Trump NH Townhall crazy man asks "when can get get rid of 'em" Muslims, and Trump says...

Where is it Trump's place to defend Obama? .
Its not a matter of "defending Obama" its a matter of Defending Truth....calling Obama Muslin and foreign is RACIST ...its not politics at all...its Raw Bigoted Dishonest slander to call Obama a Muslim and a Foreigner
Ann Coulter already started the antisemitism...this is going to make that surge...Bigotry is rife in the GOP

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) chastised fellow presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday for allowing a man to incorrectly claim that President Obama is a Muslim. Sanders took to Twitter to demand the GOP real estate mogul apologize, and said:
“This nonsense has got to end.”

Trump must apologize to the president and American people for continuing the lie that the president is not an American and not a Christian.
Bernie Sanders on Twitter

It's not Obama's skin color that makes him not look like a Christian or an American.
It's not Obama's skin color that makes him not look like a Christian or an American.
Its not you all being white that its a problem either ...its being a bigoted asshole that is the problem for your type mongo :321:

Hillary Clinton Gets Fired Up And Goes Off On Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton got visibly fired up today when asked about Donald Trump and the birthers. Clinton demanded that Republicans stop impugning the integrity of President Obama. …
All I did was done mock you,...

a perfect example of how libertards are taught English. :up:
Is our children Learning ?
The real problem is that a significant portion of the GOP base is detached from conventional reality. The freak shouting that Obama is Muslim is part of that base of people who believe nonsense. the same people who believe that there is no global warming and Scientist who say that are corrupt. The same way they believe the crazy notion that tax cuts pay for themselves and create jobs..The same way they believe the Bible takes precedence over the US Constitution. its nonsense...and its dangerous to have so many people detached from reality....

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...racists and bigots...

not too familiar with your demorat party history, are you ? the most recent racist bigot that comes to mind is one of your parties heros, Robert KKK Byrd, please get educated before you go "bat shit crazy" again. :up: ... :lmao:

Half of the right wing assholes on that stage are racist bigots. They play to the low class, no manners horses asses who vote for the modern Republican party:

Are you claiming that BLack Liberation Theology is not racist?
Only racists see Black Liberation Theology as racist!!!

Black liberation theology focuses on Africans in general and African-Americans in particular being liberated from all forms of bondage and injustice, whether real or perceived, whether social, political, economic, or religious. The goal of black liberation theology is to “make Christianity real for blacks.”
Where is it Trump's place to defend Obama? .
Its not a matter of "defending Obama" its a matter of Defending Truth....calling Obama Muslin and foreign is RACIST ...its not politics at all...its Raw Bigoted Dishonest slander to call Obama a Muslim and a Foreigner
Here we go again with the fucking race card. How do you know he's not a muslim, because he said so? Everyone knows he's a damn liar.
Yeah! The price of milk and eggs is high! Let's round up them muzzies
and impeach the usurper!!

There are no terrorist training camps in New York that aren't organized by desperate and frightened white supremacists.
.When have I ever called conservative black people "Uncle Toms" " I call them crazy.

So er your estimation "Black People" aren't "Uncle Toms" they're just "crazy" ... and yet you're not a racist? the dude requires enlightenment regarding this embraglio.....

Uncle Tom is a racial slur. Crazy is a fair definition for most right wingers. Why else would trump be your leading contender for the GOP nomination? Smart people don't do that sort of thing.
Yeah? Is this a fair definition for most right wingers?


That's a fair example of how many right wingers think they should reach out to blacks. It's totally insulting,but I don't think righties recognize that.
.When have I ever called conservative black people "Uncle Toms" " I call them crazy.

So er your estimation "Black People" aren't "Uncle Toms" they're just "crazy" ... and yet you're not a racist? the dude requires enlightenment regarding this embraglio.....

Uncle Tom is a racial slur. Crazy is a fair definition for most right wingers
So in your estimation it's not only "black people" that are "crazy" but "right wingers" join that classification as well.. gotcha.. these variants of racism are fascinating.

. Why else would trump be your leading contender for the GOP nomination?
You use "your leading contender" there is no "your" since I have nothing to do with the GOP nomination...

Smart people don't do that sort of thing.
Uh-huh.. where I come from smart people don't call "black people" and "right wingers" crazy but racists and bigots are in short supply where I live .

Thanks for sharing and have a nice day. . :shock:

You are twisting what I said. I didn't say black people as a group are crazy, I said right wingers as a group are crazy. Comprehension problems?
Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.
There's far less racism in the Republican Party than there is in the Democratic Party. Always has been, and you don't freely acknowledge your racist history either. You only reluctantly acknowledge it when confronted with overwhelming documentation, then you try to excuse it.

No excuses it was wrong, just like the racism of today's GOP is wrong.
When you stop calling conservative black people "Uncle Toms" you might have an argument but until then, you don't.

Always with the crazy accusations.When have I ever called conservative black people "Uncle Toms" " I call them crazy. It is an accurate term for most right wingers regardless of their color.

If you didn't do it, you've certainly heard plenty of other dems do it.

This is another chance for you to acknowledge the racism in their party now.

Which you won't do. Because you are a hypocrite.

Well,no.I haven't heard that phrase in decades, other than on right wing media. They use it quite often.
Ben Shaprio is the man. Why do the leftist foment Jew hatred on Collage campuses?.Why is the Leftist who started this thread, who claims to be a Jew not concerned about it?

.When have I ever called conservative black people "Uncle Toms" " I call them crazy.

So er your estimation "Black People" aren't "Uncle Toms" they're just "crazy" ... and yet you're not a racist? the dude requires enlightenment regarding this embraglio.....

Uncle Tom is a racial slur. Crazy is a fair definition for most right wingers. Why else would trump be your leading contender for the GOP nomination? Smart people don't do that sort of thing.
Yeah? Is this a fair definition for most right wingers?


That's a fair example of how many right wingers think they should reach out to blacks. It's totally insulting,but I don't think righties recognize that.
Only it wasn't done by right wingers, it was done by you racists on the left.

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