to light that the Capitol police were involved in the criminal behaviour that took place.

They've turned to fascism at some level at least.

Does anyone really know for sure if the US military is still secured by government?
Nancy Pelosi has a lot of explaining to do.

That bitch needs to have her emails, texts and phone records subpoenaed
This is after all the same woman when trump was president she held back COVID relief funds to Americans in order to gain political power and to hurt trump.

She doesn't care about the people even a little. All that interests her is her own political and financial gain.

Same thing she did blocking Trump's Infrastructure plan. Waited until Fraud Joe usurped The Oval Office to make it look like this fool actually did something.
I’m sure — yes, positive in fact — that the 1/6 committee will be scrupulous now in their “investigation” and call Pelosi to testify.

Am I right?
The Peoples House occupied by many corrupted felons who never will be indicted.
Of course.

But she's in charge of the committee.

The guilty are in charge of the investigation
Hell the guilty created the investigation to cover their own guilt via distraction . It was the huge part of the “Russia Russian” distraction and diversion hoax.
Nancy Pelosi has a lot of explaining to do.

But , But , But . Trump made mean tweets... Democrats lie about everything ...
The folly of this Democrat Soviet Show Trial is laughable!
Just like the FAKE Russia Russia Russia insanity for YEARS.
It is exhausting keeping up with this non logical bullshit.

So much distortion and destruction from the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie LEFT, and they are never held accountable for.

Clown World :rolleyes:
Don't know Alinsky but know bull shit when I hear it. Pelosi does not give orders at the national guard nor the capital police. So bull shit all the way around. Gateway pundit is a joke all around.
she is in charge of security at the Capital ! she refused NG Troops offered by Trump ! that is a fact ! but facts mean nothing to you
And for three hours trump ignored his vice president and tweeted that pence didn't come through. Bring the trump supporters into a rage against freedom and justice.
she is in charge of security at the Capital ! she refused NG Troops offered by Trump ! that is a fact ! but facts mean nothing to you
Nancy Pelisi is not in charge of security of the capital ya dumb fuck. The capital police are. Pelosi is not in the chain of command of the capital police nor is she in the chain of command for the national guard dumbb fuck.
Nancy Pelisi is not in charge of security of the capital ya dumb fuck. The capital police are. Pelosi is not in the chain of command of the capital police nor is she in the chain of command for the national guard dumbb fuck.
shes over the SGT at arms who is in charge of the capital police ! so yes she is the ultimate authority of congressional security ....idiot .
And now it's coming to light that the Capitol police were involved in the criminal behaviour that took place.

They've turned to fascism at some level at least.

Does anyone really know for sure if the US military is still secured by government?

The United States Army has been a tool of the political left since they announced they would refuse Trumps orders to defend against insurrection and rebellion.

They do not get to decide which orders to follow and which to not. If Congress doesn't like the orders they impeach and convict and remove but until and unless that happens, the military follows orders. No, the military is already lost to the left.

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