Trump paid 38 million one year...will you contribute that in your lifetime?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
With all the talk of Trumps tax returns...I'm genuinely curious...these do-gooders when armed with others checkbooks who are bad mouthing Trump must be contributing
Worst reasoning ever for sucking DT's tiny cock on his refusing to release his tax returns.
Because of constant brainwashing by Leftists and the MSM, most Americans have come to think of OTHER PEOPLES' taxes in terms of percentages.

Ask a typical, well-read American, "Who pays more in taxes, Warren Buffet or his secretary?" and the response will be, more or less, 'Well, surprisingly, it's his Secretary!"

Which is total nonsense. His secretary pays a couple thousand a year in taxes and WB pays tens of millions. But AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL INCOME, the secretary may pay a lower percentage.

So when you point out that Trump paid, in one year, tens of millions of dollars in taxes, the typical (ignorant) American will come back with, "But what Percentage was that to his total income?" As though that settles it.

I don't know about anyone but myself, but I pay my taxes in DOLLARS, not in percentage points. And when someone pays tens of millions in Federal Income tax, in my mind THEY HAVE PAID ENOUGH FOR A LIFETIME. I don't give a fuck how much they made in that year, or in any other year.

If our Congresspersons had any balls at all, there would be a MAXIMUM dollar value that any individual taxpayer can be compelled to pay. That is an AMOUNT, not a PERCENTAGE. Once you have paid a million bucks, or whatever number they pick, YOU HAVE PAID YOUR SHARE, and it doesn't matter how much you have made, enough is enough.
31 milion AMT .. the tax on his list to eliminate.

gee, imagine that.


The vast majority of Trump’s income taxes — a $31 million — came in the form of an Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), a tax that prevents the U.S.’s top earners from paying minimal or no taxes by curbing the kinds of deductions and write-offs they can claim.

Without the AMT, Trump would have only paid roughly $5.5 million, meaning he’d have forked over a mere 4 percent of his income to the government. The average American taxpayer pays about 10 percent, while those earning more than $1 million, on average, are taxed at a 27.4 percent rate.

Trump has promised tax reform, which includes simplifying the tax code and eliminating the AMT.
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Doesn't mean it would eliminate his taxes. They would just be figured the traditional way, dear. Do you know how many retirees making just $50 grand a year the amt hurts?
31 milion AMT .. the tax on his list to eliminate.

gee, imagine that.


The vast majority of Trump’s income taxes — a $31 million — came in the form of an Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), a tax that prevents the U.S.’s top earners from paying minimal or no taxes by curbing the kinds of deductions and write-offs they can claim.

Without the AMT, Trump would have only paid roughly $5.5 million, meaning he’d have forked over a mere 4 percent of his income to the government. The average American taxpayer pays about 10 percent, while those earning more than $1 million, on average, are taxed at a 27.4 percent rate.

Trump has promised tax reform, which includes simplifying the tax code and eliminating the AMT.
Doesn't mean it would eliminate his taxes. They would just be figured another way, dear.
31 milion AMT .. the tax on his list to eliminate.

gee, imagine that.


The vast majority of Trump’s income taxes — a $31 million — came in the form of an Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), a tax that prevents the U.S.’s top earners from paying minimal or no taxes by curbing the kinds of deductions and write-offs they can claim.

Without the AMT, Trump would have only paid roughly $5.5 million, meaning he’d have forked over a mere 4 percent of his income to the government. The average American taxpayer pays about 10 percent, while those earning more than $1 million, on average, are taxed at a 27.4 percent rate.

Trump has promised tax reform, which includes simplifying the tax code and eliminating the AMT.

I could care less how much he pays or doesnt pay. I want to know where his $$ goes, who it goes to, and how much goes there... FROM A BUSINESS STANDPOINT .... dear.
With all the talk of Trumps tax returns...I'm genuinely curious...these do-gooders when armed with others checkbooks who are bad mouthing Trump must be contributing
Trump's daddy's company has been really good to him.
The FAILED campaign strategy of screaming, "TRUMP NEVER PAID ANY TAXES!!!" Is over.

Rachel Maddow was a useful idiot., The stupid fucking cvnt released a tax return that Trump had leaked.

She released the leaked tax return proving that Trump paid over $30,000,000 in taxes in 2005 and the FAKE SCANDAL seemed to vanish.

Thanks, Rachel, you stupid bitch.
Because of constant brainwashing by Leftists and the MSM, most Americans have come to think of OTHER PEOPLES' taxes in terms of percentages.

Ask a typical, well-read American, "Who pays more in taxes, Warren Buffet or his secretary?" and the response will be, more or less, 'Well, surprisingly, it's his Secretary!"

Which is total nonsense. His secretary pays a couple thousand a year in taxes and WB pays tens of millions. But AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL INCOME, the secretary may pay a lower percentage.

So when you point out that Trump paid, in one year, tens of millions of dollars in taxes, the typical (ignorant) American will come back with, "But what Percentage was that to his total income?" As though that settles it.

I don't know about anyone but myself, but I pay my taxes in DOLLARS, not in percentage points. And when someone pays tens of millions in Federal Income tax, in my mind THEY HAVE PAID ENOUGH FOR A LIFETIME. I don't give a fuck how much they made in that year, or in any other year.

If our Congresspersons had any balls at all, there would be a MAXIMUM dollar value that any individual taxpayer can be compelled to pay. That is an AMOUNT, not a PERCENTAGE. Once you have paid a million bucks, or whatever number they pick, YOU HAVE PAID YOUR SHARE, and it doesn't matter how much you have made, enough is enough.

Obama and other libs feel that, at some point, you have made enough money. They will determine what that amount is and then feel justified in taking the rest. That is how their minds work. Only libs, like Al Sharpton, are spared ridicule for not paying enough, or any, taxes.
With all the talk of Trumps tax returns...I'm genuinely curious...these do-gooders when armed with others checkbooks who are bad mouthing Trump must be contributing

How much do his litany of court cases cost the American people: Judges, jurors, court clerks, court officers, for over 3000 law suits?

How much did his 7 bankruptcies cost the American people, American bankers, American small businesses who trusted him.

Trump got to borrow millions of $$$ which he never repaid, because of the bankrtupcy, and then write off both the expenses paid with the money as a loss, as well as the capital, so he got a billion $$ deduction on a $500 million dollar loss - the ultimate double dip. It made bankruptcy very profitable for Trump, and why he did it over and over. It wasn't illegal but it was totally unethical.

Trump bragged of making $40 million from one of his bankrtupcies. I doubt the small sub-trades who worked for him did as well.
With all the talk of Trumps tax returns...I'm genuinely curious...these do-gooders when armed with others checkbooks who are bad mouthing Trump must be contributing
Flawed question. Trump ran president; none of us will.

At least two on the Board may have paid that much in tax in a given year.
With all the talk of Trumps tax returns...I'm genuinely curious...these do-gooders when armed with others checkbooks who are bad mouthing Trump must be contributing
As far as I'm concerned, the sum one contributes in taxes and to the economy in general is, or should be, directly proportional to the amount of influence and access one has in the policy making process. That's it.
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How many bullshit lies do snowflakes have to get busted on before people wake the fuck up?

You idiots are pawns of the Democratic party.

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