Trump made time for "Bridge People" over the holidays


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
"Bridge People" are people he sees on a bridge. So happy to see that he made time to do something really important (outside of playing golf) on the millions taxpayers pay for each of these trips. :rolleyes-41:

In the Trumpian universe, there are three kinds of people: those who pay to play (donors and Mar-a-Lago ticket holders), haters, and “bridge people.” The first two species should be familiar by now, but the latter might be new. “Bridge people” is Trump’s term of art to refer to people he sees on a bridge.

They are not akin to bridge-and-tunnel people—a vestige of a former Trump lifetime—despite what their name suggests. These bridge people live on the bridge. Or under it. Or near it? Whatever the case, a group of them gather on a bridge south of Mar-a-Lago and cheer on the president when he’s in town. They hold signs that say, “Keep on tweeting,” and “Women 4 Trump.” Like all expressions of unmitigated love and adoration, these are messages that Trump seems to really take to—so much so that he whisked 16 bridge people off to Mar-a-Lago for a tour and some complimentary meatballs.

On Saturday, Trump passed by his bridge people (who refer to themselves as the “Trump Squad,” though perhaps they’ll adopt their leader’s preferred moniker from now on). He gave a drive-by thumbs-up and they cheered. Then, without warning, two Secret Service vans pulled up and over a dozen bridge people piled in. Off to Mar-a-Lago they went, where they partook in photo ops with the president and his helicopter before being served light bites, banquet style. This was the second time he’s orchestrated such a visit. He first welcomed the bridge people to the resort in late March.

Trump‘s biggest overpass-based fans seem to agree the president was “nice.” Mary Tulko, who’s from Lake Worth, told the Palm Beach Post, “He was just really nice.” 14-year-old Nicolas Giacalone told The New York Times, “He’s a really nice guy.” Nice!​

President Trump Made Time for the “Bridge People” in the New Year
Must be trolls

No work calls, on New Years Day! Heavens, impeach the man before he stops taking work calls on Christmas Day.

Sadly - Obama he ain't

According to Politifact’s Trump Golf Tracker, the president has already outpaced Obama in the amount of time he spends on the green. As of Dec. 28 in the first year of both men’s presidencies, Trump played golf 84 times to Obama’s 26, at a cost of at least $42,493,519 to taxpayers.
Trump may play more golf than Obama, but at least he has the bridge people over to the house.

I guess flattery will get you everywhere when it comes to this Douchebag of a POTUS.

Perhaps you should become a Bridge Person instead of merely posting your love and devotion here in USMB? :)

Sadly - Obama he ain't

According to Politifact’s Trump Golf Tracker, the president has already outpaced Obama in the amount of time he spends on the green. As of Dec. 28 in the first year of both men’s presidencies, Trump played golf 84 times to Obama’s 26, at a cost of at least $42,493,519 to taxpayers.
When you own your own golf course you play more. Not hard to figure out.

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