"Trump Owns the Violence!"....Wait a sec...

Haven't we been constantly nagged over the last few mounts, by the fifth columnists of the fourth estate and the Democrat Party, that the "protests" have been "mostly peaceful"?

But now, there's all sorts of violence, and the awful Orange Man is to blame?...We even have two threads on that very battle cry going on here.

Man alive, that internal polling at the DNC must be a lot scarier than any of us could imagine!

Odd Dude, tsk tsk tsk. The Orange Man has given his base the right to use violence! The evidence is clear.

Must be why it’s the Democrat DA’s letting the far left domestic terrorists out of jail uncharged...only for them to actually kill people a few days later.

Do all of these 'far left" killers have tattoos as a signature of their Democratic Party registration?

You, much like all the other Trump supporters have no evidence that they are Democrats, liberals, progressives or are far left or far right.

The only thing the vandals, looters, arsonists and vigilantes have in common is they are criminals, and members of the Idiot Fringe.

BLM and ANTIFA own the riots as do the democrats since they endorse them with political slogans painted in the streets using tax payer money...bailing them all out of jail ..and the Democratic DA’s repeatedly not charging the violent offenders.

Let we forget the media stooges running around bleating "MOSTLY PEACEFUL" for the last three months, many of them in front of burning buildings and police firing tear gas at the unruly mobs....Which is the point of the OP.

The internal polling must be showing them that they're being blamed and are desperate to shift it to Trump.

The media...much like Hollywood ...hasn’t figured out that when you mock, trash and try to punish the public for months on end because you view yourself as elitist. You get backlash...
Haven't we been constantly nagged over the last few mounts, by the fifth columnists of the fourth estate and the Democrat Party, that the "protests" have been "mostly peaceful"?

But now, there's all sorts of violence, and the awful Orange Man is to blame?...We even have two threads on that very battle cry going on here.

Man alive, that internal polling at the DNC must be a lot scarier than any of us could imagine!

Odd Dude, tsk tsk tsk. The Orange Man has given his base the right to use violence! The evidence is clear.

Must be why it’s the Democrat DA’s letting the far left domestic terrorists out of jail uncharged...only for them to actually kill people a few days later.

Do all of these 'far left" killers have tattoos as a signature of their Democratic Party registration?

You, much like all the other Trump supporters have no evidence that they are Democrats, liberals, progressives or are far left or far right.

The only thing the vandals, looters, arsonists and vigilantes have in common is they are criminals, and members of the Idiot Fringe.

BLM and ANTIFA own the riots as do the democrats since they endorse them with political slogans painted in the streets using tax payer money...bailing them all out of jail ..and the Democratic DA’s repeatedly not charging the violent offenders.

LOL ^^^ The evidence is missing.
It seems my Alert File has been flooded by a circle jerk; I hope all you please each other with your collective "reasoning".
For the reader wondering if Dumb Donald is a peacemaker, let him speak for himself:

Haven't we been constantly nagged over the last few mounts, by the fifth columnists of the fourth estate and the Democrat Party, that the "protests" have been "mostly peaceful"?

But now, there's all sorts of violence, and the awful Orange Man is to blame?...We even have two threads on that very battle cry going on here.

Man alive, that internal polling at the DNC must be a lot scarier than any of us could imagine!

Trump has done nothing to deal with police treatment of black men. Voters overwhelmingly support police reform and are waiting for Trump to respond. All they are getting is Trump standing by police officers and refusing to admit there is a problem. He sort of hinted at it by questioning the 7 bullets but then compared it to a golfer missing a short putt. No one dies or is injured when a golfer misses a putt. Trump will meet with the police but not with the victim's family. He will listen to one side. In addition he is encouraging right wing extremists to come to town and they are bring guns with them.

"Trump has done nothing to deal with police treatment of black men."

What makes you think that is Trump's job? Please tell us, who controls the local police departments and setting their policies?

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