Trump Must Be Removed....NOW!

Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.
When did I say that they represented white America?

Can't you read, I said they represent conservatives.

But being a Leftists, all you see is race.

It does remind me of the protests of how America - the greatest nation in human history, started. I don't know how it looked like, but something similar quite likely.
Republicans should be ashamed of supporting this INSURRECTION. It a stain that they will be burdened with for a generation

It does remind me of the protests of how America - the greatest nation in human history, started. I don't know how it looked like, but something similar quite likely.
Republicans should be ashamed of supporting this INSURRECTION. It a stain that they will be burdened with for a generation

Or what? You are going to screech that everyone is not made out of soy like you?
Anyone aiding and abetting the insurrectionist traitor Trump should be arrested with him.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.
When did I say that they represented white America?

Can't you read, I said they represent conservatives.

But being a Leftists, all you see is race.

I'm pretty conservative.. (I resigned the Republican party in the weeks before the invasion of Iraq) They don't represent me. I know the rule of law.. I know right from wrong. I know a madman and a bully when I see one. I think there are plenty of Republicans who regret taking a passive stance on Trump. IMO most of them are as disgusted and repulsed as you and I.
Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic

Who the fuck are you? Why don't you personally go to DC and try to remove him yourself, dickhead?
Who am I?

I am an American citizens and therefore I am calling for the removal of my employee for violating company policy.

Deal with it.

He's not your employee and you're not the CEO of the company. You're just one of the janitors.

Now get back to work cleaning those toilets, or you'll be fired.

It does remind me of the protests of how America - the greatest nation in human history, started. I don't know how it looked like, but something similar quite likely.
Republicans should be ashamed of supporting this INSURRECTION. It a stain that they will be burdened with for a generation

Democrats should be ashamed over virtually every policy of their party. The stain on this country is the left taking over this month. Real history will bear that out and this will be seen as the beginning of the fall of the US. Socialism doesn’t work. Some of you will never get it.
While Impeachment and the 25th Amendment are unlikely (Trump just showed he can shoot someone on 5th Ave and Republicans would still support him), he needs to be placed in a virtual straight jacket and isolated

After the total reversal by the Trump supporting republicans in congress last night, for the first time people on 5th avenue may be safe.
I wish that were true

Many Republicans I saw last night were sincere in their outrage but a majority of House Republicans still voted to continue the Charade.
Ted Cruz continued his subservient support of Trump

after raphael gave his seditious speech, some of his fellow traitors clapped & the rat fucker actually bowed. he bowed!
Stopping Trump makes him a kind of martyr. Leave him in place. Don't overplay the hand.. There are trials coming which will be highly damaging... Suck the life out of him with endless court dates...

Trump in his final days as a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. Imagine if Trump issues a blanket pardon to all the people who took part in the storming of the capitol building on January 6th, and then said he would do the same if they did it again.

they need to wait until after jan 20 to arrest them.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.
When did I say that they represented white America?

Can't you read, I said they represent conservatives.

But being a Leftists, all you see is race.

I'm pretty conservative.. (I resigned the Republican party in the weeks before the invasion of Iraq) They don't represent me. I know the rule of law.. I know right from wrong. I know a madman and a bully when I see one. I think there are plenty of Republicans who regret taking a passive stance on Trump. IMO most of them are as disgusted and repulsed as you and I.

I don’t like Trump as a person. I think he has many personality flaws. That being said, I am a pragmatist, not a touch-freely liberal. His policies work. I don’t vote for people who speak well but implement policies that are detrimental to our country. Voting for Harris/Biden is NOT a pragmatic decisIon. Having Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer running Congress along with these two is a recipe for complete disaster. If I need surgery, I want the surgeon who can best perform the job, not necessarily the surgeon who has the best bedside manner. Democrats prefer the coddling, not the results. It is the result of years of educational indoctrination and wussification or our youth. It is what it is. We are now all in the same sinking ship. All us smart folks can do is sit back and watch while one Democrat bails water and the other continues to blow holes in the ship.
Stopping Trump makes him a kind of martyr. Leave him in place. Don't overplay the hand.. There are trials coming which will be highly damaging... Suck the life out of him with endless court dates...

