So just what are the qualifications to be President anyway?
My answer is different than it would have been before Trump became a candidate:

Before anything else - such as experience or background or stance on issues or even traditional partisan political dishonesty - is a fundamental temperament, a definable intelligence, dignity, even grace, that exists at a person's core. Regardless of where my President stands on the issues, I want to be able to trust that he or she can be expected to at least behave responsibly in a room full of adults, that they don't need a team of PR janitors running behind them, mopping up embarrassing comments.

I know you'll go right to Hillary, and I'm no fan of hers. My point is that Trump doesn't even pass a test I didn't even realize I had.
I don't like Trump, and I'm voting for Hillary, my binary-thinking friend.

So you're wrong, again.

And it doesn't deflect from your aggressive ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

I'm guessing you're not even embarrassed.
Interesting and surprising. May I ask what drove you to vote Hillary as I would not think that is something that you would have done.

The ironic thing here is that there are so many other valid possible criticisms of Trump.

All they're doing here is showcasing their blatant partisanship, intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.
I think Trump is profoundly unqualified, on multiple levels, for the office. He just shouldn't be in there.

And that trumps (sorry) all my negative opinions of Hillary.
Agreed except for the last sentence.

Hillary is far worse choice...she is terribly ill in mind and body.
Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year,


In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.
They also paid $622 million in state and local taxes.

Do you think that is fair?

No. Your stupidity is not fair.

A percentage of a small percentage equal 3% of revenue.

The IRS has no revenue tax, moron.
Tax regulations that benefit the rich/wealthy. Can you name one written in the last 45 years by a Republican that doesn't?

Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

YES, IT IS FAIR.. They did it within the law just like everyone else..

Now take your, waiting on your next hand out, happy ass get a job, stop living off your parents in their basement and go pay your own dam bills..
I don't like Trump, and I'm voting for Hillary, my binary-thinking friend.

So you're wrong, again.

And it doesn't deflect from your aggressive ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

I'm guessing you're not even embarrassed.
Interesting and surprising. May I ask what drove you to vote Hillary as I would not think that is something that you would have done.

The ironic thing here is that there are so many other valid possible criticisms of Trump.

All they're doing here is showcasing their blatant partisanship, intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.
I think Trump is profoundly unqualified, on multiple levels, for the office. He just shouldn't be in there.

And that trumps (sorry) all my negative opinions of Hillary.
Now where did 6 BILLION Dollars go While she was secretary of state.??? I'd say that her loosing that money trumps the losses that Trump took in 1995... KEEP YOUR Head firmly implanted... No one can legitimize Hillary and her corrupt ass,
Now where did 6 BILLION Dollars go While she was secretary of state.??? I'd say that her loosing that money trumps the losses that Trump took in 1995... KEEP YOUR Head firmly implanted... No one can legitimize Hillary and her corrupt ass,

The difference is Trump lost his own money--Hillary lost ours. Trump had to work and make it back. Hillary just shrugged her shoulders and gave a $400,000 speech for a half-hour or so.

But she mocks others for calling Trump brilliant.
Tax regulations that benefit the rich/wealthy. Can you name one written in the last 45 years by a Republican that doesn't?

Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?
. What is legal, and what is fair in the mind of a liberal can be a stupid crazy thing.
So just what are the qualifications to be President anyway?
My answer is different than it would have been before Trump became a candidate:

Before anything else - such as experience or background or stance on issues or even traditional partisan political dishonesty - is a fundamental temperament, a definable intelligence, dignity, even grace, that exists at a person's core. Regardless of where my President stands on the issues, I want to be able to trust that he or she can be expected to at least behave responsibly in a room full of adults, that they don't need a team of PR janitors running behind them, mopping up embarrassing comments.

I know you'll go right to Hillary, and I'm no fan of hers. My point is that Trump doesn't even pass a test I didn't even realize I had.

Hillary passes the test?

My gosh... she makes dumb remarks constantly, "basket of deplorables"? But yes, Trump makes them more, but he speaks without teleprompter, or at least used to. Even though... the comments tend to be taken way out of context deliberately as well.

