Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Intelligent women scare you? Especially those with Oxford Doctorates?

That young feller went to Oxford? He's not scary, his rants are funny.

You too are afraid of smart women?
. Throwing out the gender card eh ?? Well at least it's a switch from the race card Hillary & Kaine use hap-hazzardly.

No, I'm throwing out the smart woman card. Todd seems to be afraid of them.

I'm not afraid of smart women.
I'm not afraid of that clean cut young man, Maddow, either.

You're a hypocrite?
That young feller went to Oxford? He's not scary, his rants are funny.

You too are afraid of smart women?
. Throwing out the gender card eh ?? Well at least it's a switch from the race card Hillary & Kaine use hap-hazzardly.

No, I'm throwing out the smart woman card. Todd seems to be afraid of them.

I'm not afraid of smart women.
I'm not afraid of that clean cut young man, Maddow, either.

You're a hypocrite?

You're a moron!
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!
Lets see..... a man that works for a living and takes the deductions he is allowed just like everyone else. As opposed to a government tit sucker that never held a job in her life. I'll take the smart Business man over that government whore any day.

Government tit suckers come in all forms in including corporations, who, as a whole, suck more tit than the regular Joe.
Government tit suckers come in all forms in including corporations, who, as a whole, suck more tit than the regular Joe
Who do you think writes the tax law? It's written the way it is to enhance commerce spur on growth and create jobs. If corporations were only a vehicle for funding big government none of us would be well employed.
The portfolio paid all.

How much did you pay?
How much did your trust pay?

Already answered.

No. You only answered how much you paid. You left out what your trust paid.

No I didn't. $180k.

Your trust paid $180k?
What did you pay on their distribution to you?

The distributions are made to the corporation.
I paid $180k on $4.5M, or 4%.

Who cares about percentage? You should. Walmart uses more taxed based services than you, yet they pay a less percentage? You pay more, because they use more.

BTW how many loopholes did you Use?

As many that applied.

I'm sure with your vast wealth you will be glad to give the Hildebeast 65% of your estate when you die, instead of no inheritance tax under Trump.... Or our you that fucking stupid. and hate your children that much?

Or you can incorporate your trust and name your inheritors as officers of the corporation.
And the IRS can deny it...unless, like you. you're an obomanation slurper

How can the IRS deny it?
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

If people make more, don't they spend more?
How much did you pay?
How much did your trust pay?

Already answered.

No. You only answered how much you paid. You left out what your trust paid.

No I didn't. $180k.

Your trust paid $180k?
What did you pay on their distribution to you?

The distributions are made to the corporation.

Great. You paid $180k, how much did the corporation pay?
Meanwhile we continue to not know how much Trump has paid in income taxes, or where his money comes from- since he is still the only Presidential candidate in decades to not show voters his tax returns

Even Tricky Dick- who was being audited- was more Transparent than Tricky Trump.
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

And the harm outweighs the benefit.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

If corporations make less, don't they spend less and hire less?
Government tit suckers come in all forms in including corporations, who, as a whole, suck more tit than the regular Joe
Who do you think writes the tax law? It's written the way it is to enhance commerce spur on growth and create jobs. If corporations were only a vehicle for funding big government none of us would be well employed.

Tax and business laws written by Republicans are written to enhance profits. Don't believe me? Name on that isn't.
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?
Tax and business laws written by Republicans are written to enhance profits. Don't believe me? Name on that isn't
No you're laws are written by both parties. We can either allow our businesses to succeed greatly so we can have financial growth or we can turn them into a cash cow and make doing business and making a profit harder. That does not help anyone. Think about it with your brain not your emotion. Every business only has so much capitol to operate with. Id rather they reinvest it instead of turning it over to the bottomless pit called government.
BTW how many loopholes did you Use?

As many that applied.

I'm sure with your vast wealth you will be glad to give the Hildebeast 65% of your estate when you die, instead of no inheritance tax under Trump.... Or our you that fucking stupid. and hate your children that much?

Or you can incorporate your trust and name your inheritors as officers of the corporation.
And the IRS can deny it...unless, like you. you're an obomanation slurper

How can the IRS deny it?

The same way they have denied the Tea Party their tax exempt status....or have you never gone through an anal audit by them...I mean you being one of the o% surely are audited every other year at least!
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

And the harm outweighs the benefit.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

If corporations make less, don't they spend less and hire less?

I pay a higher wage and net a higher profit.
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

Sure it does. Almost everyone gets a bump.

And the harm outweighs the benefit.

If people make more, don't they spend more?

If corporations make less, don't they spend less and hire less?
. Some corporations make more, and still spend less, and hire less. A trend of greed had got to going after we went full on globalism.

Once the cattle gates were open in all directions, then the disconnect between American worker & company / Corporation began. It's been going down hill for a long time now, and when anyone wants a taste of the America their fathers & mothers once had, they are quickly dealt with. Reminds me of Logans Run, The Trueman Story, and many, many more movies that had given us a preview over the years of these things that were to come. The Demon-crats want to be our masters, and we their puppets.
I have never in my life met anyone that pays more tax than they owe. Everyone takes every legal write off they can, especially after a huge monetary loss.

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