Trump NH Townhall crazy man asks "when can get get rid of 'em" Muslims, and Trump says...

Statist welcoming Muslims?
Mrs. Rodham-Clinton Lewinsky's effort is no longer a campaign. It's the World's Longest Running dirty joke.

I thought you folks had gotten over that. The entire Republican majority worked from the time Bill Clinton was first elected till he actually left after a second term(with a 65% approval rating) trying to remove him from office. Guess What....they spent $100,000,000 of taxpayer's money and didn't even cause him to flinch. Don't you straight laced, tight collared right wingers ever get you a little strange?? Even just a BJ??
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"These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party."

They're also the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP.

Most republicans aren't racists or bigots, nor does the party condone either – but the GOP in fact has a problem with racists and bigots among its ranks, and trying to ignore that problem will only allow it to get worse.
Unlike the Democratic Party which has a long history of bigotry and racism dating back to before the Civil War. Slavery, then KKK, Jim Crow, and other varieties of institutionalized racism. You have no room to talk about racism, your party owns it.

Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.

So, you believe that Obama didn't know he was a member of a racist church for twenty years?


I believe the right made much more out of that one phrase than it deserved. Twenty years of religious teaching can't be accurately judged on a few words without the complete context.

You believe that? How convenient for you.

I saw the Rev Wright on live tv discussing how his church was a Church of Black Liberation Theology.

That means that racism was part of the church teachings, not some lone out of context bad day.

Obama was very attracted to that message.

And you dems put him in the Oval Office.

You just refused to acknowledge the racism in your party now.

Coward Donald Trump Goes Into Hiding As Birther Backlash Grows
As criticism is mounting over Donald Trump's refusal to condemn his supporters birther remarks about President Obama, Trump backed out of a candidate forum at the last minute…

By: Jason Easley Fri, Sep 18th, 201510 Comments

Bernie Sanders Shreds Donald Trump For Reviving Debunked Obama Birtherism
Bernie Sanders called Donald Trump and his birtherism a disgrace during an interview on CBS This Morning. Sanders strongly condemned the birther mythology and ugliness surrounding President Obama. …
File under: oy, Gewalt.

Crazy man: "When can we get rid of 'em"
Trump: "We're going to be looking into a lot of things".

Those are word-for-word quotes, verbatim.

Here is the exchange. In one minute flat, the crazy man says that Obama is a Muslim, not an American and that the main problem is with "Muslims". Listen to this crazy man and watch his body English, especially as he spits out the word "President". Too funny:

These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party. Chuckle, chuckle.

Oh, and in the video, do you see even one minority person on the stage at all? Nope. They are all white. Of course, it was in New Hampshire, which is 95% white, but somehow, minorities find the time to go to Democratic events in that state...

Trump obviously didn't hear the comment/question...

He pivoted away from the stupidity perfectly. Didn't even acknowledge it other than commenting "we need this question? The first question..."
Not quite!
If you pay attention, after the person said ""We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. We know our current president is one." Trump said "right."
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Trump obviously didn't hear the comment/question...

Yeah, that is what the liar is now claiming, but the fact remains that when the person said Obama was a Muslim, Trump said "right," so he was obviously following the conversation without any hearing problems.
Where is it Trump's place to defend Obama? Most Americans don't believe our president is a Christian. Anyone can say anything regarding their faith but actions speak louder than words. Whether he is a muslim himself or not, we don't know. All we know for sure is that he praises and protects muslims and is openly hostile toward Christians and Jews. If people conclude he is a muslim, based on his actions and statements, they do so with good reason.
Where is it Trump's place to defend Obama? Most Americans don't believe our president is a Christian. Anyone can say anything regarding their faith but actions speak louder than words. Whether he is a muslim himself or not, we don't know. All we know for sure is that he praises and protects muslims and is openly hostile toward Christians and Jews. If people conclude he is a muslim, based on his actions and statements, they do so with good reason.

56 percent of Republicans beleive he is a Muslim. 2/3's Trump supporter do.

