Trump paid less in taxes than a household that makes 20k per year

Why would I know that? Do you just assume I defend democrats regardless of what they actually do? I don’t. I don’t blindly defend them like you do republicans Yep, they failed to make the wealthy pay their fair share.
Did the Democrats commit a felony by releasing Trump's tax returns?
Unknown yet. It looks like he set up 26 dummy sole proprietorships and deducted millions in expenses with no revenue. That should be interesting.

But regardless, you won't care. As long as he doesn't shoot someone on Fifth Avenue. Of course, you'd forgive him for that, too.
Just as you dont care about corruption between hunter biden, joe biden, china and ukraine
Another idiot who knows nothing about the tax system speaks. Many people who own businesses have years where they pay no taxes because their loses are greater than their earnings.
True Trump is a terrible businessman.
His taxes certainly prove that. Of course if you want to give him a pass for not paying federal taxes, how do you justify him paying more in taxes to China than here in 2020?
Why would I know that? Do you just assume I defend democrats regardless of what they actually do? I don’t. I don’t blindly defend them like you do republicans Yep, they failed to make the wealthy pay their fair share.
Then you acknowledge that the current climate in Washington guarantees that the wealthy like TRUMP! will continue having access to loopholes and deductions that ensure they will never pay a high percentage of their incomes in taxes? Let's not fall prey to the rhetoric spewed on the campaign trail how they're going to get the rich guy, they never will.
True Trump is a terrible businessman.
His taxes certainly prove that. Of course if you want to give him a pass for not paying federal taxes, how do you justify him paying more in taxes to China than here in 2020?
Different tax laws.
Then you acknowledge that the current climate in Washington guarantees that the wealthy like TRUMP! will continue having access to loopholes and deductions that ensure they will never pay a high percentage of their incomes in taxes? Let's not fall prey to the rhetoric spewed on the campaign trail how they're going to get the rich guy, they never will.
Lol but only you are making this about that. I never said anything about democrats solving the problem
A single person making 20k a year doesnt pay anything in FICA. The only thing they would have to pay is SS or Medicare taxes. Trump wouldn't pay those as he likely didn't take any income, because he doesn't need an income, and would have to pay taxes on that money unnecessarily if he did. Didn't he say as much in his debates with Hillary when this subject was brought up?

He says in that video that he takes full advantage of the loopholes in the tax code. Who the heck doesn't? Are you writing checks to the IRS for money you dont have to pay? Is Bernie Sanders? Is AOC? Are any of the other so called democratic socialists who think the "rich don't pay enough"? All of them are by any metric rich and yet every year they remain so, I assume because they aren't turning all that extra wealth over to the Government to dole out to those less fortunate than themselves.

It’s really quite simple, demofks want to pay more, they legally can, if they feel like they pay enough
Poor Democrats. After all the hype, they got a big fat nothing out of Trump's tax returns. They show paid his taxes legally. They show he sacrificed his own income for the sake of serving the country. So what do the Democrats do? They say his decreased income while in office damages his claim of being a good businessman. So does that mean they think he should have made more money during his term? Would they have praised him for that? We all know the answer.
There’s a legal clause that wouldn’t allow him to take his salary!!!

Emoluments Clause
Why would I know that? Do you just assume I defend democrats regardless of what they actually do? I don’t. I don’t blindly defend them like you do republicans Yep, they failed to make the wealthy pay their fair share.
We don't assume it. We know it from watching your behavior.
Far left democrats want government to run everything from cradle to grave. That's the problem.
What's funny is you do too but in a different way. You want too tell people who they can have sex with, who they can marry and what they can be in their own fucking lives.
You losertrians are evil to the core. The only ones you truly care about are the super rich like trump.
What's funny is you do too but in a different way. You want too tell people who they can have sex with, who they can marry and what they can be in their own fucking lives.
You losertrians are evil to the core. The only ones you truly care about are the super rich like trump.
Wrong. I really don't give a hoot who anyone has sex with. What I do care about is my schools I fund. You're not gonna preach your sick shit in classrooms.
He paid less taxes than you did.
So what? Did Trump break any laws? I had lunch with my son today and he asked me a few things about his business. He now gets to write off the lunch as business expense. Does that bother you?

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