Trump in his final days as a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. Imagine if Trump issues a blanket pardon to all the people who took part in the storming of the capitol building on January 6th, and then said he would do the same if they did it again.

they need to wait until after jan 20 to arrest them.

Apparently TDS is permanent. :laughing0301:
Let's debunk this lie right now.


In thousands of posts on Twitter and Facebook, members of the far right pushed the unfounded claim that the pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol on Wednesday, carrying Trump flags and halting Congress’s counting of electoral votes, was made up of liberal activists posing as a pro-Trump community to give it a bad name.

Several posts shared by thousands of people held up photographs as evidence that antifa supporters were behind the unrest. But those images did not, in fact, show antifa involvement. Instead, some of the photographs, and the information contained in them, suggested ties to far right movements.

Even President Trump acknowledged that the people who supported him — not liberal activists — had invaded the Capitol. At one point on Wednesday he told the mob that “we love you.”

Among the most popular figures pushing the conspiracy theory were the commentator Candace Owens, the Georgia lawyer L. Lin Wood and Juanita Broaddrick, a nursing home administrator who in 1999 publicly accused President Bill Clinton of raping her in 1978. Other prominent figures spreading the rumor included Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas; Sarah Palin, the former vice-presidential candidate; and Representative Mo Brooks, an Alabama Republican.


The rumor that supporters of the antifa movement — a loosely organized collective of antifascist activists — had posed as members of the far right on Wednesday was shared more than 150,000 times on Twitter and thousands of times more on Facebook, according to an analysis by The New York Times. Altogether, the accounts pushing the rumor had tens of millions of followers.

“Indisputable photographic evidence that antifa violently broke into Congress today to inflict harm & do damage,” Mr. Wood posted on Twitter. “NOT @realDonaldTrump supporters.”

The “photographic evidence” that Mr. Wood pointed to in his post included a link to, where the photo of a bearded man involved in the mob was hosted. But that particular page exposed photos of known individuals in the neo-Nazi movement.

Another popular post, shared at least 39,000 times on Twitter, claimed without evidence that a “former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed at least 1 ‘bus load’ of Antifa thugs infiltrated the peaceful Trump demonstrators.”


Untrue claims that “busloads” or “planeloads” of antifascist activists infiltrated protests are a common refrain from the far right.

In response to the baseless assertion, a Twitter user said, “Of course they did.” The user attached photos of a man wearing a horned helmet with his face painted in an American flag design as an apparent example of an antifa supporter.

The man was not an antifa supporter. Instead, he is a longtime QAnon supporter who has been a fixture at Arizona right-wing political rallies in recent months, according to The Arizona Republic.



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Stopping Trump makes him a kind of martyr. Leave him in place. Don't overplay the hand.. There are trials coming which will be highly damaging... Suck the life out of him with endless court dates...

Trump in his final days as a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. Imagine if Trump issues a blanket pardon to all the people who took part in the storming of the capitol building on January 6th, and then said he would do the same if they did it again.

they need to wait until after jan 20 to arrest them.

Apparently TDS is permanent. :laughing0301:

sure is:

Sedition and insurrection done by the president, specifically yesterday, are enough to disqualify trump immediately. Mike Pence can serve the next 2 two weeks.

View attachment 438600

Story by Yoni Appelbaum
JANUARY 6, 2021

The president of the united states summoned his supporters to Washington, D.C., today, and then stood in front of the White House and lied to them, insisting that he had won the election and that extraordinary measures were necessary to vindicate his win. They took his message to heart, marching up the National Mall toward Capitol Hill. Breaking through barricades and police lines, Confederate battle flags dotting the crowd, the insurrectionists seized control of the United States Capitol, putting Congress to flight.

Four years ago, Donald Trump swore to faithfully execute the office of president of the United States and, to the best of his ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. He lost little time in breaking that oath. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives reluctantly and belatedly performed its constitutional duty, impeaching the president for abusing his power and obstructing Congress. The Senate refused to similarly perform its own constitutional duty, declining to take up the charges in earnest and failing to muster the requisite two-thirds majority for removal. Only a single Republican, Senator Mitt Romney, acknowledged the obvious truth of the charges, voting to remove the president from office.