It's Fauxnews when you say he protects Muslims while being hostile towards Christians and Jews. If he was hostile towards Jews why did he re-supply Israel during their most recent military action in Gaza? Is that really hostile.
File under: oy, Gewalt.

Crazy man: "When can we get rid of 'em"
Trump: "We're going to be looking into a lot of things".

Those are word-for-word quotes, verbatim.

Here is the exchange. In one minute flat, the crazy man says that Obama is a Muslim, not an American and that the main problem is with "Muslims". Listen to this crazy man and watch his body English, especially as he spits out the word "President". Too funny:

These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party. Chuckle, chuckle.

Oh, and in the video, do you see even one minority person on the stage at all? Nope. They are all white. Of course, it was in New Hampshire, which is 95% white, but somehow, minorities find the time to go to Democratic events in that state...

That is not what the man said in the video - he was speaking about Muslim Jihadist training camps and asking when can we get rid of them. I believe it is quite clear he was speaking of outlawing Muslim Jihadist training camps and who can blame him for asking such a question? The FBI is most likely wondering the same thing. When can they enforce the law?

Speaking of Muslim Jihadists I heard about the Muslim immigrant who raped the 7 yr. old child in a park in Germany recently. It does appear things are not going well for your own nation, Stat, in regard to the recent influx of Muslim immigrants Germany is accepting. I'm sorry to hear that.
"These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party."

They're also the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP.

Most republicans aren't racists or bigots, nor does the party condone either – but the GOP in fact has a problem with racists and bigots among its ranks, and trying to ignore that problem will only allow it to get worse.
Unlike the Democratic Party which has a long history of bigotry and racism dating back to before the Civil War. Slavery, then KKK, Jim Crow, and other varieties of institutionalized racism. You have no room to talk about racism, your party owns it.

Democrats freely acknowledge the racism of their party in past centuries. Republicans should acknowledge the racism in their party now.

So, you believe that Obama didn't know he was a member of a racist church for twenty years?


I believe the right made much more out of that one phrase than it deserved. Twenty years of religious teaching can't be accurately judged on a few words without the complete context.

You believe that? How convenient for you.

I saw the Rev Wright on live tv discussing how his church was a Church of Black Liberation Theology.

That means that racism was part of the church teachings, not some lone out of context bad day.

Obama was very attracted to that message.

And you dems put him in the Oval Office.

You just refused to acknowledge the racism in your party now.
Of course not all Muslims are killers but the radical parts are killing in the name of their religion which is Muslim.
A Muslim's religion is Islam NOT Muslim!


54h. Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam

Though Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were both influential figures in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the two met only once and exchanged just a few words.
When Malcolm Little was growing up in Lansing, Michigan, he developed a mistrust for white Americans. Ku Klux Klan terrorists burned his house, and his father was later murdered — an act young Malcolm attributed to local whites. After moving to Harlem, Malcolm turned to crime. Soon he was arrested and sent to jail.

The prison experience was eye-opening for the young man, and he soon made some decisions that altered the course of his life. He began to read and educate himself. Influenced by other inmates, he converted to Islam. Upon his release, he was a changed man with a new identity.

Believing his true lineage to be lost when his ancestors were forced into slavery, he took the last name of a variable: X.


Malcolm X was a practitioner of the Black Muslim faith, which combines the religious aspects of Islam with the ideas of both black power and black nationalism.
Wallace Fard founded the Nation of Islam in the 1930s.
Christianity was the white man's religion, declared Fard. It was forced on African Americans during the slave experience. Islam was closer to African roots and identity. Members of the Nation of Islam read the Koran, worship Allah as their God, and accept Mohammed as their chief prophet. Mixed with the religious tenets of Islam were black pride and black nationalism. The followers of Fard became known as Black Muslims.

