trump loses another one

Because I want to stop commie shitlords from going against The Constitution in MY country?!

I thionk not, commie shill shitlord. :nono:
lol calling people "commies" isnt gonna get you anywhere, boy. You sound desperate. You gonna be reading about the trial or you gonna put your head in the sand?
I'm not making any threats, but you'll see what happens. It's certainly not what your dumbass assumes will.

And you will lose.
Too many dummies and too many cowards among your kind. Imagine constructing an actual unit out of that bunch. LOL!
I certainly can, and it doesn't end well for your type.
hahaha whatever. Your threats are meaningless. Sure there might be one or two rogue nut jobs out there, but they will be put down like the dogs they are if they try any 1/6 business again.
Yeah, a not-so-popular potato that didn't even campaign for the last 3 mos of an election got the most votes ever in America. :rolleyes-41:

If you believe that, you should not be allowed to vote. (that's just an opinion)

But boy, you are not capable of reasoning things out at all.
Trump was despised, that much! Yes, I absolutely believe it! Let alone him being a complete, embarrassing, divisive, asshole, he got an F on his covid response too! I would have been in complete shock, suffered utter disheartenment, if Americans didn't fire him and kick him out in 2020! Seriously! And 81 million other Americans felt the same way!

We live in different worlds of reality, so it seems.... :(
Trump was despised, that much! Yes, I absolutely believe it! Let alone him being a complete, embarrassing, divisive, asshole, he got an F on his covid response too! I would have been in complete shock, suffered utter disheartenment, if Americans didn't fire him and kick him out in 2020! Seriously! And 81 million other Americans felt the same way!

We live in different worlds of reality, so it seems.... :(
Dont feel bad for the little guy I'm sure he only hangs out with fellow red hats, so in his world, all of America loves trump.
If that happens? I don't care to survive in your shitlord commie perversion of America. No Sir!

I have had the good days, and I'm not going to tolerate your shitlord commie cheat election enslave Americans days.

No. I'll die fighting the bullshit, there's no other choice if people are to be free.

I'll fight for the Traditional America until I can't anymore. To the death for freedom for Americans! Fuck You!

And I'll sleep good at night knowing I did the right thing. Unless I stay up on watch all night looking for leftist shitlords to come creepin' 'round.
You're not going to do anything, pussy. Just like last time.
All I know is I'll fight until death for the freedom of America.

Don't care. Others have, and I will too, as much as I can. I'd like to think their sacrifices were not in vain.

Like my cousin. I'm not looking out for #1, I'm looking out for Americans.

America wasn't wasn't founded by pussies not willing to sacrifice anything.
What did you sacrifice last time the election was "stolen"? Nothing. You're not going to do anything, pussy.
What did you sacrifice last time the election was "stolen"? Nothing. You're not going to do anything, pussy.
If anything were to happen, we know the "leaders" would do everything they could to keep their hands clean, letting the rabble take the fall.

"History doesn't repeat, but it does rhyme".
One thing I’ll say, is that it’s useless to threaten violence. Especially on an anonymous platform. Republicans have always rejected violence. Hell, in most all cases we don’t even ’take to the streets’…

Some claim its apathy, others that it’s because we actually have jobs to go to. So, all of this is projection.

Some of my real friends, dem and republicans, (yes I have dem friends) say that the country is already changed. That progressive liberals, who’ve made a mockery of the constitution have already made it irrelevant…

So, what our goal here? Is there one? Or do we just accept a dem socialist model, and decline to Venezuela type misery?

only to be viewed in the future as “a once great nation”? Sad.
Either going to Hagerman for trout...or Declo, on the Snake for Sturgeon. Sturgeon is catch and release..but fun....OTOH..Trout taste good.....the hatchery at Hagerman released a bunch of rainbows a few months ago..might fish some of the ponds.

Grunion..idiot..are on the coast of California..if there still are any out there.

LOL.....goals. You're such an idiot.

He's pretty young.

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