Trump Never Mocked the Reporter


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

Nobody's going to buy your bullshit
So, the Trump fans say he wasn't mocking a disabled reporter. He just doing his usual thing where he mocks retarded people, and that's totally okay!

Yeah. You go with that, Trump fans.

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

Thanks for posting the truth, but of you think for one moment that this will stop Libtard Moonbats from spreading this lie, you're in for a surprise. Libtards spent 15 years mocking Bush, claiming he said Mission Accomplished, when it has been proven that he never said that. To this day, Libtards accuse President Reagan of saying "deficits don't matter" when in fact someone else in his administration made that off the cuff remark. Libtards bash Gov Palin for saying "I can see Russia from my front porch" when in fact it was a line used by hack comedian Tina Fey on a Saturday Night Live skit. Truth and facts do not deter Libtards from their attacks.
Actually, what happened was the Trump's microphone had a short, and 110 volts of electricity were shooting through him at the time. It wasn't his fault. The electrician was an illegal alien.

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

So your point is that Trump did a horrible job in mocking the reporter

Trump: "Have you seen this guy?"

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

Thanks for posting the truth, but of you think for one moment that this will stop Libtard Moonbats from spreading this lie, you're in for a surprise. Libtards spent 15 years mocking Bush, claiming he said Mission Accomplished, when it has been proven that he never said that. To this day, Libtards accuse President Reagan of saying "deficits don't matter" when in fact someone else in his administration made that off the cuff remark. Libtards bash Gov Palin for saying "I can see Russia from my front porch" when in fact it was a line used by hack comedian Tina Fey on a Saturday Night Live skit. Truth and facts do not deter Libtards from their attacks.


It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

Maybe you could help your case if you can show where Trump routinely goes into spasmatic contractions when he mocks a non-handicapped reporter

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

So you nuts on the Right are now the only ones entitled to attack the source of a story?

Convenient for you, eh?
Longknife, for a photographer, I would expect a bit more reality from you.

It's about time someone lets the cat out of the bag and puts to rest the lie the Clinton campaign is milking.

Thus the true story is as follows: Donald Trump embarrassed the media by finding the 9/11 Washington Post article. The media found the reporter who tried to backtrack. Trump impersonated the reporter backtracking. Media points out the reporter is disabled, but only releases still photos of his flexed hand. Public assumes from Trump’s impersonation and being told by the media that he is mocking a disabled man that the reporter must not be able to control his arms and Trump is a dirtbag who hates the disabled. In reality muscle spasms or involuntary arm movements are not part of the reporter’s disability. Therefore Trump could not be mocking a disability that doesn’t exist. Hear Trump respond to the claim below, which perfectly coincides with the series of events described above:

Full story with lots of videos, pictures, and links @ The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability We all know the Shrillarybots will refuse to go to the source and instead will attack the source and the poster

So your point is that Trump did a horrible job in mocking the reporter

Trump: "Have you seen this guy?"


Trump knew the reporter- and mocked him for his disability.

Just as he has attacked women reporters and his fellow candidates.

That is what Trump does- he attacks people personally.

And Trumpsters eat it up- Trumpsters actually agree with Trump mocking someone for his disability- after all- not doing so would be 'politically correct'.

Trump doesn't care that its not 'politically correct' to mock a disabled person.

And Trumpster love that.
Trump disqualified himself from being President on that day; right then and right there.

Hate to disagree with you, but he was never qualified to start with. That day was just one of many when he demonstrated his lack of qualifications.
Trump disqualified himself from being President on that day; right then and right there.

Hate to disagree with you, but he was never qualified to start with. That day was just one of many when he demonstrated his lack of qualifications.

Now, now, now, anyone with a pulse rate who has traveled around the sun 35 times and had the accident of being born here is qualified.... Amazing how low we set the bar isn't it?

A better way to put it was "removed himself from consideration"

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