Trump Must Be Removed....NOW!

Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic
Since you believe he should be removed immediately, why dont you take your slave ass there and physically try to remove him? Come on coward, shows some balls, even though they are itty bitty things...
Why don't the Left wingers here storm the White House?

Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Wasn't done by the president. Looks like your antifa and blm were infiltrated here. More pictures are coming out now.

It was done by the president and his cult following. BLM and Antifa did not infiltrate this. But that's the lie you have chosen to tell.

Where was this outrage over the last year when your lunatics were rioting, looting and burning cities all over the country? It helped your lunatic political agenda, so you lemmings were done as you were told by your handlers and kept quiet.

Remind me again, were any of those protests started with the intent of disrupting a Constitutional process trying to overturn a free and fair election? Stop deflecting and rationalizing. What went on yesterday was disgraceful. It was an attack on the very foundation our country was built on.

Wrong again.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Insurrection Day, 12:40 p.m.: A group of about 80 lumpen Trumpists were gathered outside the Commerce Department, near the White House. They organized themselves in a large circle, and stared at a boombox rigged to a megaphone. Their leader and, for some, savior—a number of them would profess to me their belief that the 45th president is an agent of God and his son, Jesus Christ—was rehearsing his pitiful list of grievances, and also fomenting a rebellion against, among others, the klatch of treacherous Republicans who had aligned themselves with the Constitution and against him.

“A year from now we’re gonna start working on Congress,” Trump said through the boombox. “We gotta get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world. We gotta get rid of them.”

“Fuck Liz Cheney!” a man next to me yelled. He was bearded, and dressed in camouflage and Kevlar. His companion was dressed similarly, a valhalla: admit one patch sewn to his vest. Next to him was a woman wearing a full-body cat costume. “Fuck Liz Cheney!” she echoed. Catwoman, who would not tell me her name, carried a sign that read take off your mask smell the bullshit. Affixed to a corner of the sign was the letter Q.

“What’s your plan?” I asked her. People in the street, dozens at first, then hundreds, were moving past us, toward Pennsylvania Avenue, and then presumably on to the Capitol. “We’re going to stop the steal,” she answered. “If Pence isn’t going to stop it, we have to.” The treasonous behavior of Liz Cheney and many of her Republican colleagues was, to them, a fixed insurrectionary fact, but Pence was still in a plastic moment. Across the day, however, I could feel the Trump cult turning against him, as it turns against most everything.

I told the woman in the cat costume that I would walk with her group. “Only if you take off your mask,” she said. The media is the only real virus, she explained, knowing that I was a part of the media. I told her I would keep my mask on. Trumpists had asked me periodically to remove it. Some were polite about it, a few others not. It seemed to me that only 5 percent or so of the thousands of people gathered for the insurrection wore masks. At one point, when I was caught in the thickest part of the crowd, near the Ellipse, a man told me, “Your glasses are fogging up.”

“Yep, masks,” I said.

“You don’t have to wear it. It’s not a mandate.”

“No, I do.”


“There’s a pandemic.”

“Yeah, right.”

We will find out shortly if today’s insurrection was also a super-spreader event. What I do know, after spending hours sponging up Trumpist paranoia, conspiracism, and cultishness, is that this gathering was not merely an attempted coup but also a mass-delusion event, not something that can be explained adequately through the prism of politics. Its chaos was rooted in psychological and theological phenomena, intensified by eschatological anxiety.

Among the Insurrectionists - The Atlantic
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

The libs don't have the votes to get rid of President Trump. Further, even if they did, the process takes more than a fortnight.

Although I guess Trump could quit- and be attacked by liberals for being a quitter. And Mr. Pence would be criticized as his inauguration events would be declared "superspreader " events. As far as the Pence Agenda and the Pence cabinet, I can't see the libs moving forward on those.
View attachment 438615

Insurrection Day, 12:40 p.m.: A group of about 80 lumpen Trumpists were gathered outside the Commerce Department, near the White House. They organized themselves in a large circle, and stared at a boombox rigged to a megaphone. Their leader and, for some, savior—a number of them would profess to me their belief that the 45th president is an agent of God and his son, Jesus Christ—was rehearsing his pitiful list of grievances, and also fomenting a rebellion against, among others, the klatch of treacherous Republicans who had aligned themselves with the Constitution and against him.

