This is approaching Bernie Madoff level fraud

Legal is not fraud.
So are you basically saying that ANYTHING done legally is morally right? In any country?

Wouldn't it depend on your standard of morality?

As long as it is done by a loserterian....Well, they drop all morality. Otherwise, they'll use the full force of the government to stop you from doing what you wish.

ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.
As you stated? who cares what you stated...The establishment of both parties write special, crony, carve out, deals. and they all get rich ..Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:

ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.
Add the value of all the travel and free services paid for by Clinton Foundation (tax free) donations, and the taxes paid by the Clintons are an itsy bitsy teeny weeny fraction of the total.
Bo, these were personal tax returns @ 34+%, not Foundation or Initiative audits. I cannot dispute your claim about travel and free services paid from the Foundation because I don't know. Where do you get your data for this claim? I have seen that the Foundation has an 8% admin expense and 92% initiative funding (pie chart), but I don't recall my source. However if it is important to you, I will find it again. If you choose not to believe it, it would be a waste for both of us.

boe with an "e", s'il vous plait.

The Clinton Foundation used less than 7% of its funding on charities. The rest went to support the Clintons and their vast political and legal retinue. That's a lot of bank.
boe, source? 93% "admin"?

Search engines really are your friends, bub.

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.

The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.

On its 2013 tax forms, the most recent available, the foundation claimed it spent $30 million on payroll and employee benefits; $8.7 million in rent and office expenses; $9.2 million on “conferences, conventions and meetings”; $8 million on fundraising; and nearly $8.5 million on travel. None of the Clintons is on the payroll, but they do enjoy first-class flights paid for by the foundation.

In all, the group reported $84.6 million in “functional expenses” on its 2013 tax return and had more than $64 million left over — money the organization has said represents pledges rather than actual cash on hand.

Some of the tens of millions in administrative costs finance more than 2,000 employees, including aid workers and health professionals around the world.

But that’s still far below the 75 percent rate of spending that nonprofit experts say a good charity should spend on its mission....

Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’ | New York Post
Sorry, boe, I lied.The pie chart I saw said 12% in admin, only 88% in funding. Now I'll check the NYPost source.

Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation | Charity Ratings | America's Most Independent Charity Watchdog | CharityWatch
the only year they have rated. Prior to running for president the Clinton foundation was not able to get be rated. How about you look a little further into it? Not just last year idiot..The Clintons are scum

Clinton's HAITI Cash Machine..How Clinton cronyism took advantage of Suffering Black people
ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

The Reagan tax cuts eliminated many of the loopholes in favor of lowering taxes across the board
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

The Reagan tax cuts eliminated many of the loopholes in favor of lowering taxes across the board

When are you going to stop using regressive language? If a deduction is intentionally written into the law, it's not a loophole, it's a legitimate deduction. That is unless you consider your mortgage deduction or deductions for your children loopholes.
Really?...You're joking right?..The Clintons have gotten filthy rich using their foundation're joke

Not to mention, the only charitable contributions of any sizable amount by the Clinton's was their very own charity. Over 95% of their charitable contributions went to themselves.
If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

The Reagan tax cuts eliminated many of the loopholes in favor of lowering taxes across the board

When are you going to stop using regressive language? If a deduction is intentionally written into the law, it's not a loophole, it's a legitimate deduction. That is unless you consider your mortgage deduction or deductions for your children loopholes.
Reagan closed loopholes the leftist called them tax hikes.
You know, a few years back, all the banks went under because they took horrible losses. What happened? The government gave them money and bailed them out.

The American people were outraged that our money had been spent to bail out the billionaires who didn't know how to manage their money.

Now? We find out that because Trump sustained nearly a BILLION dollars in losses, he managed to put himself in a position where he didn't have to pay taxes for many years.

Trump is a billionaire who didn't know how to properly manage his money. The government saw his losses and bailed him out by allowing him to not pay taxes for decades.

We were pissed that the banks got a bailout, why is everyone supporting Trump who also has received a bailout?

BushCo didn't police the industry and enforce the laws and regulations.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

The Reagan tax cuts eliminated many of the loopholes in favor of lowering taxes across the board

When are you going to stop using regressive language? If a deduction is intentionally written into the law, it's not a loophole, it's a legitimate deduction. That is unless you consider your mortgage deduction or deductions for your children loopholes.
Reagan closed loopholes the leftist called them tax hikes.

Got any examples?
The question should be, what tax laws did he break? I used a tax law to my benefit when I lost an incredible amount of money in the Nasdaq bubble. While in the bubble I was making more each month than I made for my annual salary teaching. I was taking in $75,000 a month profit.

But, as my broker explained after the bubble burst, there's the "bull, bear and pig." I was the pig in a bull market and paid dearly when the bubble burst. An accountant was recommended for me and I saw that I could deduct a large amount of my losses that year and subsequently, a smaller amount every year after. Probably for the rest of my life, lol. But my taxes are lower due to that credit.

Did I do anything illegal? No. I used the tax laws to my advantage. Just as you would do.

And, as for making poor decisions, I stayed in those stocks because I believed in America. I just couldn't believe that they would drop to the bottom and not recover. But patriotism wasn't enough. I was committed to long term investments which usually turn out to be profitable. Alas, I, and millions of others, perhaps Trump, got caught in a bad place. Trump is smart enough to continue making billions of dollars...I just was't meant to be rich! C'est Le Vie, lol.

You stayed in because you were greedy and got your ass kicked. You should have heeded my ALL OUT warning of August, 2007.
Trump wrote no laws and would be a fool to not usee them to his advantage. If you have a problem with tax laws, blaming the rich that use them is beyond stupid and misdirected. Grow the fuck up and figure out where the problem really is.

The problem is Republicans writing tax laws that benefit the rich and fuck the middle class.
I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

The Reagan tax cuts eliminated many of the loopholes in favor of lowering taxes across the board

When are you going to stop using regressive language? If a deduction is intentionally written into the law, it's not a loophole, it's a legitimate deduction. That is unless you consider your mortgage deduction or deductions for your children loopholes.
Reagan closed loopholes the leftist called them tax hikes.

Got any examples?
I had them bookmarked, but i had my computer worked on. as a result i cant find the link ..It'll take a minute
Trump wrote no laws and would be a fool to not usee them to his advantage. If you have a problem with tax laws, blaming the rich that use them is beyond stupid and misdirected. Grow the fuck up and figure out where the problem really is.

The problem is Republicans writing tax laws that benefit the rich and fuck the middle class.

You're a dumbass, the Democrats have more money then the Republicans, and have been in control of congress for many more years than the Republicans.:slap:
ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.
As you stated? who cares what you stated...The establishment of both parties write special, crony, carve out, deals. and they all get rich ..Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:

The Democrats are the ONLY party that is pushing for wage increases for the middle class. Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:
ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

Democrats wrote the Reagan tax bills? Really?
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

Democrats wrote the Reagan tax bills? Really?

Tax bills are written in the house ways and means committee. Who ran the house at time?

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