Trump NH Townhall crazy man asks "when can get get rid of 'em" Muslims, and Trump says...

So here's a woman sneaking up in the polls, exposing The Democrat Party's sexism, and they're still fixating on Trump. I guess some objects are just too shiny for them to tear their eyes off.....
The democrats have an advanced case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The only cure is to remove their heads from their asses.....

Simply, it is not Trumps' responsibility to 'defend' Obie against some crackpots' comments. Trump is not McCain. McCain also lost.
It's only the lefty media and Obamabot faux outrage.
Trump handled the question well, as he initially muttered looking chagrined, 'So this is the first question......blah....blah....blah.....blah....".

Progressives need to grow the F up and not be as thin-skinned as Obama and Chrissy Matthews.......tho', it is too late for that!
He pivoted away from the stupidity perfectly. Didn't even acknowledge it other than commenting "we need this question? The first question..." then pivoted to the "bad things" happening in this country (terrorist training camps etc etc)

When there is something of substance there I'd agree, but this is just ANOTHER attempt to make something out of nothing. He shouldn't have addressed the stupidity of the 'Obama is a Muslim' and Muslim comment and didn't. Good move.

All this attention on Trump means one thing. The Dems/Left are scared of him. The Trump movement is growing and he's really the only threat to whoever the Dems are going to be running. Dems better hope that Biden gets into the race because he's the ONLY one who will have a chance to fend off Trump getting into the White House.

If Trump doesn't fuck everything up for himself he will be the Republican nominee. He has to give just enough details about some of his policies to get him by, stop insulting the other nominees and keep on campaigning on "Make America Great Again" to win. If he fails to do ALL of those 3 things, he will have a very tough time making it across the finish line.

I hope he is the Republican nominee.....ordinary American voters will kick the pee waddlin' dog shit out of him.
Simply, it is not Trumps' responsibility to 'defend' Obie against some crackpots' comments. Trump is not McCain. McCain also lost.
It's only the lefty media and Obamabot faux outrage.
Trump handled the question well, as he initially muttered looking chagrined, 'So this is the first question......blah....blah....blah.....blah....".

Progressives need to grow the F up and not be as thin-skinned as Obama and Chrissy Matthews.......tho', it is too late for that!

I hope trump is the nominee.....he will make the ass kicking McCain took look like a picnic. There Ain't Gonna Be No Republican president.

Think about it people. When the liberals are in charge they will call you "crazy" if you disagree with liberal doctrine. I recall a student in Harvard who went by the name of Barry Sotoro and claimed to be Indonesian (muslem). Maybe it was the truth or maybe he lied to get a break in tuition. At any rate Harvard decided that Americans didn't deserve the truth and they locked Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's entire records in a freaking safe. Barry's father was not only a muslem, he was an alcoholic bigamist anti-American muslem and Barry admired him so much that he (or ghost writer Bill Ayers) wrote a book called "dreams of my father". If his father was a muslem extremist who dreamed about destroying America doesn't it reflect on Barry?
He pivoted away from the stupidity perfectly. Didn't even acknowledge it other than commenting "we need this question? The first question..." then pivoted to the "bad things" happening in this country (terrorist training camps etc etc)

When there is something of substance there I'd agree, but this is just ANOTHER attempt to make something out of nothing. He shouldn't have addressed the stupidity of the 'Obama is a Muslim' and Muslim comment and didn't. Good move.

All this attention on Trump means one thing. The Dems/Left are scared of him. The Trump movement is growing and he's really the only threat to whoever the Dems are going to be running. Dems better hope that Biden gets into the race because he's the ONLY one who will have a chance to fend off Trump getting into the White House.

If Trump doesn't fuck everything up for himself he will be the Republican nominee. He has to give just enough details about some of his policies to get him by, stop insulting the other nominees and keep on campaigning on "Make America Great Again" to win. If he fails to do ALL of those 3 things, he will have a very tough time making it across the finish line.

If you think DEMS are scared of Trump, then you are smoking some really strong stuff.
File under: oy, Gewalt.

