Tax and business laws written by Republicans are written to enhance profits. Don't believe me? Name on that isn't
No you're laws are written by both parties. We can either allow our businesses to succeed greatly so we can have financial growth or we can turn them into a cash cow and make doing business and making a profit harder. That does not help anyone. Think about it with your brain not your emotion. Every business only has so much capitol to operate with. Id rather they reinvest it instead of turning it over to the bottomless pit called government.

Name one tax law written or endorsed by Republicans in the last 45 years that benefited the middle class without giving the rich/wealth/business and larger benefit. Good luck!
Tax and business laws written by Republicans are written to enhance profits. Don't believe me? Name on that isn't
No you're laws are written by both parties. We can either allow our businesses to succeed greatly so we can have financial growth or we can turn them into a cash cow and make doing business and making a profit harder. That does not help anyone. Think about it with your brain not your emotion. Every business only has so much capitol to operate with. Id rather they reinvest it instead of turning it over to the bottomless pit called government.

Name one tax law written or endorsed by Republicans in the last 45 years that benefited the middle class without giving the rich/wealth/business and larger benefit. Good luck!
So they've given higher percentage breaks to those people?

That's not good.
Some corporations make more, and still spend less, and hire less. A trend of greed had gotten to going after we went full on globalism. Once the cattle gates were open in all directions, then the disconnect between American worker & Corporation began. It's been going down hill for a long time now, and when anyone wants a taste of the America their fathers & mothers once had, they are quickly dealt with. Reminds me of Logans Run, The Trueman Story, and many, many more movies that had given us a preview over the years of these things that were to come. The Demon-crats want to be our masters, and we their puppets.
How in the hell can you make a statement like that, you don't know what a companies books look like. Many corporations save for future expenses. A business owner has a responsibility to their employees and stock holders. Democrats are so concerned that someones dollar that they feel entitled to will slip away. Can't you see how sick that is? how selfish and greedy that is? The greed is on the tit suckers not the doers.... Without the doers you are screwed!
Name one tax law written or endorsed by Republicans in the last 45 years that benefited the middle class without giving the rich/wealth/business and larger benefit. Good luck!
I don't need luck! When taxes are cut the middle class benefits. I can prove that all day long one example after another. The middle class is smaller today than it has been in 30 years. Thanks to democrats. Democrats like poor needy people not self sufficient hard working upwardly mobile people.
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?
. Minimum wage is not for sustaining corporations employee's at various levels, but it is a wait for it MINIMUM wage or start wage that most companies are required to pay new employees in order to see if they are going to work out or not. Can't pay an employee $2.00 dollars & hour to start, and then expect that employee to still be at $2.00 dollars and hour 3 years later. We just need to make sure that companies have a reasonable pay system in which has a start up pay, has a ladder to climb, fair and equal opportunity, and a top out pay with the possibility to retire if decide to hang in there for 20 years or more.
Yep. Both sides are guilty. But the fact is the one percent have full control and the laws are written to their benefit and we all know it. This fact is why I cannot vote for Clinton or trump. They could care less about the people who actually work for a living. But don't worry Richies we got your back.

I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?

