Trump Meeting With Kim Jong Un Is A Diplomatic Victory For...North Korea


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea
On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea

if Obama or Hillary did the same thing DK would be gloating and signing praises about it.
What would be the good alternative -- Bomb NK? If diplomacy is the answer, it has to start somewhere. It might not work, but it does seem to be going in the right direction if diplomacy has any chance of working.

Sanctions should stay in place until NK has proven that they have made the necessary changes.
I wonder how KJU is going to 'splain this to his people. He'll probably tell them that America came begging, hat in hand, that NoKo not nuke us.
If sanctions get lifted ultimately and NoKo becomes one of the "normalized" countries of the world, who will be their big bad boogey man then?

It makes absolutely no sense that KJU, his father and grandfather, pursued nuclear missiles and .... as SOON as they had developed them, offered to get rid of them. I think they are SAYING they will denuclearize because US wouldn't meet with them until they said it. So they said it, but why would they mean it?
Only in whatever sphincter that functions as a bed wetter's "mind" is the reduced threat of a nuclear exchange something to be politicized.

Instead of being happy about it, sniveling treasonous pieces of shit lament the idea that Trump's approach actually worked to bring the Norks to the table after the utter failures of the last 4 globalist asswipe presidents. One of which actually gave the Norks the capability of splitting atoms in the first place.

I can not articulate the depth of contempt I have for these parasites.

On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea

Your daily whine fest. skewsy Un could throw open the doors and let the United States come in an clean out the program and you'd still cry about it.
On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea
/----/ It didn't take long for the USMB Libtard Moonbats to come out trying to dismiss this great accomplishment.
CNN, MSNBC Journalists Give Trump Glowing Praise for NKorea Move...

Would go down 'as great president'...

PIERS: Little Rocket Man blinks...

Trump train.jpg
I wonder how KJU is going to 'splain this to his people. He'll probably tell them that America came begging, hat in hand, that NoKo not nuke us.
If sanctions get lifted ultimately and NoKo becomes one of the "normalized" countries of the world, who will be their big bad boogey man then?

It makes absolutely no sense that KJU, his father and grandfather, pursued nuclear missiles and .... as SOON as they had developed them, offered to get rid of them. I think they are SAYING they will denuclearize because US wouldn't meet with them until they said it. So they said it, but why would they mean it?

Keep in mind who we are talking about here. KJU has murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people. Many of which he starved to death. This is the guy we are going to meet with to normalize.

A country that doesn't even legitimately exist. It is just part of Korea that is being occupied illegally by an invading army that assisted traitors of that country kill their own people, in an effort to help Russia with their communist take over of the region after the cold war began after WW2.

And now the trumpanzee right wingers that will lick Trumps balls no matter what he does, is in favor of this, and willing to piss on the graves of 54,000 dead soldiers and Marines that kept the whole Korean peninsula from being overrun.

There is a good reason no other sitting President has done this. ou don't legitimize an illegitimate hostage taker and murderer, that you still technically at war with.

Nothing less than unconditional surrender by the North Korean regime is acceptable, and anything less is a failure.
I was curious how CNN would handle this news so I watched. MIraculously, they were exceited about it and spoke very positively about it! I was shocked!

I know they were caught off guard so I wonder if today they have had enough time to alter their talking points and claim it was an outrageous move on the part of Trump to accept and accuse him of high crimes and misdemeanors.
i think that the whole issue with the 'norks' is that The TRUMP doesn't want them to have 'nukes' for use in striking the USA Skews . As far as starving 'norks' , well feck them starving 'norks' Skews .
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On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea

Your butt buddies disagree.
CNN, MSNBC Journalists Give Trump Glowing Praise for North Korea Move as Obama Flacks Lose It
On Thursday, a South Korean envoy came to the White House to bring the news that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un wanted to meet with Donald Trump. Kim offered a freeze on North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests in exchange for this sit-down. Trump accepted immediately, announcing that there would be a meeting “by May.”

What does all this mean? It could be a terrifically good thing or a horribly bad thing, though odds are it will turn out to be a completely non-thing. But there is one thing already clear: It’s a win for North Korea.

The biggest surprise of the day wasn’t that Kim made an offer, but that Trump immediately accepted. After all, what Kim put on the table was … pretty much nothing. It’s clear now that North Korea has developed the technology to build both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. They’ve demonstrated this repeatedly. They may still lack the ability to miniaturize the nuclear weapon to fit on their existing missiles, but that’s not something easily demonstrable. So, as far as public displays go, it doesn’t matter. North Korea has proved their point sufficiently to generate the desired level of fear among other nations. If you have any doubt about that, ask the good citizens of Hawaii.

Donald Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un is a diplomatic victory—for North Korea
i think that the whole issue with the 'norks' is that The TRUMP doesn't want them to have 'nukes' for use in striking the USA Skews . As far as starving 'norks' , well feck them Skews .

And Trump is going to stop that how again?

You honestly believe he would start a shooting war with North Korea, knowing that China would intervene, and would kill 250,000 South Koreans and level Seoul in a matter of hours?

Kim successfully tested a hydrogen bomb, and fired long range missiles over the Japanese islands four different times on Trumps watch.

Russia attacked US troops in Syria just two weeks ago.

The reality tv show, failed real estate grifter, hasn't imposed sanctions passed by Congress on Russia for attacking the US election system with cyber warfare.

This is the guy you're standing behind that thinks he's going to be the one that isn't getting played?
This could be a very positive development or it could be nothing, but there seems very little risk of its being disastrous. The downsides are relatively minor. It is all just a little too sudden and 'nice' on the part of North Korea in order to accept the news with blissful joy.
Hopefully, they will go through with it and we will see what happens. It is to be looked forward to with cautious optimism.

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