“A year from now we’re gonna start working on Congress,” Trump said through the boombox. “We gotta get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world. We gotta get rid of them.”

“Fuck Liz Cheney!” a man next to me yelled. He was bearded, and dressed in camouflage and Kevlar. His companion was dressed similarly, a valhalla: admit one patch sewn to his vest. Next to him was a woman wearing a full-body cat costume. “Fuck Liz Cheney!” she echoed. Catwoman, who would not tell me her name, carried a sign that read take off your mask smell the bullshit. Affixed to a corner of the sign was the letter Q.

“What’s your plan?” I asked her. People in the street, dozens at first, then hundreds, were moving past us, toward Pennsylvania Avenue, and then presumably on to the Capitol. “We’re going to stop the steal,” she answered. “If Pence isn’t going to stop it, we have to.” The treasonous behavior of Liz Cheney and many of her Republican colleagues was, to them, a fixed insurrectionary fact, but Pence was still in a plastic moment. Across the day, however, I could feel the Trump cult turning against him, as it turns against most everything.

I told the woman in the cat costume that I would walk with her group. “Only if you take off your mask,” she said. The media is the only real virus, she explained, knowing that I was a part of the media. I told her I would keep my mask on. Trumpists had asked me periodically to remove it. Some were polite about it, a few others not. It seemed to me that only 5 percent or so of the thousands of people gathered for the insurrection wore masks. At one point, when I was caught in the thickest part of the crowd, near the Ellipse, a man told me, “Your glasses are fogging up.”

“Yep, masks,” I said.

“You don’t have to wear it. It’s not a mandate.”

“No, I do.”


“There’s a pandemic.”

“Yeah, right.”

We will find out shortly if today’s insurrection was also a super-spreader event. What I do know, after spending hours sponging up Trumpist paranoia, conspiracism, and cultishness, is that this gathering was not merely an attempted coup but also a mass-delusion event, not something that can be explained adequately through the prism of politics. Its chaos was rooted in psychological and theological phenomena, intensified by eschatological anxiety.

Among the Insurrectionists - The Atlantic

So says a supporter who likely marched in a parade dressed as vagina. For give me if I don’t give credence to anything coming from a supporter of the lunatic left.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Wasn't done by the president. Looks like your antifa and blm were infiltrated here. More pictures are coming out now.

It was done by the president and his cult following. BLM and Antifa did not infiltrate this. But that's the lie you have chosen to tell.

Where was this outrage over the last year when your lunatics were rioting, looting and burning cities all over the country? It helped your lunatic political agenda, so you lemmings were done as you were told by your handlers and kept quiet.

They were supporting it while the lunatics raged. Now, the hypocrites try to claim how holy than thou that they are. There was no dem outrage over a year of pillaging, murder, riots etc.
The same type of people who stormed the capital were responsible for most of what you are talking about. And those you have blamed for the violence were supporting actual police killings not aasome shit coming from trumps imagination.
Trump is a clear and present danger.

Pence's career is in ruins. He has nothing to lose by doing the honorable thing now.

He has nothing to gain.

BTW, didn't Biden indicate that he wanted to rule in a Bipartisan way? Shouldn't he be looking for Republicans to serve in high positions? Moderates like Pence?

It does remind me of the protests of how America - the greatest nation in human history, started. I don't know how it looked like, but something similar quite likely.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Wasn't done by the president. Looks like your antifa and blm were infiltrated here. More pictures are coming out now.

It was done by the president and his cult following. BLM and Antifa did not infiltrate this. But that's the lie you have chosen to tell.

Where was this outrage over the last year when your lunatics were rioting, looting and burning cities all over the country? It helped your lunatic political agenda, so you lemmings were done as you were told by your handlers and kept quiet.

They were supporting it while the lunatics raged. Now, the hypocrites try to claim how holy than thou that they are. There was no dem outrage over a year of pillaging, murder, riots etc.
The same type of people who stormed the capital were responsible for most of what you are talking about. And those you have blamed for the violence were supporting actual police killings not aasome shit coming from trumps imagination.

No, not the same “type” of people. The small number of those, relative to the size of the protest, that actually stormed the capital should be held responsible. We know it isn’t the same group because they didn’t decide to head downtown and grab some Gucci bags as part of their “protest”.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

The libs don't have the votes to get rid of President Trump. Further, even if they did, the process takes more than a fortnight.

