Trump not invited to 'secretive' think tank conference with GOP mega-donors: report

Trump is finished! His political career is circling the drain. Despite his diehard base of moronic minions, he is losing support among others, who are conservative but realistic and understand the need to move on

In addition:


By, By Donnie! You have done enough damage!
Why would he be or why should he be. He's a complete psychopathic nutter. He's rooting for putin for revenge.
The bastard should be in gitmo.
It matters in whether the base is shrinking. It is.
Except that the base isn't shrinking......75 million votes is more than any incumbent prez, of either party, has ever received.

As I said, you're kidding yourself.
Trump is not even the issue at this point. His base of supporters are waiting for his heir apparent…
No, unfortunately he’s not.

Trump remains overwhelmingly popular among Republicans – the base in particular – and tops polls as the preferred GOP 2024 presidential nominee.

In fact, this snub will make Trump even more popular among his supporters.
But will that shrinking base be enough? I don't think so
Uh-huh... TICK, TOCK, BABY! Slo Joe becomes a castrated figurehead as of this November and Trump will officially announce his run next year. I plan to enjoy watching you fools lose your miiiiinds over it :auiqs.jpg:
Nice to know that you are rooting for the total destruction of American Democracy. We might as well hand the keys to the Republic to Putin Right now. You people are fucking traitors. Do not dare call yourself a patriot!
All them rich folks who are elitist pricks in the GOP are deciding who they will ALLOW TO RUN..........LOL

I'm voting for the PORT O LET MAN..........He can't weld..........he can't fit...............But he damn well knows his shit.
I predict that the same crowd that hated him for 4 years will easily be pushed into civil unrest or even bloodshed as soon as he announces because the media is going to understand that he CAN NOT LOSE to any Democrat with the country in such a shape as it is under Biden.
Good to know that you have so little faith in American democracy that you think that we can decent into a Syrian style civil war so easily. Or maybe you are hoping for it.
Good to know that you have so little faith in American democracy that you think that we can decent into a Syrian style civil war so easily. Or maybe you are hoping for it.
Romans were saying the same shit as they watched their empire burn...........

Oh.........have I told you leftist to fuck off today? Want to make sure I you remember that daily.
Trump is finished! His political career is circling the drain. Despite his diehard base of moronic minions, he is losing support among others, who are conservative but realistic and understand the need to move on

In addition:


By, By Donnie! You have done enough damage!
Probably because they don't want people donating to any Trump PAC, because he hoardes that money and does not support other GOP candidates with it (despite the lies to the contrary, when soliciting the donations ).

They know full well the orange pile of shit considers all of that money to be "his"
All you gotta do is get the media/entertainers off the back of those you do not like. That is not first amendment. That is pure propaganda packaged differently. For me it is not complicated and may not be 100%. But believing the opposite seems to be the truth unless they sacrifice one of their own for some reason.

What the fuck are you trying to say?
Nice to know that you are rooting for the total destruction of American Democracy. We might as well hand the keys to the Republic to Putin Right now. You people are fucking traitors. Do not dare call yourself a patriot!
Oh brother! :icon_rolleyes:
Trump is finished! His political career is circling the drain. Despite his diehard base of moronic minions, he is losing support among others, who are conservative but realistic and understand the need to move on

In addition:


By, By Donnie! You have done enough damage!

Trump is finished! His political career is circling the drain. Despite his diehard base of moronic minions, he is losing support among others, who are conservative but realistic and understand the need to move on

In addition:


By, By Donnie! You have done enough damage!
2016 Polls: "Clinton will win 99 to 1." "All polls indicate that Trump doesn't stand a chance." "Trump's candidacy is a joke." Cue their laughter.
2020 Election: State Legislators responsibility for elections taken away. Unverified ballots stream in, in battleground states. Election monitors forbidden to be up close enough to verify election entries. Large numbers of ballots showing up in the middle of the night that are not on official ballot paper. Biden's candidacy....few show up for rallies. Biden hides in his basement. Trump rallies are massive. Like it or not, the election was stolen.
2024: We shall see.
Even if he doesn't run, any Republican candidate would be a massive improvement over the clowns in office now.
Trump is finished! His political career is circling the drain. Despite his diehard base of moronic minions, he is losing support among others, who are conservative but realistic and understand the need to move on

In addition:


By, By Donnie! You have done enough damage!

Can you imagine Trump trying to keep a secret. It'd be like someone with diarrhea trying to stop the shit coming out.

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