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Trump needs to come off more professional, but Chris Wallace was a disgrace.

Wallace, being a FOX Noise employee, went into the debate with the order to avoid making the impeached president trump look foolish.

Fox isn't even close to being like CNN and MSNBC.

While asking a question to Trump, Wallace would make a statement condemning Trump as his preface to the question. Trump would interrupt and Wallace would say, 'let me ask the question". I would have told Wallace to ask an actual question instead of trying to make a point for Biden which he is incapable of making. Check out this questions from Chris.

Chris Wallace: (11:11)
Over the last four years, you have promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but you have never in these four years come up with a plan, a comprehensive plan, to replace Obamacare.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:25)
Yes, I have. Of course, I have. The individual mandate.

Chris Wallace: (11:26)
[crosstalk 00:11:26] when I finish I’m going to give an opportunity-

President Donald J. Trump: (11:28)
Excuse me. I got rid of the individual mandate, which was a big chunk of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:31)
That’s not a comprehensive place.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:32)
That is absolutely a big thing. That was the worst part of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:35)
I didn’t ask, sir.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:36)
Chris, that was the worst part of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:38)
You’re debating him not me. Let me ask my question.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:38)
Well, I’ll ask Joe. The individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:44)
Mr. President.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:44)
I got rid of it. And we will protect people.

Chris Wallace: (11:46)
Mr. President, I’m the moderator of this debate and I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:52)
Go ahead.

Chris Wallace: (11:53)
You, in the course of these four years, have never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare, and just this last Thursday you signed a largely symbolic Executive Order to protect people with pre-existing conditions five days before this debate. So my question, sir, is what is the Trump healthcare plan?

Chris should have just asked question. What if Chris would have asked Joe the following question:

Mr. Biden, as you know there is much unrest in this country. Your has stated that there needs to be police reform and even used the word "defund" at times. No law enforcements agencies have endorsed you and in fact, have endorsed your opponent. How do you reconcile your support for police with their seemingly lack of support for you?

This is basically what Wallace did all night. He used Democratic talking points ahead of his questions. He didn't do the same in reverse.
That is exactly what I saw.

Wallace blasted the talking points as truth and framed the whole debate on making Trump defend against bullshit while the questions he asked Joe to criticize Trump.

It was a format of Trump criticism (as if true). Joe softball. Trump criticism. Joe softball.

Literally, Trump why have you sucked? Biden, why has he sucked?

Trump is the incumbent. It is up to him to prove his worth as a president over the past 4 years. If he was worth it, it should have been easy. It wasn't. Why? Because he's a narcissistic, egocentric piece of shit who only cares about himself.
Biden seemed a little confused about his role in the Democratic Party:

HE is. You Rumpers have tried to paint him as a puppet to the rtwing left liberals. Guess what, he's a Moderate through and through and he IS the Democratic Party right now as is the Tradition. Just like Rump is the Republican Party as scary as that is.

Then why did doesn’t he tell the Dem morons letting their cities burn every night to stop the riots? Because he is with those radicals, he wants more rioting to make President Trump look bad. He even tried to blame President Trump for the rise in crime. But all that did was lead to one of the best moments of the debate, where Biden couldn’t even say the words “law and order” nor could he name one police group that backs him. Your guy fell on his face.

Because he isn't President. He is interviewing for the position. You need to ask the flake on the right that same question.

He’s supposed to be the leader of the Democratic Party. If he can’t control his own party, then how the hell is he supposed to lead the entire nation?

President Trump did call those Dem Mayors and Governors, and they refused his help. They would rather see their cities burn and destroy people’s businesses and lives.

He sent in his Shock Troops without permission and effectively started Kidna....er detaining citizens illegal on the city streets temporarily. He tries to send in the 82nd Airborne to police the Streets of DC who went to DC and sat down like they legally had to. Then he tried to grab the credit for sending in the National Guard when the National Guard was sent in by the Governors authority whom they work for unless Nationalized. IF they get Nationalized, then they can do only what the 82nd did, sit down.

