Anyone with half a brain doesn't give a dam about Donald's tax returns. Now Clinton's records of feckless leadership, death and failures was on excellent display.. Good Job Mr Pence!

Kaine was uncomfortable, annoyed, bullying and loud mouthed.. The insult gutter crap turned me off.. He showed just how much of a punk parrot bitch he really is by regurgitating every Clinton lie about Trump.

The moderator had no control.. She interrupted Pence but refused to interrupt Kaine.

Pence schooled the tag team ..
Thread title should read 'Trump Legally Follows Tax Code for 2 Decade'. :p
I don't like Trump, and I'm voting for Hillary, my binary-thinking friend.

So you're wrong, again.

And it doesn't deflect from your aggressive ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

I'm guessing you're not even embarrassed.
Interesting and surprising. May I ask what drove you to vote Hillary as I would not think that is something that you would have done.

The ironic thing here is that there are so many other valid possible criticisms of Trump.

All they're doing here is showcasing their blatant partisanship, intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.
I think Trump is profoundly unqualified, on multiple levels, for the office. He just shouldn't be in there.

And that trumps (sorry) all my negative opinions of Hillary.
Now where did 6 BILLION Dollars go While she was secretary of state.??? I'd say that her loosing that money trumps the losses that Trump took in 1995... KEEP YOUR Head firmly implanted... No one can legitimize Hillary and her corrupt ass,
Yes, she's a a horrible candidate.

That doesn't change my point.
Thread title should read 'Trump Legally Follows Tax Code for 2 Decade'. :p
Exactly. Trump didn't use so-called "loopholes". He followed the current tax "laws", and that's all that should matter.
This whole strategy is just playing into the simplistic "rich guys are evil, except those we like" narrative that the Left loves to push.

They know damn well that no one pays more taxes than they have to. But hey, this is politics. Honesty optional. Attack, attack, attack.

Trump has plenty of REAL flaws to attack, anyway.
You are just biased...
Are you?

Hillary is such a bad candidate, I most likely would have voted for a sane GOP ticket like Kasich/Rubio.

I would never have believed anyone could have beaten Hillary, when you consider that a majority of voters are Dems, and that she has such a powerful weapon in being the first woman to have the road paved in being the first woman president.

However, as the campaigns have evolved, it's obvious that Hillary is not well liked, and extremely vulnerable.

At this point, I do believe if someone like Romney had ran, they could have beaten her.
Don't worry people that actually do any work....middle class...will pay the taxes. We got your back rich folk. Just keep sitting back.
Don't worry people that actually do any work....middle class...will pay the taxes. We got your back rich folk. Just keep sitting back.

Yeah those in the highest 3 earning brackets pay over 70% of all income tax while the bottom 85% pay less than 30% of all income tax so keep telling yourself you pay more if it makes you feel better
When such a small percentage of people have such a large percentage of the wealth I understand the cruelty of them paying taxes. Don't worry Richies, we got your back. Plus we will do the real work.
When such a small percentage of people have such a large percentage of the wealth I understand the cruelty of them paying taxes. Don't worry Richies, we got your back. Plus we will do the real work.
You do know that wealth isn't taxed don't you?

Income is taxed
You are just biased...
Are you?

Hillary is such a bad candidate, I most likely would have voted for a sane GOP ticket like Kasich/Rubio.

No shit.

Coming off 8 years of Obama and the Dem's nominate Clinton. Cake walk to the Oval Office and this buffoon gets the GOP nomination!

Now we have a choice - shit on one hand and shit on the other.

Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.
I don't like Trump, and I'm voting for Hillary, my binary-thinking friend.

So you're wrong, again.

And it doesn't deflect from your aggressive ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

I'm guessing you're not even embarrassed.
Interesting and surprising. May I ask what drove you to vote Hillary as I would not think that is something that you would have done.

The ironic thing here is that there are so many other valid possible criticisms of Trump.

All they're doing here is showcasing their blatant partisanship, intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.
I think Trump is profoundly unqualified, on multiple levels, for the office. He just shouldn't be in there.

