Trump May Lose South Carolina Delegates


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Bummer....Donald Trump may lose the delegates he won in South Carolina. Donald Trump’s announcement that he no longer stands by a pledge to support the GOP has thrown his hold on South Carolina’s 50 delegates in doubt.

Looks like the Republican establishment may still be able to keep The Donald from being their sad.

The Palmetto State was one of several that required candidates to pledge their loyalty to the party’s eventual nominee in order to secure a slot on the primary ballot. Though Trump won all of the state’s delegates in the Feb. 20 primary, anti-Trump forces are plotting to contest their binding to Trump because of his threat on the pledge Tuesday.

The loyalty pledge is nothing new in South Carolina, where it has been required for decades, but took on new focus in light of Trump’s public musings about a third-party run or withdrawing his support from the eventual nominee if he is stopped at a contested convention.

Trump's Threat on Loyalty Pledge Could Cost Him Delegates
More foul play from the establishment darling Rafael Cruz.
Yes, Ted Cruz set up that requirement decades ago so he can take advantage of it in 2016.
If Rafael and those delegates have any sense of decency, those delegates will go along with the will of the people they are supposed to be representing.
More foul play from the establishment darling Rafael Cruz.
Yes, Ted Cruz set up that requirement decades ago so he can take advantage of it in 2016.
If Rafael and those delegates have any sense of decency, those delegates will go along with the will of the people they are supposed to be representing.

It's a primary, not an election. That means it's party business, not "representing constituents".

Fun fact: the South Carolina Democratic Party kicked Strom Thurmond off the ballot in 1952 (his first Senatorial re-election since splittering off into the Dixiecrat campaign in 1948) when he endorsed Eisenhower for President. Thurmond had to run as a write-in (which he won).
More foul play from the establishment darling Rafael Cruz.
Yes, Ted Cruz set up that requirement decades ago so he can take advantage of it in 2016.
If Rafael and those delegates have any sense of decency, those delegates will go along with the will of the people they are supposed to be representing.
If Trump quits and goes third party, why should they vote for him for the GOP nomination?
The whole primary system for both parties seems foolish and unfair. Folks come out and vote for a candidate long before a final decision will be made. In the meantime, anything that might make them change their minds is judged null, void and not allowed to influence them into making a change of mind. Theoretically, a candidate could be discovered to be a Russian spy and bank robber a week before the convention and the delegates would be obligated to vote for the spy/bank robber. So what happens if the charges are lesser than spy/bank robber and merely a charge of the candidate being an asshole. Should the delegates be forced to vote for the asshole when months before the voters didn't know all the facts?
More foul play from the establishment darling Rafael Cruz.
Yes, Ted Cruz set up that requirement decades ago so he can take advantage of it in 2016.
If Rafael and those delegates have any sense of decency, those delegates will go along with the will of the people they are supposed to be representing.
If Trump quits and goes third party, why should they vote for him for the GOP nomination?
You're saying Trump will quit before the convention? With his huge lead in votes and delegates?

More foul play from the establishment darling Rafael Cruz.

Cruz is far from the establishment darling. That was Jeb Bush and then Rubio. Now it's Kasich.

This doesn't make sense, Cruz said he wouldn't support Trump and I doubt Kasich does. The establishment isn't supporting Trump. Is Trump the only one who has to adhere to the contract?

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