Trump has today broken his oath in even more spectacular fashion. The seeds sown by Republican obeisance and congressional quiescence have now yielded their bitter harvest. With his incitement of a direct assault on the people’s house, the president has forfeited his claim to finish his term. The House must again impeach him, and the Senate must vote to remove him. And as it does so, it must bar him from ever again serving in public office.

The Atlantic
Yea! Lynch your enemies!
Stopping Trump makes him a kind of martyr. Leave him in place. Don't overplay the hand.. There are trials coming which will be highly damaging... Suck the life out of him with endless court dates...

Trump in his final days as a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. Imagine if Trump issues a blanket pardon to all the people who took part in the storming of the capitol building on January 6th, and then said he would do the same if they did it again.

they need to wait until after jan 20 to arrest them.
Are you REALLY this stupid or is it an act of some sort?
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.
When did I say that they represented white America?

Can't you read, I said they represent conservatives.

But being a Leftists, all you see is race.

I'm pretty conservative.. (I resigned the Republican party in the weeks before the invasion of Iraq) They don't represent me. I know the rule of law.. I know right from wrong. I know a madman and a bully when I see one. I think there are plenty of Republicans who regret taking a passive stance on Trump. IMO most of them are as disgusted and repulsed as you and I.

I don’t like Trump as a person. I think he has many personality flaws. That being said, I am a pragmatist, not a touch-freely liberal. His policies work. I don’t vote for people who speak well but implement policies that are detrimental to our country. Voting for Harris/Biden is NOT a pragmatic decisIon. Having Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer running Congress along with these two is a recipe for complete disaster. If I need surgery, I want the surgeon who can best perform the job, not necessarily the surgeon who has the best bedside manner. Democrats prefer the coddling, not the results. It is the result of years of educational indoctrination and wussification or our youth. It is what it is. We are now all in the same sinking ship. All us smart folks can do is sit back and watch while one Democrat bails water and the other continues to blow holes in the ship.

trumps policies did not work because he had no policies. He benefitted by doing nothing while the things Obama/ Biden put in place began to bear fruit. Biden will implement policies that will benefit us in the long run but conservatives who continue to believe make believe stories won't be pleased at the slow pace. Suddenly, after years of watching trump created trillion dollar deficits, conservatives will suddenly become so concerned about the debt and deficit. They will oppose spending needed to fix the problem quicker and we will hear the drone of conservative bellyaching about how terrible and slow the recovery is while conveneintly forgetting how they are the ones impeding progress.
Stopping Trump makes him a kind of martyr. Leave him in place. Don't overplay the hand.. There are trials coming which will be highly damaging... Suck the life out of him with endless court dates...

Trump in his final days as a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. Imagine if Trump issues a blanket pardon to all the people who took part in the storming of the capitol building on January 6th, and then said he would do the same if they did it again.

they need to wait until after jan 20 to arrest them.

Apparently TDS is permanent. :laughing0301:

sure is:

Six months after Trump leaves office, I will have forgotten about him.

You on the other hand, are doomed to having him run rampant in that vast empty space between your ears, until the day you take your last breath on earth.

He's probably spray-painting pictures of dicks all over the inside of your skull right now, after he took a big smelly dump in there.


There is evidence that patriotic Americans gathered at the capitol hill in a peaceful demonstration of force.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.

The protesters certainly represent me and all my fellow white Americans here. Not sure what you are talking about.
We know you're an ignorant goon. But not all white Americans here are trump nut lickers.
Crazy talk.

It was very impressive, but that was not on Trump, that was Americans taking our country back.
They didn't take back anything. Most of them are going to take prison terms.
I'm just amazed they were not all shot dead.

There is zero tolerance for white conservative insurrections of any kind.

Those ignorant goons don't represent White Americans.

The protesters certainly represent me and all my fellow white Americans here. Not sure what you are talking about.
We know you're an ignorant goon. But not all white Americans here are trump nut lickers.

You don't know a shit about anything.

Brilliant Americans showing up for displays of their Americanism.

I would like for politifarce fact check that.

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