Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.
As you stated? who cares what you stated...The establishment of both parties write special, crony, carve out, deals. and they all get rich ..Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:

The Democrats are the ONLY party that is pushing for wage increases for the middle class. Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:
Pushing for wage increases? mandated by the government?...LOL ..Obama's economy is low wage, service jobs. To mandate they be paid mor,e is not going to help leftist are so simple minded ...So sad really
"The 1995 tax records, never before disclosed, reveal the extraordinary tax benefits that Mr. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, derived from the financial wreckage he left behind in the early 1990s through mismanagement of three Atlantic City casinos, his ill-fated foray into the airline business and his ill-timed purchase of the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan."

And conservatives want to elect Trump so he can do the same to the American economy.

The blind partisanism practiced by most on the right is truly remarkable.

Correct. I don't know how people can pass up the opportunity to elect somebody that's already proven to be incompetent, misleading, dangerous, incapable of understanding classified material, and a down right liar with little accomplishments the entire time she's held any kind of office.
Dang, Ray! I was with you right up to the "she" word. Then you lost me.
The New York Times apparently has MORE to be released according to an interview I saw on CNN today.
This is approaching Bernie Madoff level fraud

Legal is not fraud.

Who said what he's Doug is legal?

It's certainly not legal for him to funnel money through his foundation.

Really?...You're joking right?..The Clintons have gotten filthy rich using their foundation're joke
Actually, the Clinton's have gotten filthy rich making speeches. And paying taxes on their income from speeches. You can check that out, since their taxes have been released as a matter of tradition.
The New York Times apparently has MORE to be released according to an interview I saw on CNN today.
Anybody know who is leaking this data? Seems like I heard Maples is doing it, but that doesn't make sense if I correctly assume she is living pretty good off a comfy alimony settlement.
In other news, Trump may have never avoided paying taxes for nearly two decades!
He is cheating the American people! He is a real crook.

no, if you lose 916 million, I guess you are allowed to get tax credit for that in the future tax years so you have money again with which to work with. If he owed the tax and didn't pay it would be stealing. Im not sure how he lost that money though and its still speculative, but if you lose money to a bank, say they take your building, then that money will still end up back in the economy anyway.

If you lose a billion, you are allowed to have the taxpayer make it up

What a freeloader

If you lose a billion, you are allowed to have the taxpayer make it up

The taxpayer doesn't give you a billion back.


Not all of it....but Trump gets 39% back in taxes

Thanks taxpayers


Not all of it....but Trump gets 39% back in taxes

So, we mailed him a check?
You're breaking the law.
Or, in your stupidity, confusing business revenue with income.
Or you live in your parents basement and make minimum wage.

Based on your stupidity, the third choice is most likely.

No. My trust paid 4% of all the money that was made in federal tax.

What percentage of federal tax based on all the money that you made did you pay. I'll bet it's much more than me.

My trust paid 4% of all the money that was made in federal tax.

What was the Trust's revenue? What was the Trust's income?

I'll bet it's much more than me.

I have little doubt of that. Not for the reason you claim.

We've already been through that. Look it up.

Ahhh, come on, you can repeat your lies here.

The fact that you can't wrap your head around fact is an effigy to your ignorance.

I wrapped by head around your lies just fine.

ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.
Showing once again that you are lying through your teeth.

If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

All those tax laws written when the Dems held the House from 1954-1994, really written by the Republicans?

Trump is worse than all the welfare mooches combined

They may scam the taxpayer for $20,000 while Trump scams the taxpayer for a billion dollars

Conservatives have been pushing for simpler tax plans for decades. Where have you been?

If Trump plays by the rules, YOUR RULES, then what ground for complaint do you have?

Simpler plans that drastically reduce the tax burden of the wealthy while increasing taxes on the working poor

Show one that doesn't

Trump plays by the rules?
So do the working poor who don't pay taxes

Guess which group Republicans bitch about?
you can read the law right here

leftards are always such crooked folks

maybe that is why they support groups like fuck the police

and such

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information
Jon, when have I ever supported a group like that you mention about police...OR not paid my taxes? Of course my taxes come from the chart in the 1040 pamphlet...for Fed, State and City.

if you vote for hillary you are supporting the Fuck the Police movement

how the fuck do you know or think that you know that Trump has not paid his taxes due
What's happened to you, jon?


i am sick of those who go along with the likes of the corrupt politicians

what happened to you

making assumptons that trump hasnt paid his taxes due for example
OK jonny, I'll stay away from irking you. But my assumptions about taxes is not taxes due. It is about taxes claimed, not claimed, charitable giving, losses incurred, etc. My assumptions that he has something yuuuge to hide is no less valid than yours about Emails.. Bye, jonny, I'll miss you. Be well, you and all of yours.

wanna know something

probably not huh

however hillary used the same frikkin deduction to the tune of 700 thousand

as trump did
If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.

Reagan tax cuts were pass by dems, Clinton cut taxes, so no, I don't think they are all written by republicans, especially considering the number of wealthy businesses, lawyers, bankers and investors that support dems. They all have their lobbyist.

Democrats wrote the Reagan tax bills? Really?

Tax bills are written in the house ways and means committee. Who ran the house at time?

What about IRS rules?
If you were correct you would have shown and not bloviated.
I didn't bloviate. I pointed out your asinine partisan ranting is bullshit. Sorry that you don't like it but I do not need to go running off to disprove random claims you make that you never bother to back up in the first place.

I stated; 'ALL tax goodies for the rich/wealthy were written by Republicans. I know, I use them every quarter.'

If you have some/any evidence that I'm incorrect, please post the evidence without bloviating.
As you stated? who cares what you stated...The establishment of both parties write special, crony, carve out, deals. and they all get rich ..Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:

The Democrats are the ONLY party that is pushing for wage increases for the middle class. Get your head out your ass nutter:slap:
Pushing for wage increases? mandated by the government?...LOL ..Obama's economy is low wage, service jobs. To mandate they be paid mor,e is not going to help leftist are so simple minded ...So sad really

Hate to tell you this; Every job except for degree certificate jobs are low skill.

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