Trump Loses His African American

I like how not one single trumper has addressed a word Trump's ex African American said....

It's almost like they don't care about what a black guy says unless he is Trump's own black guy....

What he said is what Democrats have been using as propaganda all along, and need not be addressed due to its lack of veracity.

Perhaps he didn't get the advantage he thought he would.
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump called 'my African American', is leaving the GOP - CNNPolitics

You know one of the main problems with most blacks today is that they are just disloyal, untrustworthy and flat out ungrateful to the people who have helped them the most. Remember during the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American and then quickly gets his rally supporters to avert their attention from him so they call all look at his African American friend, just look at him...he's African American, isn't that awesome??

Well that same guy; "Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour" he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns. I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," said Cheadle. He then said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments. Cheadle said he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Is this guy kidding?? How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks?? Trump lowered black unemployment from over 7% to 5.9% -- the lowest level ever....Sure Obama lowered it from 17% to 7% but he didn't lower it to 5.9% -- which proves Obama is the one against African Americans, not Trump.

This America hating racist traitor went on to say "When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white," Cheadle told PBS. "That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he's thinking that the whites are superior, period." Really Mr. Cheadle?? Maybe there are no other candidates qualified for judge ship who are not white, have you thought about that?? In fact, it was Trump who questioned the qualifications and abilities of a Hispanic federal judge because of his Hispanic descent, he felt they could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly -- and Mr. Cheadle has proven Trump right, because he himself can't be trusted to be a good black.

Now this 62 yr old so-called real estate broker is planning to run for office in 2020 as an independent, give me a break...He is too afraid to admit that he is really a socialist communist libtard -- Trump should be more careful next time when choosing his African americans...
How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks??

Oh my God! This is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.
1800 have been shot this year in Baltimore.. you are a democrat and sit here talking about trump lol
When idiot morons throw out ridiculous statistics like that you know I’m gonna go look it up.

500 people were actually shot and 120 of those died. Far far from your numbers.

Suffocating violence: Despite national trend killings increase in Baltimore through first half of 2019

I was just reading about the thousands of people that died from opioid addiction in Appalachia. In Baltimore you have a lot of people packed together and so naturally you’re going to have heightened tensions. Especially when Republicans want to pass out firearms like candy corn.

But in Appalachia, where people are spread far apart there are still in enormous number of deaths. I was looking at Kentucky and I was shocked at how many died in the state that only had 4 1/2 million people nearly 90% of them being white.

This actually isn’t about the number of people who died. Publicans don’t give a flying fuck. They just wanna use the number of black deaths as a cudgel against Democrats. When you have so many Republicans killing themselves through suicide and opioids.
I propose that white males in Appalachia be officially deemed a privileged group to be backed by the government. Elegable for every dollar and every way to get out of their situation possible. Its more about the laws of quotas and diversity also.
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump called 'my African American', is leaving the GOP - CNNPolitics

You know one of the main problems with most blacks today is that they are just disloyal, untrustworthy and flat out ungrateful to the people who have helped them the most. Remember during the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American and then quickly gets his rally supporters to avert their attention from him so they call all look at his African American friend, just look at him...he's African American, isn't that awesome??

Well that same guy; "Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour" he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns. I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," said Cheadle. He then said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments. Cheadle said he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Is this guy kidding?? How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks?? Trump lowered black unemployment from over 7% to 5.9% -- the lowest level ever....Sure Obama lowered it from 17% to 7% but he didn't lower it to 5.9% -- which proves Obama is the one against African Americans, not Trump.

This America hating racist traitor went on to say "When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white," Cheadle told PBS. "That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he's thinking that the whites are superior, period." Really Mr. Cheadle?? Maybe there are no other candidates qualified for judge ship who are not white, have you thought about that?? In fact, it was Trump who questioned the qualifications and abilities of a Hispanic federal judge because of his Hispanic descent, he felt they could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly -- and Mr. Cheadle has proven Trump right, because he himself can't be trusted to be a good black.

Now this 62 yr old so-called real estate broker is planning to run for office in 2020 as an independent, give me a break...He is too afraid to admit that he is really a socialist communist libtard -- Trump should be more careful next time when choosing his African americans...
How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks??

Oh my God! This is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.
1800 have been shot this year in Baltimore.. you are a democrat and sit here talking about trump lol
When idiot morons throw out ridiculous statistics like that you know I’m gonna go look it up.

I was just reading about the thousands of people that died from opioid addiction in Appalachia. In Baltimore you have a lot of people packed together and so naturally you’re going to have heightened tensions. Especially when Republicans want to pass out firearms like candy corn.

