Trump On Ginsberg Death

I’m impressed. Shocked really
I'm not at all, but I knew the left would be. They dont know how brainwashed they are or how we see them

“Maybe he’s looking up” was one of the most despicable comments I’ve ever heard.

I don’t think that can be blamed on the left being brainwashed. I think that’s just him being a jackass. Hence the surprise.

But I’ll give him credit where credit is due. He did this one well.
He couldn’t have been classier at that moment.

I despise that man, but I admire the way he responded at the very moment he learned of her death.

I’m impressed. Shocked really.

I wish he would act like that more often.
Maybe that's the side of Trump his aides and allies get to see all the time, that they have been telling us about.

Maybe he should try acting like that consistently.
A rare moment of decency. That was nice.
I was about to give you a thumbs up, but that nasty first part
Trump is not normally decent. Hell, even you would have to admit that.

Trump is decent to people who are decent to him. He is however a complete asshole if you are an asshole to him.

It's the NYC personality. We are actually very nice people (except from 4PM-6PM on weekdays when commuting home) unless you fuck with us.
He couldn’t have been classier at that moment.

I despise that man, but I admire the way he responded at the very moment he learned of her death.

I’m impressed. Shocked really.

I wish he would act like that more often.
Maybe that's the side of Trump his aides and allies get to see all the time, that they have been telling us about.

Maybe he should try acting like that consistently.
Still wouldn't help, and you know it.
He couldn’t have been classier at that moment.

I despise that man, but I admire the way he responded at the very moment he learned of her death.

I’m impressed. Shocked really.

I wish he would act like that more often.
Maybe that's the side of Trump his aides and allies get to see all the time, that they have been telling us about.

Maybe he should try acting like that consistently.
Still wouldn't help, and you know it.
Sometimes people forget the nasty things people like McCain said to and about him. I guess you can think he should be "above" all this, but so should his many enemies. I've always thought McCain was a contemptible human being. So are the many others trying to sabotage his presidency
Some times Death Angel forgets that Trump started the nasty things said to and about each other, and D A forgets how McCain came out looking so good and Trump so bad. Trump is contemptible, and those who idolize are equally so.

The roof of Republican weakness will come in the emojis.
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He couldn’t have been classier at that moment.

I despise that man, but I admire the way he responded at the very moment he learned of her death.

I’m impressed. Shocked really.

I wish he would act like that more often.
Maybe that's the side of Trump his aides and allies get to see all the time, that they have been telling us about.

Maybe he should try acting like that consistently.
Still wouldn't help, and you know it.

It would.

He would be less despised if he acted like less of a jackass.

I don’t think it’s complicated.
I'm a Trump supporter, but to be honest it felt like it was a setup, his answer was too perfect.
Yeah those reporters are determined to make him look good
Just too coincidental, a reporter given access on the way back to the plane, asking him the question and record his response. Even if someone had slipped the news to him beforehand, I still consider it a perfect impromptu statement to make on the fly with very little time to think about it or prepare for it with his staffers. It showed his humanity and his values.
It just seemed like a very basic response from a decent man to me.

I posted it because, as you can see from the responses of the left, they dont see him as a decent man. They see monsters. That is why I posted it.
Like I said, even if he had been informed a few minutes before, he still deserves credit for that perfect answer. He may have been thinking about it when he was asked the question, and he then showed the world who he is with his answer.

Years from now Trump will be looked upon like a Churchillian figure, that as with all the greats in history, happened been the right man at the right time, which changed the course of history for the better.
Like Reagan or Lincoln, in the future the Dems will try to convince the country that Trump was one of theirs.

The Churchill analogy is true. Great men are often despised by a large segment. Fortunately they do the right thing regardless
Churchill was also known to be very foul mouthed and someone who wasn't afraid of telling it like it is.
True Americans know that non-leftists don't agree even though they know what I wrote is true,
I’m impressed. Shocked really
I'm not at all, but I knew the left would be. They dont know how brainwashed they are or how we see them

“Maybe he’s looking up” was one of the most despicable comments I’ve ever heard.

I don’t think that can be blamed on the left being brainwashed. I think that’s just him being a jackass. Hence the surprise.

But I’ll give him credit where credit is due. He did this one well.
DeMSM likes to skip the rotten comments that precede and elicit Trump’s comments
I’m impressed. Shocked really
I'm not at all, but I knew the left would be. They dont know how brainwashed they are or how we see them

“Maybe he’s looking up” was one of the most despicable comments I’ve ever heard.

I don’t think that can be blamed on the left being brainwashed. I think that’s just him being a jackass. Hence the surprise.

But I’ll give him credit where credit is due. He did this one well.
DeMSM likes to skip the rotten comments that precede and elicit Trump’s comments

Were the preceding comments worse than Trump telling a grieving widow that her dead husband is in Hell?

I’m guessing not. Trump is a despicable human being.

Which is why I’m surprised that he was able to be classy in this instance. Maybe he finally grew up.
He had to say nice things about her or else he will be label as anti-Semitic. But I do know that it is going to be a closed casket funeral.

I’m impressed. Shocked really
I'm not at all, but I knew the left would be. They dont know how brainwashed they are or how we see them

“Maybe he’s looking up” was one of the most despicable comments I’ve ever heard.

I don’t think that can be blamed on the left being brainwashed. I think that’s just him being a jackass. Hence the surprise.

But I’ll give him credit where credit is due. He did this one well.
DeMSM likes to skip the rotten comments that precede and elicit Trump’s comments

Were the preceding comments worse than Trump telling a grieving widow that her dead husband is in Hell?

I’m guessing not. Trump is a despicable human being.

Which is why I’m surprised that he was able to be classy in this instance. Maybe he finally grew up.
Her husbands comments were despicable. So we’re McCain’s.
Trump is not a politician. Neither are you.
Do the math.

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