After all that, he demands that they accept his help? The only thing he's helped with is to make things more violent and run longer than they should have. I'll say it again, the looting and rioting stops only when the locals have had enough and put a stop to it. Until then, they get what they deserve.
Yes, positively.
Yes to which question?
Does Trump know it's federal forests which are burning in California or were you impressed with Trump's rejection of white supremacy?

Trump Told The Proud Boys To "Stand Back And Stand By" After Being Asked To Condemn White Supremacists
Trump seemed unable to control himself.

I don’t know what drug he was on but it is apparent that he totally lost it by the end of the debate
He is unable to standby and listen to Joe Biden’s lies. If Joe didn’t lie his ass off every time he opened his mouth, President Trump wouldn’t jump in to correct him. Simple as that.
Trump was excellent. This election is not about rules or respect. The country is at stake. Biden needs to be crushed.

If that's what we're down to, then there's little hope for our democracy. I guess you're content with living in a dictatorship.

Trump was a braggart and a bully. He loses the debate just on that point alone. He went in determined to burn the house down because he
knew he was going to get his ass handed to him. He doesn't know how to talk policy. He just knows how to be Trump.

Funny you should say that. Biden is the one who called Trump names. Guess he's just immature. LOL

Awww, he called him names. Trump spends the entire night bullying, bragging, interrupting, and gaslighting, all while saying absolutely nothing, and of course, you being the true believer that you are, key in on "names".

Awww Trump wasn't the only one. Biden did his share of interrupting. No I key on someone who is rude enough to call someone names. Not something a future POTUS should be doing.

I sure didn't like Bidens tax raising and green shit. The man will bankrupt the country. I had a lot of questions answered last night and I will be voting for Trump. Not green Biden.

Biden should have controlled his temper better. But Trump was off the map. The guy needed tranquilizers. That is NOT how I want to see someone who is President behaving. Biden will be a huge upgrade.
I didn't expect the debates to swing many voters. Especially not the true believers. Let's see, deficits and sweetheart tax cuts rung up under Republican presidents...hmmm, who's bankrupting the country again? :)
I am voting for Trump. However, this may surprise you, I think Joe Biden did better than expected and he probably came off better. Trump had some great moments, one that touched me was forest management in California, because it is true. I give props to Biden, he did good. Trump had his good moments. What was disgraceful was I am trying to figure out who President Trump was debating - Chris Wallace or Joe Biden. It is clear that Chris spent a great deal of time on his knees in front of Joe Biden's zipper. Biden was able to interrupt, but the problem is, Biden's dick was too far down Wallace's throat for him to be fair and down the middle.

What I find interesting is, at first Wallace tried to establish himself as objective, and non-partisan, but as the debate progressed, Wallace was debating Trump as much as Biden was debating him, and it turned into a 2 on 1 debacle. In SPITE of that, I feel Trump could have conducted himself in a manner to overcome not only Biden, but that democrat operative with a press pass, Chris Wallace, and that is where Trump failed.

Trump had some great moments, but seriously, in the next debate he needs to be more substantive. I don't think Biden did any better as far as substance, I mean really, he's talking up the green new deal, then he says he doesn't endorse it? WTF. In conclusion, if you like the bar room brawler, Trump won. Unfortunately, Biden came off as more personable.

I mostly agree, however, Donald Trump must be Donald Trump at all times. Trump is an apex predator—an alpha of alpha wolves—and that is exactly what I and millions of other Americans respect most about him. If DT changes his personality artificially at the last moment . . . in the final hours . . . he will pay dearly. Wallace, however, was one hundred percent anti-Trump—stunningly so in fact. The way I see it EVERYONE is against our President or rather everyone who matters. They say no man is an island. I disagree. Donald John Trump is the island of man.

Anyone who stands up to Trump's bullying and asks tough questions of Trump is anti-Trump. Wallace was a professional newsman. That is why you don't like him.
Bull crap. Even other media people said he was debating Trump and interrupting the flow of debate. He was pathetic.
Biden seemed a little confused about his role in the Democratic Party:

No Biden was not confused, I'm sure he was frustrated, with all the interruptions. Tramp was nasty.

