Trump Praises Taliban During Rally At Same Time As Americans Are Being Evacuated From Afghanistan

Former president called the Taliban "great negotiators" and "tough fighters" before adding, "...with me in office the Taliban would not have ever dreamt of capturing our airfield or parading around with our American weapons."

None of these things are false.

Trump surrendered to the Taliban in February 2020. His surrender terms made no provisions for getting Americans out including any of our allies.

None of these things are false.
Simply not true. All civilian contractors are registered with the State Dept. We know exactly who they are - and now due to Quid Pro's incompetent treason, so does the Taliban.

Joe Biden: Make the Taliban Great Again.
Simply not true. These Americans are not contractors.
Your support of the traitor that praises the enemy that killed American soldiers is so noted.

Keep talking skippy, you're doing fine.
You need to look in the mirror of someone that supports a traiter your hero Obama expanding Bush’s illegal war and expanding his dreconian policys. :rofl:
Trump surrendered to the Taliban in February 2020. His surrender terms made no provisions for getting Americans out including any of our allies.

None of these things are false.
Everything that comes out of your mouth trollboy is always false everybody knows your a lying shill fir Langley.:rofl:
This is taken out of context, and a stupid alternate narrative is pasted on.

It's not surprising: Haters have absolutely no real facts, so they have to resort to concocting things out of thin air.
They weren't our weapons, they were the weapons of the Afghanistan military.

Would you advocate we have disarmed the Afghan military before leaving?

Clearly surrender in this context means turning the country over to Taliban. You advocate surrender.
if their military could use them we wouldn't be in the shit we're in.
During his 90-minute speech in Alabama on Saturday night, former president Donald Trump praised the Taliban and talked up his relationship with them at the same time that President Joe Biden is attempting to conduct the evacuation of Americans out of Afghanistan.

Traitorous scumbag MF.

The Taliban behaved themselves, back when America was run by adults.

But now they are running wild when the kids are in charge.
During his 90-minute speech in Alabama on Saturday night, former president Donald Trump praised the Taliban and talked up his relationship with them at the same time that President Joe Biden is attempting to conduct the evacuation of Americans out of Afghanistan.

Traitorous scumbag MF.
Praising the Taliban for keeping their word to Trump (because they respected / feared HIM) is not treasonous. You can not fault Trumpbecause the Taliban font respect / fear 'Dementia-Ravaged, Weak Biden and have taken advantage of his disastrous mistakes.
During his 90-minute speech in Alabama on Saturday night, former president Donald Trump praised the Taliban and talked up his relationship with them at the same time that President Joe Biden is attempting to conduct the evacuation of Americans out of Afghanistan.

Even the Taliban would make a better leader than Joe Biden.

Uncool. The people are taking note of your conduct (and copied footer from another trustworthy member of this site).

We are watching you. Your best option is to quit while you are ahead, stay home, take care of your own, and leave free people to our own devises.
The people are taking note. We are watching you.

GO SUCK MY ASS, PSYCHO CREEP. You are NOT the fucking people, you are exactly what this nation was created to be free of, and it is YOU who is being watched. Better shut up while you are ahead, dickwad, and taking your little commie brown shirt and go shove it up your ass.

BTW, you uneducated, uncouth bastard idiot, DEVICES is spelled with a C. :auiqs.jpg:
Sunni Man
All these Muslim fighters are very tough
. They can’t win because they of technology gaps
GO SUCK MY ASS, PSYCHO CREEP. You are NOT the fucking people, you are exactly what this nation was created to be free of, and it is YOU who is being watched. Better shut up while you are ahead, dickwad, and taking your little commie brown shirt and go shove it up your ass.

BTW, you uneducated, uncouth bastard idiot, DEVICES is spelled with a C. :auiqs.jpg:

Uncool. The people are taking note of your conduct (and copied footer from another trustworthy member of this site).

We are watching you. Your best option is to quit while you are ahead, stay home, take care of your own, and leave free people to our own devises.

Oh my Allah, you STASI are watching him, he better beware...


{Left to My Own Devices Meaning​

Definition: To leave someone unsupervised to do whatever they want.

This expression appears with many other words than my.

  • Left to one’s own devices.
  • Left to your own devices.
  • Left to their own devices.
  • Left to our own devices.
  • Left to its own devices.}

IF you seek to mock, be correct, Herr Nazi.

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