trump needs to make 2000 plus apologies

1 : Severity is subjective. For example, i think illegal crossing a national border is severe. Its so severe that, just like DUI, after the 2nd or third time, its a felony.

I agree it's subjective to a certain extent. And I support strong immigration policy. And I'm fine with escalating accountability for repeat offenders. But there can be no reasonable basis to compare illegal immigration with DUI, as DUI entails a direct and tangible risk of causing serious injury or death to other people.

2 : If you get caught drunk driving, you are going to jail. The conviction and sentencing comes at a later court date.

Actually, getting arrested for drunk driving typically means you get booked and are then given a summons. Also known as catch-and-release.
It's Obama who owes apologies. That man was in office EIGHT YEARS and we still don't have comprehensive immigration reform that makes sense. America had to elect a non-politician who has never been in office to fix this shit. For Love Of God Democrats, WORK WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP so we can secure the border and get an immigration policy that works for everybody. You can't get everything you want, no one ever does in a negotiation. If we had a secure border and a clear system to citizenship parents wouldn't have to drag their children hundreds of miles to the border while being raped only to be separated from their children. THIS shit is on you Democrats.
Obviously. They are different charges :rolleyes:

More specifically, the severity is quite different. Misdemeanors are "less" severe crimes, generally speaking. That is, when compared to felonies like. But not all misdemeanors are equally severe. Jaywalking is a misdemeanor, too. We can't equate all misdemeanors with the most severe examples.

Would they kid have been "kidnapped" by trump if their folks didnt break the law?

The second difference is that "going to jail for DUI" generally means that you've been convicted and sentenced. And when that happens, you're usually a repeat offender of an explicitly reckless crime that entails a direct risk of killing innocent people. So you're comparing the situation with these immigrant families with people who have already been convicted and are being punished for their crimes.
Incorrect. Don't believe me. Get drunk and drive by a cop and flip him off. You will be put in the back of a police car and go to jail. You will eventually be arraigned where a court date will be set and might be convicted and incarcerated for DUI......but you will go to jail when picked up. And if you have a child in the car with you, child protective services will handle them for you while you sit in jail. Oh the humanity!
1 : Severity is subjective. For example, i think illegal crossing a national border is severe. Its so severe that, just like DUI, after the 2nd or third time, its a felony.

I agree it's subjective to a certain extent. And I support strong immigration policy. And I'm fine with escalating accountability for repeat offenders. But there can be no reasonable basis to compare illegal immigration with DUI, as DUI entails a direct and tangible risk of causing serious injury or death to other people.

2 : If you get caught drunk driving, you are going to jail. The conviction and sentencing comes at a later court date.

Actually, getting arrested for drunk driving typically means you get booked and are then given a summons. Also known as catch-and-release.
Illegal immigration can be tied to many injuries and economic problems.
No. You stay in jail until bond is met. Some counties, at least around here, will make you stay until you can see the judge.
If you get busted on friday afternoon, and he wont be back until tuesday... well, you are fucked.
I am sure the states are different so not much point in discussing that lol
It's Obama who owes apologies. That man was in office EIGHT YEARS and we still don't have comprehensive immigration reform that makes sense. America had to elect a non-politician who has never been in office to fix this shit. For Love Of God Democrats, WORK WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP so we can secure the border and get an immigration policy that works for everybody. You can't get everything you want, no one ever does in a negotiation. If we had a secure border and a clear system to citizenship parents wouldn't have to drag their children hundreds of miles to the border while being raped only to be separated from their children. THIS shit is on you Democrats.
They have no intention of fixing the issue. They are happy right where it is iat so they can trot out their racism rhetoric at election time. What is sad is that too many of these minority groups don't realize that those who claim to be protecting them are actually using them. You'd think that eventually they would want to see the progress they keep getting sold.
It's Obama who owes apologies. That man was in office EIGHT YEARS and we still don't have comprehensive immigration reform that makes sense. America had to elect a non-politician who has never been in office to fix this shit. For Love Of God Democrats, WORK WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP so we can secure the border and get an immigration policy that works for everybody. You can't get everything you want, no one ever does in a negotiation. If we had a secure border and a clear system to citizenship parents wouldn't have to drag their children hundreds of miles to the border while being raped only to be separated from their children. THIS shit is on you Democrats.
They have no intention of fixing the issue. They are happy right where it is iat so they can trot out their racism rhetoric at election time. What is sad is that too many of these minority groups don't realize that those who claim to be protecting them are actually using them. You'd think that eventually they would want to see the progress they keep getting sold.

