Trump loses EVERY single meaningful legal battle for 4 years


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Donald Trump has made salacious accusations that have ALL BEEN DISPROVEN over the course of his 4 years in office. This newest voter fraud claim is without merit and will fall the way of all these losses.

2016 voter fraud commission disbanded as it was proven wrong.

Obama cleared of spying by Trump’s investigation

Biden cleared of Ukraine accusations by Trump

FBI cleared of wrongdoing investigating Trump

Georgia and Michigan cleared of Trump charges

PA, NV, AZ, PA, MI, WI all cleared of Trump election charges

...that is just a small sample of his legal losses. He never tires of losing.
Trump uses lawsuits to intimidate and delay
He doesn’t care if he wins.

Even when he loses, he refuses to pay

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