You are just biased...
My answer is different than it would have been before Trump became a candidate:

Before anything else - such as experience or background or stance on issues or even traditional partisan political dishonesty - is a fundamental temperament, a definable intelligence, dignity, even grace, that exists at a person's core. Regardless of where my President stands on the issues, I want to be able to trust that he or she can be expected to at least behave responsibly in a room full of adults, that they don't need a team of PR janitors running behind them, mopping up embarrassing comments.

I know you'll go right to Hillary, and I'm no fan of hers. My point is that Trump doesn't even pass a test I didn't even realize I had.

There are only two choices here: one is a person that's been in government and has let down the people repeatedly, and possibly put us in a very precarious situation. She can (as President) be blackmailed if our enemies have the information that she carelessly handled. She can (if elected) fill our courts with leftists judges that will take our firearm rights away and even allow her to usher in as many immigrants as she'd like. Because she is hiding health problems, she may not even make it through her first term.

The other is a loud mouth but a successful businessman who rally wants the job--not just to put a star on top of his cake of a political career. He has no experience outside of business politics, but has ideas that many people want such as a secure border and a halt to letting people from terrorist countries into ours.

You can choose whoever you want, but remember the old saying: be careful what you wish for because it may just come true.
Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year,


In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.
They also paid $622 million in state and local taxes.

Do you think that is fair?

No. Your stupidity is not fair.

A percentage of a small percentage equal 3% of revenue.

The IRS has no revenue tax, moron.

Again, I never wrote they did.

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax, how about you?
Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year,


In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.
They also paid $622 million in state and local taxes.

Do you think that is fair?

No. Your stupidity is not fair.

A percentage of a small percentage equal 3% of revenue.

The IRS has no revenue tax, moron.

Again, I never wrote they did.

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax, how about you?

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax,

In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.

how about you?

I paid less than 33.3%
Tax regulations that benefit the rich/wealthy. Can you name one written in the last 45 years by a Republican that doesn't?

Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

YES, IT IS FAIR.. They did it within the law just like everyone else..

Now take your, waiting on your next hand out, happy ass get a job, stop living off your parents in their basement and go pay your own dam bills..

Republican wrote those laws that allowed it to happen. Walmart pays 3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair?
What kind of moron parrots Rachael Maddow?

That's Dr. Rachel Maddow.

That young fella is a doctor?

Intelligent women scare you? Especially those with Oxford Doctorates?

That young feller went to Oxford? He's not scary, his rants are funny.

You too are afraid of smart women?

I thought we were talking about that nice young man from Oxford? He's funny.
Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

YES, IT IS FAIR.. They did it within the law just like everyone else..

Now take your, waiting on your next hand out, happy ass get a job, stop living off your parents in their basement and go pay your own dam bills..

Republican wrote those laws that allowed it to happen. Walmart pays 3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair?

Walmart pays 3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair?

Walmart paid 33.3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair.
Certainly. In effort to get along with the idiot in the White House, they increased capital gains taxes, they increased corporate taxes, they increased taxes on those making 400k per year. Anything else you'd like to know?

Whats you point? The rich/wealthy and corporations pay less of the total monies they make in federal tax than you.

Yup, DemocRAT Tax Laws work like that.... you scum HATE people that make money, while all you can do is collect entitlements!

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

YES, IT IS FAIR.. They did it within the law just like everyone else..

Now take your, waiting on your next hand out, happy ass get a job, stop living off your parents in their basement and go pay your own dam bills..

Republican wrote those laws that allowed it to happen. Walmart pays 3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair?

Wal-Mart pays millions, do you.... Who cares about percentage when you have numbers like that..... You just hate the successful
Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year, Trump paid nothing for 18 years, and the largest monies paid to subsidies and welfare are to corporations. Do you think that is fair?

Walmart paid 3% federal tax last year,


In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.
They also paid $622 million in state and local taxes.

Do you think that is fair?

No. Your stupidity is not fair.

A percentage of a small percentage equal 3% of revenue.

The IRS has no revenue tax, moron.

Again, I never wrote they did.

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax, how about you?

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax,

In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.

how about you?

I paid less than 33.3%

They paid a percentage of a small percentage which equates to 3% of the total monies they collected.

YOU paid a higher percentage than Walmart.

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