And that trumps (sorry) all my negative opinions of Hillary.
Now where did 6 BILLION Dollars go While she was secretary of state.??? I'd say that her loosing that money trumps the losses that Trump took in 1995... KEEP YOUR Head firmly implanted... No one can legitimize Hillary and her corrupt ass,
Yes, she's a a horrible candidate.

That doesn't change my point.
I don't like Trump, and I'm voting for Hillary, my binary-thinking friend.

So you're wrong, again.

And it doesn't deflect from your aggressive ignorance, no matter how hard you try.

I'm guessing you're not even embarrassed.
Interesting and surprising. May I ask what drove you to vote Hillary as I would not think that is something that you would have done.

The ironic thing here is that there are so many other valid possible criticisms of Trump.

All they're doing here is showcasing their blatant partisanship, intellectual dishonesty and ignorance.
I think Trump is profoundly unqualified, on multiple levels, for the office. He just shouldn't be in there.

And that trumps (sorry) all my negative opinions of Hillary.
Now where did 6 BILLION Dollars go While she was secretary of state.??? I'd say that her loosing that money trumps the losses that Trump took in 1995... KEEP YOUR Head firmly implanted... No one can legitimize Hillary and her corrupt ass,
Yes, she's a a horrible candidate.

That doesn't change my point.

So your going to bury your head deeper and give up Americans freedoms for your left wing nut case agenda.. Socialist scumbag..
That's Dr. Rachel Maddow.

That young fella is a doctor?

Intelligent women scare you? Especially those with Oxford Doctorates?

That young feller went to Oxford? He's not scary, his rants are funny.

You too are afraid of smart women?
. Throwing out the gender card eh ?? Well at least it's a switch from the race card Hillary & Kaine use hap-hazzardly.

No, I'm throwing out the smart woman card. Todd seems to be afraid of them.
Republican wrote those laws that allowed it to happen. Walmart pays 3%, you pay 12% to 15%. That's fair?

Wal-Mart pays millions, do you.... Who cares about percentage when you have numbers like that..... You just hate the successful

I paid $180k on $4.5M, or 4%.

Who cares about percentage? You should. Walmart uses more taxed based services than you, yet they pay a less percentage? You pay more, because they use more.

BTW how many loopholes did you Use?

As many that applied.

I'm sure with your vast wealth you will be glad to give the Hildebeast 65% of your estate when you die, instead of no inheritance tax under Trump.... Or our you that fucking stupid. and hate your children that much?

Or you can incorporate your trust and name your inheritors as officers of the corporation.
Again, I never wrote they did.

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax, how about you?

Walmart paid 3% of all the money they made in federal tax,

In the financial year ending January 2016, they earned $16.685 billion in the US and paid $5.562 billion in US Federal Income tax. 33.3%.

how about you?

I paid less than 33.3%

They paid a percentage of a small percentage which equates to 3% of the total monies they collected.

YOU paid a higher percentage than Walmart.

They paid a percentage of a small percentage which equates to 3% of the total monies they collected.

They're charged taxes on money they make, not money they collect.

YOU paid a higher percentage than Walmart.

No, I paid less than 33.3%

Because of Republicans, business has more and better deductions than you.
. Businesses provide more services and jobs than the individual, so what's your point ??

Aren't businesses people?
That young fella is a doctor?

Intelligent women scare you? Especially those with Oxford Doctorates?

That young feller went to Oxford? He's not scary, his rants are funny.

You too are afraid of smart women?
. Throwing out the gender card eh ?? Well at least it's a switch from the race card Hillary & Kaine use hap-hazzardly.

No, I'm throwing out the smart woman card. Todd seems to be afraid of them.

I'm not afraid of smart women.
I'm not afraid of that clean cut young man, Maddow, either.
Lets see..... a man that works for a living and takes the deductions he is allowed just like everyone else. As opposed to a government tit sucker that never held a job in her life. I'll take the smart Business man over that government whore any day.

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