trump needs to make 2000 plus apologies


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
Delete your account.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

if he had any honor, he'd commit seppuku
Pres. Trump doesn't need to apologize for anything. .... :cool:

When an American citizen is arrested for a crime. He is separated from his family and put in jail. And many times the children are taken from the offender's home and put in the custody of Child Services.

So why should illegals who have committed a criminal act by sneaking across our border be treated any different? ....
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
Why should illegals get special rights our own citizens dont get?
What happens when you break the law as an american citizen? IF its harsh enough, you get separated from your family.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

Just think. Next week you can charge him with human rights violations and you lefties can post another thousand threads about “The end of Trump is near....”
God forbid you actually give him credit for bowing to your whims... You crazy Trump haters disgust me. You’re completely irrational, full of nothing but hate and often display the exact type of behavior you claim to so loathe about Trump.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

President Trump should apologize on the behalf of Obama, admitting to these Illegal Alien kids that B. Hussein O treated them wrongly would go a lot to bridging the gap between Illegals and the President
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

You're full of shyte. They need to come here "legally". Why are Progressives so against consequences for actions?
Trump needs to deport each and every refugee, asylum seeker and illegal entrant.

Back in the day, if a foreigner wanted to apply for asylum or refugee status to come to America, they did it in a foreign country.

Enabled US government staff the ability to check them, see if they have the right stuff, make sure they aren't spies or something.

During WWII, if a boatload of foreigners docked in the US and asked to stay as refugees, they would be checked out thoroughly before being recognized as refugees. Particularly if they were Japanese individuals whose story was they were escaping from the Empire of Japan.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
I understand the big picture. These people are guilty of a misdemeanor at best and are innocent until proven guilty in the meantime. trump basically kidnapped these children. And the ones old enough to remember or going to be traumatized for a very long time.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
No problem, soon as Hillary apologizes for the death of four Americans in Benghazi, and 18 in Mogadishu Somalia, and then apologizes to everyone for creating the Russian Collusion scandal.
I go to jail for a dui (misdemeanor) and my son gets taken by the state because he cant take care of himself.
Ravi calls that kidnapping :rofl:

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