The minimum wage hike that Congress imposed on two U.S. territories in 2007 has harmed their economies, according to a government audit released this week that shows more money for workers is more than canceled out by inflation and job losses.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands
Some corporations make more, and still spend less, and hire less. A trend of greed had gotten to going after we went full on globalism. Once the cattle gates were open in all directions, then the disconnect between American worker & Corporation began. It's been going down hill for a long time now, and when anyone wants a taste of the America their fathers & mothers once had, they are quickly dealt with. Reminds me of Logans Run, The Trueman Story, and many, many more movies that had given us a preview over the years of these things that were to come. The Demon-crats want to be our masters, and we their puppets.
How in the hell can you make a statement like that, you don't know what a companies books look like. Many corporations save for future expenses. A business owner has a responsibility to their employees and stock holders. Democrats are so concerned that someones dollar that they feel entitled to will slip away. Can't you see how sick that is? how selfish and greedy that is? The greed is on the tit suckers not the doers.... Without the doers you are screwed!
. The problem is found in both... Now for the companies that are still doing well, treating their workers with respect, keeping a rainy day fund, having a proper pay system, trying to offer decent benefits if it can afford them, keeping their investors happy, but not at the detriment of the longevity of the company, it's employees or it's services or products offered. The invester class needs to be exposed if demanding that companies are to pay dividends to them in the amounts that jeopardize the long term prospects and the longevity of the owner and the employees along with it's customers. In fact an invester class that kills the golden goose is one of the most craziest things that one can imagine. Sure had me scratching my head over the years.
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Name one tax law written or endorsed by Republicans in the last 45 years that benefited the middle class without giving the rich/wealth/business and larger benefit. Good luck!
I don't need luck! When taxes are cut the middle class benefits. I can prove that all day long one example after another. The middle class is smaller today than it has been in 30 years. Thanks to democrats. Democrats like poor needy people not self sufficient hard working upwardly mobile people.
. Nothing wrong with being poor, and no one needs to look down upon them if they hit hard times by no fault of their own. There are so many things, and so many situations that can make anyone poor today, but recognising the condition properly is what always needs to go on. Your right that Demon-crats exploit the poor, and need them to get power, and to try and keep power.
Minimum wage is not for sustaining corporations employee's at various levels, but it is a wait for it MINIMUM wage or start wage that most companies are required to pay new employees in order to see if they are going to work out or not. Can't pay an employee $2.00 dollars & hour to start, and then expect that employee to still be at $2.00 dollars and hour 3 years later. We just need to make sure that companies have a reasonable pay system in which has a start up pay, has a ladder to climb, fair and equal opportunity, and a top out pay with the possibility to retire if decide to hang in there for 20 years or more
yes I agree, and it is also regional. $12 an hour in Kansas is not $12 an hour in San Francisco or NY. If the businesses are allowed to set the scale; they will set it high enough to attract good employees. No CEO wants his employees to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage. To think otherwise is just foolish and democrat talking points.
Tax Records Obtained by The Times Reveal Trump May Have Avoided Paying Taxes for Nearly Two Decades
Goddamn, that means he didn't pay all those police, our military, our veterans or the infrastructure that his goods moves across. This man is a crook.

HE did what was legal and done by every major cooperation and small business. Even today...

What a load of left wing bigotry and hate. Demonizing the rich and claiming legal actions as not legal..

Left wing desperation...

It is perfectly legal for Trump to lose a billion dollars
it is perfectly legal for him to pay no taxes

It is perfectly insane to think he is a good businessman

Do you know how many business people who have been considered successes lost money at one time or another?

Only most if not all of them
No, they really don't. I think that most of those on the boards bloviating about losses and bankruptcies have never earned a dime outside of a safe job. Business seems to be completely misunderstood here.

Didn't Romney's Bain Capital make monies on losses and bankruptcies?
Weather true or not it has nothing to do with what I stated.
Nothing wrong with being poor,
I agree....I've been very poor many times in my life but I just kept getting up every day and worked my tail off. I went into the military after HS because I was not a very good student and college would have been a waste at that time in my life. Now I don't have to work but I still do. I get up every day and I don't get home until after dark every day. It has paid off and if I could do it everyone with full use of their brain and body can do it.
As many that applied.

I'm sure with your vast wealth you will be glad to give the Hildebeast 65% of your estate when you die, instead of no inheritance tax under Trump.... Or our you that fucking stupid. and hate your children that much?

Or you can incorporate your trust and name your inheritors as officers of the corporation.
And the IRS can deny it...unless, like you. you're an obomanation slurper

How can the IRS deny it?

The same way they have denied the Tea Party their tax exempt status....or have you never gone through an anal audit by them...I mean you being one of the o% surely are audited every other year at least!

There are some Tea Party organizations that didn't qualify for tax exempt. Redo the paperwork and try again.

If you want to try: Get Really, Really Rich: Form a Non-Profit

Have I been audited, Yes. In each audit the IRS gave me a check.
Name one tax law written or endorsed by Republicans in the last 45 years that benefited the middle class without giving the rich/wealth/business and larger benefit. Good luck!
I don't need luck! When taxes are cut the middle class benefits. I can prove that all day long one example after another. The middle class is smaller today than it has been in 30 years. Thanks to democrats. Democrats like poor needy people not self sufficient hard working upwardly mobile people.