Crazy man: "When can we get rid of 'em"
Trump: "We're going to be looking into a lot of things".

Those are word-for-word quotes, verbatim.

Here is the exchange. In one minute flat, the crazy man says that Obama is a Muslim, not an American and that the main problem is with "Muslims". Listen to this crazy man and watch his body English, especially as he spits out the word "President". Too funny:

These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party. Chuckle, chuckle.

Oh, and in the video, do you see even one minority person on the stage at all? Nope. They are all white. Of course, it was in New Hampshire, which is 95% white, but somehow, minorities find the time to go to Democratic events in that state...

That is not what the man said in the video - he was speaking about Muslim Jihadist training camps and asking when can we get rid of them. I believe it is quite clear he was speaking of outlawing Muslim Jihadist training camps and who can blame him for asking such a question? The FBI is most likely wondering the same thing. When can they enforce the law?

Speaking of Muslim Jihadists I heard about the Muslim immigrant who raped the 7 yr. old child in a park in Germany recently. It does appear things are not going well for your own nation, Stat, in regard to the recent influx of Muslim immigrants Germany is accepting. I'm sorry to hear that.

Oh dear god.. Seriously?
File under: oy, Gewalt.

Crazy man: "When can we get rid of 'em"
Trump: "We're going to be looking into a lot of things".

Those are word-for-word quotes, verbatim.

Here is the exchange. In one minute flat, the crazy man says that Obama is a Muslim, not an American and that the main problem is with "Muslims". Listen to this crazy man and watch his body English, especially as he spits out the word "President". Too funny:

These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party. Chuckle, chuckle.

Oh, and in the video, do you see even one minority person on the stage at all? Nope. They are all white. Of course, it was in New Hampshire, which is 95% white, but somehow, minorities find the time to go to Democratic events in that state...

That is not what the man said in the video - he was speaking about Muslim Jihadist training camps and asking when can we get rid of them. I believe it is quite clear he was speaking of outlawing Muslim Jihadist training camps and who can blame him for asking such a question? The FBI is most likely wondering the same thing. When can they enforce the law?

Speaking of Muslim Jihadists I heard about the Muslim immigrant who raped the 7 yr. old child in a park in Germany recently. It does appear things are not going well for your own nation, Stat, in regard to the recent influx of Muslim immigrants Germany is accepting. I'm sorry to hear that.

My "nation"?

Drinking much these days?

I'm an American, Jeremiah.

Put the booze down. Thanks.
Think about it people. When the liberals are in charge they will call you "crazy" if you disagree with liberal doctrine. I recall a student in Harvard who went by the name of Barry Sotoro and claimed to be Indonesian (muslem). Maybe it was the truth or maybe he lied to get a break in tuition. At any rate Harvard decided that Americans didn't deserve the truth and they locked Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's entire records in a freaking safe. Barry's father was not only a muslem, he was an alcoholic bigamist anti-American muslem and Barry admired him so much that he (or ghost writer Bill Ayers) wrote a book called "dreams of my father". If his father was a muslem extremist who dreamed about destroying America doesn't it reflect on Barry?

Just in the last hour CNN did a piece about Barack Obama's birth in Hawaii. He was born on Oahu and they even interviewed the doctor who delivered him. The one thing we can be sure of is that the most ignorant people on this planet will not get any smarter.
If he was hostile towards Jews why did he re-supply Israel during their most recent military action in Gaza? Is that really hostile.
I would call helping Iran get a nuclear weapon hostile toward Jews, yes. And I noticed you didn't deny his hostility toward Christians.
In which case you're just as ignorant, hateful, and wrong as the Trump supporter, consistent with your posting history.

And that you don't understand the issue comes as no surprise.

The issue is the ignorance common to many conservatives and the propensity of conservatives to lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie.

That there are ''Muslim terrorist training camps' in the United States is a lie.

Maintaining that the president 'isn't an American citizen' is a lie.

