Trump poised to press 'bold agenda' in first congressional address


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I hope he talks alot about trade. NAFTA is a disaster for American workers. Deal with Mexico, Canada and of course China, and America will be exponentially healthier economically and have a broader and more vigorous revenue base.

Trump poised to press 'bold agenda' in first congressional address

President Trump is planning to outline an ambitious first-year agenda tackling everything from immigration to infrastructure when he delivers his first address to a Joint Session of Congress Tuesday night, the White House said.

The White House detailed Trump’s highly anticipated address on Monday, outlining what will be the president’s biggest speech since his inauguration. Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Trump will push a “bold agenda,” while another White House official described it as an "optimistic" look toward the next four years.

For the new president, whose opening month has been marked by rapid-fire executive actions but also a string of controversies, the primetime televised address is a critical chance to reframe some of the more contentious aspects of his young presidency – and reinforce campaign pledges that have yet to kick into action, like repealing and replacing ObamaCare.

Spicer said the goals outlined in Tuesday’s speech will also strike a balance on the challenges ahead, while reflecting a more optimistic, forward-looking tone that focuses on the “American spirit.”
I suspect that the speech will be just another "have your cake and eat it too" same as Reagan's always used to be.
I predict the gallery will be cleared at some point in the speech. It's been reported that the Democrats have invited a number of illegal aliens as well as their own, and as we know Democrats are not particularly cultured people.
I have a feeling it's going to be an uplifting nationalist speech designed for natural born Citizens of White European heritage, the specific people the founders created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. It's our country and we've taken it back.
I predict the gallery will be cleared at some point in the speech. It's been reported that the Democrats have invited a number of illegal aliens as well as their own, and as we know Democrats are not particularly cultured people.
Yea, looks like the Sergeant of Arms will have his hands full tonight ridding the Capitol gallery of liberal/illegal Wetback disrupters. Meanwhile, Rosie O'Donnell is supposed to lead a disruptive protest outside the White House just prior to our glorious leaders speech tonight. Hopefully she'll be tazed multiple times.
I suspect that the speech will be just another "have your cake and eat it too" same as Reagan's always used to be.
Given the context, the present political and cultural atmosphere for the country, this will doubtless be a major point in the Trump administration. The risk is of so failing as to invite redoubled ridicule. Success will be anything that shows acceptable stability of character, plan and action.
I suspect that the speech will be just another "have your cake and eat it too" same as Reagan's always used to be.
Given the context, the present political and cultural atmosphere for the country, this will doubtless be a major point in the Trump administration. The risk is of so failing as to invite redoubled ridicule. Success will be anything that shows acceptable stability of character, plan and action.
Trump has only one critical need.

He needs to get re-elected.

To get re-elected he needs to get jobs for the blue collar workers in the swing states of Ohio, Pa., Wisc., N.C., and Mich. that put him into office.

Therefore infrastructure is critical.

Therefore continuing Keynesian massive deficits are critical.

Therefore he cannot use the balancing the budget myth.

And his tax cuts are going to be self defeating for him because this too will skyrocket the deficit.

And the masses love their ACA.

So anything DJT has to say is going to be a contradiction of what he actually needs to do to avoid becoming a one term president like LBJ, Ford, Carter, and GHW Bush.
I hope he talks alot about trade. NAFTA is a disaster for American workers. Deal with Mexico, Canada and of course China, and America will be exponentially healthier economically and have a broader and more vigorous revenue base.

Protectionism never works. You need to look up Smoot-Hartley, and how it made the Great Depression even more depressing.

We need to be making American Industry more competitive, not rigging the game in favor of our workers at the expense of other workers.
Inventing new industries would be the best. Make great things no one else is or can. New energy sources. Desalinization systems. Things that everyone will buy and that will make life truly better.
I hope he talks alot about trade. NAFTA is a disaster for American workers. Deal with Mexico, Canada and of course China, and America will be exponentially healthier economically and have a broader and more vigorous revenue base.

Protectionism never works. You need to look up Smoot-Hartley, and how it made the Great Depression even more depressing.

We need to be making American Industry more competitive, not rigging the game in favor of our workers at the expense of other workers.

Really? You are deaf, dumb and blind. We had "protectionism between the years 1935-1970...howd that work?
Really? You are deaf, dumb and blind. We had "protectionism between the years 1935-1970...howd that work?

No, we really didn't. What we had in those time periods was a sitution where America was an exporter nation. Particularly WWII and the Period after, when we were supplying the rest of the world.

What happened in 1970 was the rest of the world caught up with us. But our leaders in government and industry didn't get off their complacent asses and rise to the challenge.
The speech spoke of government intervening to create a 'level playing field for American business'. But, those who call themselves conservatives criticize those they call socialists when government intervention to level the social playing field is mentioned. So, is it that business is sacrosanct and worthy of this type of intervention, or is this generally wrong for government?

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