Sadly you are correct. Every one these kids that is raped, separated or left to die is a Democrat issue. If there was a wall and a clear path to citizenship like Republicans want this shit wouldn't happen.

The reality is Democrats just see future votes in these people while living is shit conditions whereas Republicans see them counted legally as citizens and a real chance at a new life.
Illegal immigration can be tied to many injuries and economic problems.

If you're willing to be causally far enough removed you can tie anything to anything else. But that's just a rabbit hole. There is no reasonable basis to suggest that a person crossing the border illegally creates any significant risk to of injury or death to a member of the public.
Illegal immigration can be tied to many injuries and economic problems.

If you're willing to be causally far enough removed you can tie anything to anything else. But that's just a rabbit hole. There is no reasonable basis to suggest that a person crossing the border illegally creates any significant risk to of injury or death to a member of the public.
Until it happens. Same with drunk driving. Especially considering the legal limit is way under most drinkers tolerance.
Looks like we are both up the same boat :)
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
Right after you apologize to each and every member of this forum for making such an assinine post.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
Sorry but 2,000+ parents that sent their kids unaccompanied need to be arrested for CHILD ABUSE!
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

We need all the illegal immigrants to apologize for stealing our identity, for using taxpayer money, for taxing our prison systems, for taking away American jobs, for making a selfish decision and then wanting the United States to apologizes for them breaking our laws and they can do so by leaving this country and then work on coming here the legal and proper way.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.
The words "vile" and Trump are mutually exclusive.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.
You want those kids in prison with their criminal families? Better idea: call the Mexican Federales to come pick them up.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.
While standing on one leg blowing bubbles out his ass.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.
Free ride back to the Mexican border.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
He has already apologized for the lying and bad representation of the Democratic Party which obstructs every effort to bring the border matters to a close.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
I understand the big picture. These people are guilty of a misdemeanor at best and are innocent until proven guilty in the meantime. trump basically kidnapped these children. And the ones old enough to remember or going to be traumatized for a very long time.

Of course they would be guilty of a misdemeanor...if they were US citizens

But they are a foregien army against the USA

He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

Apologize for enforcing the laws that he didn’t pass, so do we get to pick the laws we want to follow based on feelings now.
I got a court date coming up so I can just tell the judge that I didn’t follow that law because I don’t like it!

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He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

Why should he apologize for an Obama Era Policy that was still in effect when he came in to office, and Congress refused to do anything about? At least he signed an EO to end it which is more than Obama Bin Lying did.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.

Why should he apologize for an Obama Era Policy that was still in effect when he came in to office, and Congress refused to do anything about? At least he signed an EO to end it which is more than Obama Bin Lying did.

Well they don't really care that its the law. They just want something, anything they can use to throw at Trump.

Not a one of them gave a shit back in 2014 when those pictures were taken.

I never saw one thread about it on this board nor heard anything on the news either.

You can't cure stupid and tree stump dumb.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
They don’t deserve an apology they deserve a one way ticket the hell out of the US and never come back. If that’s not good enough for you then you can go with them.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
I understand the big picture. These people are guilty of a misdemeanor at best and are innocent until proven guilty in the meantime. trump basically kidnapped these children. And the ones old enough to remember or going to be traumatized for a very long time.

All persons in the United States are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
I understand the big picture. These people are guilty of a misdemeanor at best and are innocent until proven guilty in the meantime. trump basically kidnapped these children. And the ones old enough to remember or going to be traumatized for a very long time.

All persons in the United States are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Hence you stop them at the border and incarcerate them immediately pending vetting and processing. How many should we let in Councilor?
He needs to take responsibility for his vile policy.

He needs to get every single one of those children back to their families.

He needs to personally apologize to each child and parent, explaining to them that he was wrong, he is sorry, and it will never happen again.

He needs to find a way to make it up to them.

Then he can apologize to the American public for lying to them and acting badly as a representative of the country.
this shit needs to end. people demanding others cave to their emo demands.

ain't gonna happen. give it up. dream another dream. stop being so damn anal. understand the entire picture, not just your emo-hate.
I understand the big picture. These people are guilty of a misdemeanor at best and are innocent until proven guilty in the meantime. trump basically kidnapped these children. And the ones old enough to remember or going to be traumatized for a very long time.

All persons in the United States are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.
Citizens get those considerations. Not every asshole committing a crime coming here illegally. They’ve deserve and are owed nothing.

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