That's what wage disparity does.
Minimum wage is not for sustaining corporations employee's at various levels, but it is a wait for it MINIMUM wage or start wage that most companies are required to pay new employees in order to see if they are going to work out or not. Can't pay an employee $2.00 dollars & hour to start, and then expect that employee to still be at $2.00 dollars and hour 3 years later. We just need to make sure that companies have a reasonable pay system in which has a start up pay, has a ladder to climb, fair and equal opportunity, and a top out pay with the possibility to retire if decide to hang in there for 20 years or more
yes I agree, and it is also regional. $12 an hour in Kansas is not $12 an hour in San Francisco or NY. If the businesses are allowed to set the scale; they will set it high enough to attract good employees. No CEO wants his employees to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage. To think otherwise is just foolish and democrat talking points.
. Nothing wrong with states setting a minimum wage under the minimum wage that companies try and set above the state minimum in which they do inorder to attract new employees to them...This state minimum is done in so that bad companies don't try to pay under what the state minimum should be or is set at (ex.$12.00 an hour, in the state of Kentucky) or (ex.$10.00 an hour, in the state of Mississippi), but yet we would find that a company in either state surprisingly would skirt the minimum state wage where it would try to pay $8.00 dollars an hour for example in Kentucky or $7.00 dollars an hour for example in Mississippi, and this they would do in hopes that the employee would qualify for government assistance in the form of welfare or EBT as a subsidy for their employees loses in which they purposely caused the employee for the reasons stated above. Corporations (the ones guilty), were racking the moula up with the scheme of getting the government to subsidize it's workforce for them.
I disagree that both sides are guilty. The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems. Republicans are pro 'mo profit.'

The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?

The minimum wage hike that Congress imposed on two U.S. territories in 2007 has harmed their economies, according to a government audit released this week that shows more money for workers is more than canceled out by inflation and job losses.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands

Raising minimum wage has harmed the US economy?
The Democrats have been trying to address the two biggest problems the middle class suffers, wages and the economy. Raising the minimum wage will solve both problems.

Raising the minimum wage doesn't help the middle class. Not even a little.
And it certainly doesn't help the economy.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?

The minimum wage hike that Congress imposed on two U.S. territories in 2007 has harmed their economies, according to a government audit released this week that shows more money for workers is more than canceled out by inflation and job losses.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands

Raising minimum wage has harmed the US economy?

Raising minimum wage has helped the US economy?
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?

The minimum wage hike that Congress imposed on two U.S. territories in 2007 has harmed their economies, according to a government audit released this week that shows more money for workers is more than canceled out by inflation and job losses.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands

Raising minimum wage has harmed the US economy?

Raising minimum wage has helped the US economy?
Minimum wage is not for sustaining corporations employee's at various levels, but it is a wait for it MINIMUM wage or start wage that most companies are required to pay new employees in order to see if they are going to work out or not. Can't pay an employee $2.00 dollars & hour to start, and then expect that employee to still be at $2.00 dollars and hour 3 years later. We just need to make sure that companies have a reasonable pay system in which has a start up pay, has a ladder to climb, fair and equal opportunity, and a top out pay with the possibility to retire if decide to hang in there for 20 years or more
yes I agree, and it is also regional. $12 an hour in Kansas is not $12 an hour in San Francisco or NY. If the businesses are allowed to set the scale; they will set it high enough to attract good employees. No CEO wants his employees to not be able to pay their rent or mortgage. To think otherwise is just foolish and democrat talking points.
. Nothing wrong with states setting a minimum wage under the minimum wage that companies try and set above the state minimum in which they do inorder to attract new employees to them...This state minimum is done in so that bad companies don't try to pay under what the state minimum should be or is set at (ex.$12.00 an hour, in the state of Kentucky) or (ex.$10.00 an hour, in the state of Mississippi), but yet we would find that a company in either state surprisingly would skirt the minimum state wage where it would try to pay $8.00 dollars an hour for example in Kentucky or $7.00 dollars an hour for example in Mississippi, and this they would do in hopes that the employee would qualify for government assistance in the form of welfare or EBT as a subsidy for their employees loses in which they purposely caused the employee for the reasons stated above. Corporations (the ones guilty), were racking the moula up with the scheme of getting the government to subsidize it's workforce for them.

The problem with States setting minimum wage is that you end up with working class poor.
Nothing wrong with states setting a minimum wage
Yes I agree. Republicans and conservatives for the most part are not against a state wide Min wage or even city by city but it has to be reasonable and it has to be in line with not putting people out of business or the jobs will go away and no reasonable person wants that.
Raising the minimum wage gives people more money to spend and directly boosts the economy. Duh!

Raising the minimum wage takes money away from businesses and directly harms the economy. Duh!

How has raising minimum wage EVER harmed the economy?

The minimum wage hike that Congress imposed on two U.S. territories in 2007 has harmed their economies, according to a government audit released this week that shows more money for workers is more than canceled out by inflation and job losses.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands

Raising minimum wage has harmed the US economy?

Raising minimum wage has helped the US economy?

How? Explain step-by-step.

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