Biden was parroting the same things that the Prog media/entertainment/political complex was saying over and over. Do you know what kind of a person you have to be to take the punches Trump has? This is not jus tone on one. This is one on a hundred thousand.
In spite of his pre-debate claims that Biden would be drugged for the debate, it appeared that Trump was the one who was unable to control himself.

Like a child who was off ADD drugs, Trump repeatedly spewed a stream of consciousness and invectives.

No, that is how Trump talks and debates people...
Wallace did an admirable job when faced with a total Shit Show
He did not. He interrupted Trump constantly and he talked to Biden and reminded him of his own words/stances ( like he is senile...which he is).
How do you interrupt someone who is in the process of interrupting?
Democrats earned what happened last night. Trump has been attacked and attacked since day one and he dumped on them last night. Expect more of the same. In my opinion, Biden isn't going to show up for the next two.
Trump was apparently suffering from crack withdrawal last night.
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Trump fails since most of that land is federal property.
He refuses not to condone white supremacy.
Trump comes from a long line of racists.
He never misses a chance to miss a chance at proving otherwise:

Trump Told The Proud Boys To "Stand Back And Stand By" After Being Asked To Condemn White Supremacists

"President Donald Trump told the Proud Boys, a far-right men’s organization with a history of instigating violence, to 'stand back and stand by,' after being asked to condemn white supremacists and militia groups during the first presidential debate Tuesday night.

"Minutes later, he said he was 'urging my people' who are 'poll watchers' to go to voting locations across the country — to do what, he wouldn’t exactly say — as he baselessly claimed the election is rife with 'fraud.'"
Maybe he inhaled too much spray tan.
This is probably true. Orange Jesus was looking oranger (is that a word?) than ever.

But, he did do a good job debating Joe and Chris.

You apparently don't know what a debate is.
Joe started it with the condescending looks and sardonic smirks from the beginning. The man had his chance. For near half a century. Posterity is not going to be kind to us baby boomers and what we reared with help from the generation before them. We live good because of conquest. And you think that we must be on perpetual sorrows for it. Not one of the promoters of guilt are giving up their wealth for the cause though.
In spite of his pre-debate claims that Biden would be drugged for the debate, it appeared that Trump was the one who was unable to control himself.

Like a child who was off ADD drugs, Trump repeatedly spewed a stream of consciousness and invectives.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

There's a thread nearby I predicted Trump would take over the debate, primarily because it was set-up to favor Biden. Nice try, Trump was his regular self. His intent last night was to demonstrate Biden is a corrupt leftist loser, no matter what was prepared as "topics of discussion".

Wallace wasn't worth a fuck BTW. You talk about child. He was inept, I suspect on purpose, though I suppose he could be that worthless.
"Trump was his regular self."That was Trump's problem. He's tied in NC Fla Ga and behind in AZ. Who other than those already voting for him saw a guy they want to support?

Trump has a plan for all debates. Last night's theme was Biden is a worthless turd and the left is dirty. Trump plays the hands given him and there are two debates to go. His last will be wow, that dude is presidential and accomplishments remarkable.

Trump has full control, primarily because he's capable, while his opponent stumbles every turn, every time. What Biden does say is political-parroting only, not a word of it has meaning, and that will continue through all debates. Biden is incapable of anything else. Meanwile Trump is primarily objective because he can be.

Trump had no goddamn plan.
Save that of intentionally causing the ‘debate’ to crash and burn to save face and avoid difficult, embarrassing questions.
Wallace did an admirable job when faced with a total Shit Show
He did not. He interrupted Trump constantly and he talked to Biden and reminded him of his own words/stances ( like he is senile...which he is).
How do you interrupt someone who is in the process of interrupting?
He did it multiple times during Trump answers...not letting him finish his points because he claimed he was getting ready to ask a related question. Wallace wasted Trumps allotted time several times.

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