But in Appalachia, where people are spread far apart there are still in enormous number of deaths. I was looking at Kentucky and I was shocked at how many died in the state that only had 4 1/2 million people nearly 90% of them being white.
So 1800 shot is because the live close together? Lol hahahha

Prove the 1800 number or else you’re one stupid fuck. Go ahead prove it.
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump called 'my African American', is leaving the GOP - CNNPolitics

You know one of the main problems with most blacks today is that they are just disloyal, untrustworthy and flat out ungrateful to the people who have helped them the most. Remember during the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American and then quickly gets his rally supporters to avert their attention from him so they call all look at his African American friend, just look at him...he's African American, isn't that awesome??

Well that same guy; "Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour" he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns. I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," said Cheadle. He then said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments. Cheadle said he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Is this guy kidding?? How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks?? Trump lowered black unemployment from over 7% to 5.9% -- the lowest level ever....Sure Obama lowered it from 17% to 7% but he didn't lower it to 5.9% -- which proves Obama is the one against African Americans, not Trump.

This America hating racist traitor went on to say "When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white," Cheadle told PBS. "That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he's thinking that the whites are superior, period." Really Mr. Cheadle?? Maybe there are no other candidates qualified for judge ship who are not white, have you thought about that?? In fact, it was Trump who questioned the qualifications and abilities of a Hispanic federal judge because of his Hispanic descent, he felt they could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly -- and Mr. Cheadle has proven Trump right, because he himself can't be trusted to be a good black.

Now this 62 yr old so-called real estate broker is planning to run for office in 2020 as an independent, give me a break...He is too afraid to admit that he is really a socialist communist libtard -- Trump should be more careful next time when choosing his African americans...
How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks??

Oh my God! This is wrong on so many levels I don’t even know where to begin.
1800 have been shot this year in Baltimore.. you are a democrat and sit here talking about trump lol
When idiot morons throw out ridiculous statistics like that you know I’m gonna go look it up.

I was just reading about the thousands of people that died from opioid addiction in Appalachia. In Baltimore you have a lot of people packed together and so naturally you’re going to have heightened tensions. Especially when Republicans want to pass out firearms like candy corn.

But in Appalachia, where people are spread far apart there are still in enormous number of deaths. I was looking at Kentucky and I was shocked at how many died in the state that only had 4 1/2 million people nearly 90% of them being white.
So 1800 shot is because the live close together? Lol hahahha

Prove the 1800 number or else you’re one stupid fuck. Go ahead prove it.
Baltimore’s violent weekend sees 7 shot -- 2 fatally -- in 16 hours as homicide count reaches 240
Can I say this any clearer:
Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American
And democrats will actually put policies together to OWN BLACKS .. lol trump misspoke .. 1800 blacks shot in democrat run Baltimore.. where is your post about that?

Yes gun violence's is rampant. Most Dem mayors run black large cites because republicans are too stupid.

El Paso is run by an republican and same with Odessa. What about NY city and what about LA.
That’s why blacks in republican run town commit almost no crime lol
Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump called 'my African American', is leaving the GOP - CNNPolitics

You know one of the main problems with most blacks today is that they are just disloyal, untrustworthy and flat out ungrateful to the people who have helped them the most. Remember during the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American and then quickly gets his rally supporters to avert their attention from him so they call all look at his African American friend, just look at him...he's African American, isn't that awesome??

Well that same guy; "Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour" he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns. I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," said Cheadle. He then said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments. Cheadle said he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Is this guy kidding?? How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks?? Trump lowered black unemployment from over 7% to 5.9% -- the lowest level ever....Sure Obama lowered it from 17% to 7% but he didn't lower it to 5.9% -- which proves Obama is the one against African Americans, not Trump.

This America hating racist traitor went on to say "When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white," Cheadle told PBS. "That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he's thinking that the whites are superior, period." Really Mr. Cheadle?? Maybe there are no other candidates qualified for judge ship who are not white, have you thought about that?? In fact, it was Trump who questioned the qualifications and abilities of a Hispanic federal judge because of his Hispanic descent, he felt they could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly -- and Mr. Cheadle has proven Trump right, because he himself can't be trusted to be a good black.

Now this 62 yr old so-called real estate broker is planning to run for office in 2020 as an independent, give me a break...He is too afraid to admit that he is really a socialist communist libtard -- Trump should be more careful next time when choosing his African americans...

Win some, lose some.