There's also another level of idiocy to this: the moronic notion that being a Muslim is somehow 'bad' or 'wrong'; indeed, there are millions of Muslim Americans just as American and just as loyal as any other American

Your statements above are simply your opinions no more; no less. You have the same right to opinions as the man in question Trump or myself. Again no more; no less. You disagree with the opinions expressed? Tell someone who cares.

First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations...

Untrue. The Bill of Rights sets forth rights of the individual.

...where one private citizen is at liberty to denounce the ignorance and hate of another, something Trump failed to do.

Just as I am at liberty to denounce your's as I am doing.
In which case you're just as ignorant, hateful, and wrong as the Trump supporter, consistent with your posting history.

And that you don't understand the issue comes as no surprise.

The issue is the ignorance common to many conservatives and the propensity of conservatives to lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie.

That there are ''Muslim terrorist training camps' in the United States is a lie.

Maintaining that the president 'isn't an American citizen' is a lie.

There's also another level of idiocy to this: the moronic notion that being a Muslim is somehow 'bad' or 'wrong'; indeed, there are millions of Muslim Americans just as American and just as loyal as any other American

Your statements above are simply your opinions no more; no less. You have the same right to opinions as the man in question Trump or myself. Again no more; no less. You disagree with the opinions expressed? Tell someone who cares.

First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations...

Untrue. The Bill of Rights sets forth rights of the individual.

...where one private citizen is at liberty to denounce the ignorance and hate of another, something Trump failed to do.

Just as I am at liberty to denounce your's as I am doing.
Care to give us some facts, instead of opinion?
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"These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party."

They're also the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP.

Most republicans aren't racists or bigots, nor does the party condone either – but the GOP in fact has a problem with racists and bigots among its ranks, and trying to ignore that problem will only allow it to get worse.
Unlike the Democratic Party which has a long history of bigotry and racism dating back to before the Civil War. Slavery, then KKK, Jim Crow, and other varieties of institutionalized racism. You have no room to talk about racism, your party owns it.

Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.
There's far less racism in the Republican Party than there is in the Democratic Party. Always has been, and you don't freely acknowledge your racist history either. You only reluctantly acknowledge it when confronted with overwhelming documentation, then you try to excuse it.

No excuses it was wrong, just like the racism of today's GOP is wrong.
"These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party."

They're also the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP.

Most republicans aren't racists or bigots, nor does the party condone either – but the GOP in fact has a problem with racists and bigots among its ranks, and trying to ignore that problem will only allow it to get worse.
Unlike the Democratic Party which has a long history of bigotry and racism dating back to before the Civil War. Slavery, then KKK, Jim Crow, and other varieties of institutionalized racism. You have no room to talk about racism, your party owns it.

Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.

So, you believe that Obama didn't know he was a member of a racist church for twenty years?


I believe the right made much more out of that one phrase than it deserved. Twenty years of religious teaching can't be accurately judged on a few words without the complete context.

You believe that? How convenient for you.

I saw the Rev Wright on live tv discussing how his church was a Church of Black Liberation Theology.

That means that racism was part of the church teachings, not some lone out of context bad day.

Obama was very attracted to that message.

And you dems put him in the Oval Office.

You just refused to acknowledge the racism in your party now.

You keep saying that. Your fellow RWNJs will agree. Fortunately, that is all that will agree.
"These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party."

They're also the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP.

Most republicans aren't racists or bigots, nor does the party condone either – but the GOP in fact has a problem with racists and bigots among its ranks, and trying to ignore that problem will only allow it to get worse.
Unlike the Democratic Party which has a long history of bigotry and racism dating back to before the Civil War. Slavery, then KKK, Jim Crow, and other varieties of institutionalized racism. You have no room to talk about racism, your party owns it.

Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.
There's far less racism in the Republican Party than there is in the Democratic Party. Always has been, and you don't freely acknowledge your racist history either. You only reluctantly acknowledge it when confronted with overwhelming documentation, then you try to excuse it.

No excuses it was wrong, just like the racism of today's GOP is wrong.
When you stop calling conservative black people "Uncle Toms" you might have an argument but until then, you don't.

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