trump loses another one

Either going to Hagerman for trout...or Declo, on the Snake for Sturgeon. Sturgeon is catch and release..but fun....OTOH..Trout taste good.....the hatchery at Hagerman released a bunch of rainbows a few months ago..might fish some of the ponds.

Grunion..idiot..are on the coast of California..if there still are any out there.

LOL.....goals. You're such an idiot.
So you're not shilling to promote an agenda? I say Bullshit!
I'm not going anywhere. My people have been here for centuries.


You ain't runnin' me out of America, you pussy ass commie turd.

If you do (you'll have to kill me 1st) , you'll get eaten by wild animals.
From your cold dead hands then.
Just declare open season. It'll get handled.
Did you see the black punk who shoved a 68 year old lady down the church steps, fractured her skull, then rummaged through her purse and pockets robbing her. Then after she staggered back to her car dazed the black punk stole her car. It's clear the national guard needs to be called out now in some Dem lawless cities.
Don't recall mentioning seeing combat..but since you ask so nicely. I was a Radioman aboard a Minesweeper from 1968 to 1971. Saw service in the Mekong mostly..also swept for mines off of Yankee and Dixie stations..if that means shit to you. Good thing we didn't see any real our ship was made of wood~

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You reckon wrong, as usual. But in your defense, you'll never see those things from me, so, do carry on.

Lol. Me and my fellow 'shitlords' are terrified. :auiqs.jpg:
That's nice, honey. IDGAF. America is just about tired of your bullshit. Don't say I didn't tell ya so.
Trump will meltdown at the trial, throw a temper tantrum, roll his eyes, run his piehole for the jury, etc. hoping for a mistrial. He'll pull those stunts until the judge has enough of him & has him removed.

A mistrial is the shit gibbon's last shot but it won't work.

The Orange Shit Gibbons Histrionics will not work. The judge will eject him and then put him in a room with a video feed so he watch the trial and yes that is legal MAGA MAGGOTS..
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Did you see the black punk who shoved a 68 year old lady down the church steps, fractured her skull, then rummaged through her purse and pockets robbing her. Then after she staggered back to her car dazed the black punk stole her car. It's clear the national guard needs to be called out now in some Dem lawless cities.
That's a bad day, right there. Poor lady. Hope they catch the thief.
If that happens? I don't care to survive in your shitlord commie perversion of America. No Sir!

I have had the good days, and I'm not going to tolerate your shitlord commie cheat election enslave Americans days.

No. I'll die fighting the bullshit, there's no other choice if people are to be free.

I'll fight for the Traditional America until I can't anymore. To the death for freedom for Americans! Fuck You!

And I'll sleep good at night knowing I did the right thing. Unless I stay up on watch all night looking for leftist shitlords to come creepin' 'round.
For you and others on the fascist right, ‘traditional’ America is a country of fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate.
For you and others on the fascist right, ‘traditional’ America is a country of fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate.
No, shitlord. And there's a lot more freedom for everyone than what you advocate for.

Racial harmony, jobs for everybody, affordable hamburger.

Yeah, things that really matter to Americans.

Decoupling government from business, which is Anti-Fascist, shitlord commie McAssFace.

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