Trump making putin mad, approves 200 million in security assistance to Ukraine, obama didn't do that


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
So..... another action that hurts putin...showing that the left wing morons don't have anything that comes close to truth, facts or reality when it comes to President Trump and russia...

Media Will Have A Hard Time Spinning Trump's Latest Move That Hurts Russia

A new move by the Trump administration is likely to upset Moscow and will be difficult for the media to spin as being friendly toward Putin as the Pentagon has reportedly sent more money to arm Ukraine.

"In a move likely to irk Moscow, the Pentagon has released $200M in new security assistance to Ukraine days after the Trump-Putin meeting, according to US & Ukrainian officials," CNN reporter Ryan Browne tweeted. "The funds will go toward counter-artillery radars, vehicles, night vision, comms, & medical equipment."
Ukraine is just another Deep State criminal project. To support her means to support Deep State and genocide inside the country.

WaPo: Italy's Interior Minister and deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini :

Q. You said that Russia had a right to annex Crimea?

A. There was a referendum.

Q. It was a fake referendum.

A. [That is your] point of view. . . . There was a referendum, and 90 percent of the people voted for the return of Crimea to the Russian Federation.

Q. What kind of referendum was it with Russian soldiers there?

A. Compare it to the fake revolution in Ukraine, which was a pseudo-revolution funded by foreign powers — similar to the Arab Spring revolutions. There are some historically Russian zones with Russian culture and traditions which legitimately belong to the Russian Federation.

Perspective | ‘Italy has done a lot — maybe too much’

#Save The World From Ukrainian Idiots
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Trump hasn't done a single thing to upset Russia unless he was forced to.
You know, giving assistance to Ukraine isn't going to piss off Putin. He doesn't need to be concerned, because Trump has managed to piss off all the countries in the UN.
Stratford and 2aguy are dupes, one Russian and the other American.

Trump is throwing money because he fucked up last weekend so badly. Only the best badly.
Stratford and 2aguy are dupes, one Russian and the other American.

Trump is throwing money because he fucked up last weekend so badly. Only the best badly.

Wrong.... he has been sticking his finger in putin's eye since he became President... you asshats have nothing else to throw at Trump so lying about russia is your fall back....

Trump....puts troops in Poland, hurts putin.

Trump pushes American energy production...hurts putin.

Trump building up U.S. military....hurts putin.

Trump increases sanctions against Russian oligarchs...hurts putin.

Trump killed 200 Russian mercenaries working for putin... hurts putin.

Trump gave deadly weapons to Ukraine, to kill Russians.... hurts putin.

Trump told NATO to pay for and rebuild their militaries... hurts putin.

Trump told Germany to stop giving Russia billions of dollars...hurts putin.

Trump attacked Syria after chemical weapons attack...hurts putin.

Trump ended obama Iran deal...hurts putin.

Just gave 200 million more to Ukraine to fight putin.

Media Will Have A Hard Time Spinning Trump's Latest Move That Hurts Russia
U.S. troops head to Russian border in Poland as Trump shifts NATO view
Those allies and friends thought themselves bought and paid for. When the money stopped so did the friendship and alliance.
Trump has already done one of the main things that Putin wanted, the US alienating themselves from allies and the UN.

Demanding that they actually fund their militaries and stop giving putin billions of dollars for energy is alienating us from our allies? If they won't help protect themselves and keep giving money to their main enemy, we aren't the ones doing the alienating...

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