Trump Now OWNS Crying Chuck

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Schumer claims he "even offered Trump his WALL" in yesterday's negotiations in the White House. Wait, what? :disbelief: That's what he said so the breakthrough has happened....the Wall has been conceded....all that's left to work out are the details. The discussions likely got down to a simple swap:

Trump: "You get 3.6 million new voters, I get my wall and an end to chain and lottery"
Chuck: "Okay but I have to appear to have rolled can we make that happen?"
Trump: "That's not going to happen Chuck.....Chuck? are you crying again?"

Schumer claims he "even offered Trump his WALL" in yesterday's negotiations in the White House. Wait, what? :disbelief: That's what he said so the breakthrough has happened....the Wall has been conceded....all that's left to work out are the details. The discussions likely got down to a simple swap:

Trump: "You get 3.6 million new voters, I get my wall and an end to chain and lottery"
Chuck: "Okay but I have to appear to have rolled can we make that happen?"
Trump: "That's not going to happen Chuck.....Chuck? are you crying again?"



indeed he does

Why do liberal grown men have public crying fits over trivia? Is that the liberals' version of "speaking in tongues?"
Why do liberal grown men have public crying fits over trivia? Is that the liberals' version of "speaking in tongues?"

They're beta men.....owned and operated by the women around them....nuts probably never dropped. In Schumer's case, he's just a con artist....and like Corey Booker, a terrible actor.
BTW, at the current pace, Trump will have tossed out over 3M illegals by the time the "dreamers" get citizenship so the Rats don't gain shit at the ballot box. :badgrin:
Why do liberal grown men have public crying fits over trivia? Is that the liberals' version of "speaking in tongues?"
They're beta men.....owned and operated by the women around them....nuts probably never dropped. In Schumer's case, he's just a con artist....and like Corey Booker, a terrible actor.
Spoken like a true gamma! :laugh2:
Well, we will see how this all plays out 8Nov18. A year in office, lowest rating that any President has ever had, had only one achievement, a tax bill 75% of the nation does not like. I think the GOP will pay big time for backing this senile old asshole.
Schumer claims he "even offered Trump his WALL" in yesterday's negotiations in the White House. Wait, what? :disbelief: That's what he said so the breakthrough has happened....the Wall has been conceded....all that's left to work out are the details. The discussions likely got down to a simple swap:

Trump: "You get 3.6 million new voters, I get my wall and an end to chain and lottery"
Chuck: "Okay but I have to appear to have rolled can we make that happen?"
Trump: "That's not going to happen Chuck.....Chuck? are you crying again?"

The delusions are strong with this one.
"Step 1) Make Americans think they must be nuts by citing phony polls showing voters LOVE amnesty; Step 2) Don't let anyone know Dems just shut down govt over amnesty."
Speaking of crying men, the Trumpflake tears of impotent rage on this thread are tasty indeed.

Here's a hint, Trump-betas. You don't show manliness by having a group-cry concerning the same person, solely because it's what your masters told you to do. Doing that makes you look like craven authoritarian lackeys.

So, what others things did your masters tell you to weep out about Schumer? Go on, get it all out. You wouldn't want to disappoint your masters.
Schumer claims he "even offered Trump his WALL" in yesterday's negotiations in the White House. Wait, what? :disbelief: That's what he said so the breakthrough has happened....the Wall has been conceded....all that's left to work out are the details. The discussions likely got down to a simple swap:

Trump: "You get 3.6 million new voters, I get my wall and an end to chain and lottery"
Chuck: "Okay but I have to appear to have rolled can we make that happen?"
Trump: "That's not going to happen Chuck.....Chuck? are you crying again?"

The delusions are strong with this one.

What delusion? If it wasn't for the obstruction. There wouldn't be a shutdown.
Cry Baby Schumer thinks he can run his prolonged shtick by ripping off our great military. The people are watching. And this will help Trump going into mid-terms with the demos stunting like this.
Why do liberal grown men have public crying fits over trivia? Is that the liberals' version of "speaking in tongues?"

They're beta men.....owned and operated by the women around them....nuts probably never dropped. In Schumer's case, he's just a con artist....and like Corey Booker, a terrible actor.

True, but they're worse than beta men.....more like gamma or delta or epsilon men. Or omega men.
Well, we will see how this all plays out 8Nov18. A year in office, lowest rating that any President has ever had, had only one achievement, a tax bill 75% of the nation does not like. I think the GOP will pay big time for backing this senile old asshole.

Your polls are damage-assessments of the impact of your fake news. We found out last year many of those who said shit about Trump, checked the box next to his name in the privacy of the voting booth. In a few weeks the new fatter paychecks start showing up. Face are jewed, screwed, and tattooed, red, raw, and ragged. :lol:

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