Although I guess Trump could quit- and be attacked by liberals for being a quitter. And Mr. Pence would be criticized as his inauguration events would be declared "superspreader " events. As far as the Pence Agenda and the Pence cabinet, I can't see the libs moving forward on those.
Wrong. And this ain't about the libs anymore. The fact is democrats now control both houses.He could be voted out by the end of today for what he did yesterday.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Wasn't done by the president. Looks like your antifa and blm were infiltrated here. More pictures are coming out now.

It was done by the president and his cult following. BLM and Antifa did not infiltrate this. But that's the lie you have chosen to tell.

Where was this outrage over the last year when your lunatics were rioting, looting and burning cities all over the country? It helped your lunatic political agenda, so you lemmings were done as you were told by your handlers and kept quiet.

They were supporting it while the lunatics raged. Now, the hypocrites try to claim how holy than thou that they are. There was no dem outrage over a year of pillaging, murder, riots etc.
The same type of people who stormed the capital were responsible for most of what you are talking about. And those you have blamed for the violence were supporting actual police killings not aasome shit coming from trumps imagination.

No, not the same “type” of people. The small number of those, relative to the size of the protest, that actually stormed the capital should be held responsible. We know it isn’t the same group because they didn’t decide to head downtown and grab some Gucci bags as part of their “protest”.
The same type of people.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

The libs don't have the votes to get rid of President Trump. Further, even if they did, the process takes more than a fortnight.

Although I guess Trump could quit- and be attacked by liberals for being a quitter. And Mr. Pence would be criticized as his inauguration events would be declared "superspreader " events. As far as the Pence Agenda and the Pence cabinet, I can't see the libs moving forward on those.
Wrong. And this ain't about the libs anymore. The fact is democrats now control both houses.He could be voted out by the end of today for what he did yesterday.

You need to just be patient. The Democrats will start their destruction of America in the near term. You and your ilk voted for it and now we will all be in the same sinking ship.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Wasn't done by the president. Looks like your antifa and blm were infiltrated here. More pictures are coming out now.

It was done by the president and his cult following. BLM and Antifa did not infiltrate this. But that's the lie you have chosen to tell.

Where was this outrage over the last year when your lunatics were rioting, looting and burning cities all over the country? It helped your lunatic political agenda, so you lemmings were done as you were told by your handlers and kept quiet.

They were supporting it while the lunatics raged. Now, the hypocrites try to claim how holy than thou that they are. There was no dem outrage over a year of pillaging, murder, riots etc.
The same type of people who stormed the capital were responsible for most of what you are talking about. And those you have blamed for the violence were supporting actual police killings not aasome shit coming from trumps imagination.

No, not the same “type” of people. The small number of those, relative to the size of the protest, that actually stormed the capital should be held responsible. We know it isn’t the same group because they didn’t decide to head downtown and grab some Gucci bags as part of their “protest”.
The same type of people. let me give you it was the same “type” of people. This is one standalone incident from the right wing. Where were you when these types were doing all the damage prior to the election? It certainly seems as politics trumped any real concern for what these ”types” of people were doing.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

The libs don't have the votes to get rid of President Trump. Further, even if they did, the process takes more than a fortnight.

Although I guess Trump could quit- and be attacked by liberals for being a quitter. And Mr. Pence would be criticized as his inauguration events would be declared "superspreader " events. As far as the Pence Agenda and the Pence cabinet, I can't see the libs moving forward on those.
Wrong. And this ain't about the libs anymore. The fact is democrats now control both houses.He could be voted out by the end of today for what he did yesterday.

He won't be and shouldn't be. Pedo joe is the illegitimate president that will take this country down. Deal with it.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.
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Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

The libs don't have the votes to get rid of President Trump. Further, even if they did, the process takes more than a fortnight.

Although I guess Trump could quit- and be attacked by liberals for being a quitter. And Mr. Pence would be criticized as his inauguration events would be declared "superspreader " events. As far as the Pence Agenda and the Pence cabinet, I can't see the libs moving forward on those.
Wrong. And this ain't about the libs anymore. The fact is democrats now control both houses.He could be voted out by the end of today for what he did yesterday.

I sure hope so.. Trump is mad as a hatter.
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Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.

The protesters certainly represent me and all my fellow white Americans here. Not sure what you are talking about.

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