When Fard mysteriously disappeared, Elijah Muhammad became the leader of the movement. The Nation of Islam attracted many followers, especially in prisons, where lost African Americans most looked for guidance. They preached adherence to a strict moral code and reliance on other African Americans. Integration was not a goal. Rather, the Nation of Islam wanted blacks to set up their own schools, churches, and support networks. When Malcolm X made his personal conversion, Elijah Muhammad soon recognized his talents and made him a leading spokesperson for the Black Muslims.
This is a place where Trump shows his ignorance. He thinks he has to pander in a political audience setting. There are plants (I don't believe this guy was one. Not the wrong vibe) and you have to deal with crazies in every audience.
Oprah says "thank you for sharing" when she gets one. I believe Trump was trying to do that. He should have copied McCain's way of dealing with it. He was too dim.
I don't believe any one class of people is different from any other in trumps view. For trump there are just two types of people. Donald Trump and patsies
This is a place where Trump shows his ignorance. He thinks he has to pander in a political audience setting. There are plants (I don't believe this guy was one. Not the wrong vibe) and you have to deal with crazies in every audience.
Oprah says "thank you for sharing" when she gets one. I believe Trump was trying to do that. He should have copied McCain's way of dealing with it. He was too dim.
I don't believe any one class of people is different from any other in trumps view. For trump there are just two types of people. Donald Trump and patsies

Doesn't matter, a year from now the phrase of the day will be "Donald who?" , in the meantime, kick back, have a beer and enjoy the comedy show.....
This is a place where Trump shows his ignorance. He thinks he has to pander in a political audience setting. There are plants (I don't believe this guy was one. Not the wrong vibe) and you have to deal with crazies in every audience.
Oprah says "thank you for sharing" when she gets one. I believe Trump was trying to do that. He should have copied McCain's way of dealing with it. He was too dim.
I don't believe any one class of people is different from any other in trumps view. For trump there are just two types of people. Donald Trump and patsies

Doesn't matter, a year from now the phrase of the day will be "Donald who?" , in the meantime, kick back, have a beer and enjoy the comedy show.....

Right On about the comedy show. I can't believe that Reince Priebus has put together a ridiculous mess like this. I wonder who appointed him.
File under: oy, Gewalt.

Crazy man: "When can we get rid of 'em"
Trump: "We're going to be looking into a lot of things".

Those are word-for-word quotes, verbatim.

Here is the exchange. In one minute flat, the crazy man says that Obama is a Muslim, not an American and that the main problem is with "Muslims". Listen to this crazy man and watch his body English, especially as he spits out the word "President". Too funny:

These are the kind of zenophobic, batshit crazy people who are being attracted to Donald Trump. They are also known as the "base" of the Republican Party. Chuckle, chuckle.

Oh, and in the video, do you see even one minority person on the stage at all? Nope. They are all white. Of course, it was in New Hampshire, which is 95% white, but somehow, minorities find the time to go to Democratic events in that state...

zenophobic. The new liberal meme.

If we're still alive then(I'm 81) I'll remind you of stuff!!!!
I fail to see where there is any sort of valid complaint to be made. I agree with both the man from the audience and with Trumps' response. People have a right to their opinions whether you like them or not. You know, that pesky ole 1st amendment thing.
In which case you're just as ignorant, hateful, and wrong as the Trump supporter, consistent with your posting history.

And that you don't understand the issue comes as no surprise.

The issue is the ignorance common to many conservatives and the propensity of conservatives to lie.

That the president is a 'Muslim' is a lie.

That there are ''Muslim terrorist training camps' in the United States is a lie.

Maintaining that the president 'isn't an American citizen' is a lie.

There's also another level of idiocy to this: the moronic notion that being a Muslim is somehow 'bad' or 'wrong'; indeed, there are millions of Muslim Americans just as American and just as loyal as any other American.

Last, this has nothing to do with the First Amendment, no one is advocating for any type of law in any government – Federal, state, or local – that will subject the ignorant and hateful to some sort of punitive measure as a consequence of their ignorance and hate. First Amendment jurisprudence applies solely to the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and organizations, where one private citizen is at liberty to denounce the ignorance and hate of another, something Trump failed to do.

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