Former 'Grey's Anatomy' star Isaiah Washington supports Trump: Democrats are 'not doing enough' for the black community
Well, the apparently underinformed Mr. Washington might want to peek at Trump's 2020 budget and the funding for the First Step law. And how it was democrats who forced the provisions into the law that resulted in the release of those 1000 prisoners. Poor Isaiah....he has been conned by the orange conman....
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Funny that it didn't bother democrats too much when America's crazy uncle referred to then candidate Obama as "a clean and articulate Black guy". It seems that even Black actors can't get a break from left wing hate mongers these days. Actor Isaiah Washington is going public with allegations that he is being blacklisted by Hollywood for his support of President Trump.
Funny that it didn't bother democrats too much when America's crazy uncle referred to then candidate Obama as "a clean and articulate Black guy". It seems that even Black actors can't get a break from left wing hate mongers these days. Actor Isaiah Washington is going public with allegations that he is being blacklisted by Hollywood for his support of President Trump.
Isaiah Washington was fired from his job for using a homophobic slur on a castmate. Now his prospect as being the token black guy for a USMB wingnut is about all he has.
Can I say this any clearer:
Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American
And democrats will actually put policies together to OWN BLACKS .. lol trump misspoke .. 1800 blacks shot in democrat run Baltimore.. where is your post about that?

Yes gun violence's is rampant. Most Dem mayors run black large cites because republicans are too stupid.

El Paso is run by an republican and same with Odessa. What about NY city and what about LA.
That’s why blacks in republican run town commit almost no crime lol

The El Paso shooter was from Allen who has a republican mayor as well as the Odessa and Midland shootings, I think you'd be surprised at the crimes in smaller towns who are run by republicans.

Black very seldom live in small towns and prove your assumptions. Most of the mass shooters are from small towns, but they are not blacks.
Can I say this any clearer:
Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American
And democrats will actually put policies together to OWN BLACKS .. lol trump misspoke .. 1800 blacks shot in democrat run Baltimore.. where is your post about that?

Yes gun violence's is rampant. Most Dem mayors run black large cites because republicans are too stupid.

El Paso is run by an republican and same with Odessa. What about NY city and what about LA.
That’s why blacks in republican run town commit almost no crime lol

The El Paso shooter was from Allen who has a republican mayor as well as the Odessa and Midland shootings, I think you'd be surprised at the crimes in smaller towns who are run by republicans.

Black very seldom live in small towns and prove your assumptions. Most of the mass shooters are from small towns, but they are not blacks.
91% of the mass shootings are done by blacks.. you are beyond racist to ignore like it doesn’t happen
91% of the mass shootings are done by blacks.. you are beyond racist to ignore like it doesn’t happen

Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump called 'my African American', is leaving the GOP - CNNPolitics

You know one of the main problems with most blacks today is that they are just disloyal, untrustworthy and flat out ungrateful to the people who have helped them the most. Remember during the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump would proudly point to the one black guy in his audience as his African American and then quickly gets his rally supporters to avert their attention from him so they call all look at his African American friend, just look at him...he's African American, isn't that awesome??

Well that same guy; "Gregory Cheadle, of California, told "PBS NewsHour" he believes the Republican Party is pursuing a "pro-white" agenda and using black people like him as "political pawns. I'm just sick and tired of the way blacks and other people of color have been treated by this administration and by the GOP," said Cheadle. He then said he has been frustrated with Trump's rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in his administration and judicial appointments. Cheadle said he wouldn't use the term "racist" to describe the President, but said Trump has a "white superiority complex."

Is this guy kidding?? How can you fully support Trump, have the absolute honor of being referred to as his personal African American, then disrespect Trump with these baseless attacks?? Trump lowered black unemployment from over 7% to 5.9% -- the lowest level ever....Sure Obama lowered it from 17% to 7% but he didn't lower it to 5.9% -- which proves Obama is the one against African Americans, not Trump.

This America hating racist traitor went on to say "When you look at his appointments for the bench: White, white, white, white, white, white, white," Cheadle told PBS. "That to me is really damning to everybody else because no one else gets a chance because he's thinking that the whites are superior, period." Really Mr. Cheadle?? Maybe there are no other candidates qualified for judge ship who are not white, have you thought about that?? In fact, it was Trump who questioned the qualifications and abilities of a Hispanic federal judge because of his Hispanic descent, he felt they could not be trusted to adjudicate fairly -- and Mr. Cheadle has proven Trump right, because he himself can't be trusted to be a good black.

Now this 62 yr old so-called real estate broker is planning to run for office in 2020 as an independent, give me a break...He is too afraid to admit that he is really a socialist communist libtard -- Trump should be more careful next time when choosing his African americans...

Win some, lose some.

Former 'Grey's Anatomy' star Isaiah Washington supports Trump: Democrats are 'not doing enough' for the black community
Nothing has changed for the black community in the past 70 years.democrats has defaulted on their promises to give blacks the brass ring
Funny that it didn't bother democrats too much when America's crazy uncle referred to then candidate Obama as "a clean and articulate Black guy". It seems that even Black actors can't get a break from left wing hate mongers these days. Actor Isaiah Washington is going public with allegations that he is being blacklisted by Hollywood for his support of President Trump.
Isaiah Washington was fired from his job for using a homophobic slur on a castmate. Now his prospect as being the token black guy for a USMB wingnut is about all he has.
What did I tell you?

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