Trump persists in fleecing his losers.

When Sleepy Joe moves into the public housing, he will be right back in his element. Good for him.
How did that "sleepy joe" thing work for you on November 3rd? The adults are in charge now so you can go sit in a corner and when we need to hear an idiotic remark, we`ll ring a bell or something for you kid.
Not true

Biden will be an illegitimate president
Your ideologically-induced fantasy is noted.

306 electoral votes, certified and validated as a bipartisan certitude, stand (despite numerous and meritless futile assaults by a cult's crackpots) - an affirmation of democracy, as the United States endures as a model of self-governance where chronic whiners are accorded the right to bleat incessantly.

What a country!

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When Sleepy Joe moves into the public housing, he will be right back in his element. Good for him.
How did that "sleepy joe" thing work for you on November 3rd? The adults are in charge now so you can go sit in a corner and when we need to hear an idiotic remark, we`ll ring a bell or something for you kid.
Your adult leader is moving into public housing.
trump is more popular than the GOP swamp rats

so if they want money they have to get it through him

He is keeping it all and it very well may end up costing the Republicans the Senate.

Trump antagonizes Republicans with Georgia fundraising ploy
Politico is a democrat party propaganda rag

I repeat

trump is more popular that the GOP establishment in georgia or washington

the stiff back swamp rats should give trump his due and humbly and publicly ask him to help them

In the meantime, a public service message from America.

Thank you.

That was great. I sent it out to my friends. I'm sure they will enjoy that.
Not true

Biden will be an illegitimate president
Your ideologically-induced fantasy is noted.

306 electoral votes, certified and validated as a bipartisan certitude, stand (despite numerous and meritless futile assaults by a cult's crackpots) - an affirmation of democracy, as the United States endures as a model of self-governance where chronic whiners are accorded the right to bleat incessantly.

What a country!
View attachment 429490
View attachment 429491

You are replying to a person who believes Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man.

Do you really expect a person like that to accept reality?
No. Putin finally acknowledged Biden as the president elect and Moscow Mitch followed his leader and did likewise.
When the despotic Erdogan, along with Vlady and Xi, finally realized that the American People were no longer going to favor them with their Trump, they all had to throw in the Turkish Towel.

Only Kim Jung Un is now carrying a torch for his soulmate.

Trump says he and North Korea's Kim Jong Un 'fell in love.'

Alas, those amorous days of autocratic bone-spurred, flashy footwork are no more.

"Lookee me! I'm doin' the Authoritarian Shuffle!"

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You are replying to a person who believes Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man.

Do you really expect a person like that to accept reality?
I dont know where obama was born and neither do you

as for baracks baby momma if ever there was an argument for the existence of transgenders she might be it
You are replying to a person who believes Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle Obama is a man.

Do you really expect a person like that to accept reality?
It is astounding to recall all the crackpot notions served up by the Trumpy media entertainers that have been swallowed by the pifflewits who never manage to pass them.

Global warming as a Chinese hoax is a perennial favorite, of course, but I especially enjoyed when all the usual suspects insisted that mad bomber and Trump fanatic Cesar Sayoc was a "false flag!" phony. When he was exposed as the genuine article, a bone fide Trump loon, not a whimper!

Some lies are just too good for them to ever let go of, apparently.

A range of high-profile conservatives have embraced a conspiracy theory that mail bombs sent to liberal public figures are a “false flag” attack by leftwingers. Many have also claimed that the attacks are intended to elicit sympathy for Democrats ahead of the looming midterm elections.
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Global warming as a Chinese hoax is a perennial favorite
The Man-made-global-warming doomsday hoax is designed to scare the shit out of you and greta thunberg

God designed the earth to withstand minor temperature changes which earth is handling quite well
Global warming as a Chinese hoax is a perennial favorite
The Man-made-global-warming doomsday hoax is designed to scare the shit out of you and greta thunberg

God designed the earth to withstand minor temperature changes which earth is handling quite well
Your arrogant insistence that you can poop into the heavens with impunity is contradicted by scientific acumen, empirical data, and common sense.

Spewing millions of tonnes of industrial greenhouse gases into the atmosphere affects the atmosphere. Climatologists know climate far better than do ideologues.
Your arrogant insistence that you can poop into the heavens with impunity is contradicted by scientific acumen, empirical data, and common sense.
No one is pooping into the heavens except bidens masters in china

The earth has always gone through warning and cooling cycles
The earth has always gone through warning and cooling cycles
Your ideological dogma that causes you to deny the scientific data has no impact upon reality.

Spewing millions of tonnes of industrial greenhouse gases into the atmosphere affects the atmosphere.

To pretend otherwise is delusional.
It's blatant, right out in the open, and they just keep tithing.

This country has never seen an ongoing con like this, ever.
He may next take up residence on the Trump-supporting Chinese billionaire's mega-yacht where Bam Bam was apprehended, and attempt to abscond to a locale beyond U.S. jurisdiction.

Keep the gun boats on alert!

Bam Bam got a nice Tan Tan! :cool-45:


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