Trump Praises Taliban During Rally At Same Time As Americans Are Being Evacuated From Afghanistan

I don't give a fuck if the Taliban takes over - never did.

I want civilians and equipment evacuated. The CCP wanted otherwise. Quid Pro works for the CCP - so we have this cluster fuck.
So you’re okay with surrendering to the Taliban after all. There’s no winning with people like you.
The citizens in Afghanistan went despite warning not to travel there and stayed despite repeated urging to leave and full knowledge that the US military was pulling out.

No one wants to talk about this. It’s crazy that we now have untold taxpayer of dollars to bail these people out.

Got it, blaming Trump for Biden's colossal fuckup failed, so now you fascists have pivoted to "blame the victim."

She was asking for it...
So you’re okay with surrendering to the Taliban after all. There’s no winning with people like you.

"Surrender" would be to put our hands in the air and let the Taliban capture our weapons and people - you know, the way Xi's man did.

I just got through saying we must evacuate our people and weapons.

Do at least TRY to keep up.
"Surrender" would be to put our hands in the air and let the Taliban capture our weapons and people - you know, the way Xi's man did.

I just got through saying we must evacuate our people and weapons.

Do at least TRY to keep up.
They weren't our weapons, they were the weapons of the Afghanistan military.

Would you advocate we have disarmed the Afghan military before leaving?

Clearly surrender in this context means turning the country over to Taliban. You advocate surrender.
Who is a victim of what exactly?

Xi's man is weak and cowardly. He is without honor and cares only for the bribe - it's the only thing he has ever cared about.

Given what a pile of shit Quid Pro Biden is, do you think the Taliban may have a special ceremony planned for 9-11 to commemorate Biden's weakness and cowardice

They weren't our weapons, they were the weapons of the Afghanistan military.

Got it. Al-Apache, Al-Tomahawk.


As you become more desperate, your lies become ever more absurd..

Would you advocate we have disarmed the Afghan military before leaving?

Clearly surrender in this context means turning the country over to Taliban. You advocate surrender.

I advocated never setting foot in the middle east. I advocated bombing them into rubble and leaving them in the dirt bleeding.

Since we were too stupid to do that, I advocated we take our people and our shit and go home.

Quid Pro left our people and our shit.

Equal parts cowardice and treason. What the Taliban has, China has. But on the bright side, China bought lot's of paintings from Hunter....
Xi's man is weak and cowardly. He is without honor and cares only for the bribe - it's the only thing he has ever cared about.

Given what a pile of shit Quid Pro Biden is, do you think the Taliban may have a special ceremony planned for 9-11 to commemorate Biden's weakness and cowardice

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Why is it Biden's fault that Americans traveled to an extremely dangerous country against all warnings, stayed despite being told to leave and now are stuck?

It's not Biden's fault people have no common sense.
Got it. Al-Apache, Al-Tomahawk.


As you become more desperate, your lies become ever more absurd..

I advocated never setting foot in the middle east. I advocated bombing them into rubble and leaving them in the dirt bleeding.

Since we were too stupid to do that, I advocated we take our people and our shit and go home.

Quid Pro left our people and our shit.

Equal parts cowardice and treason. What the Taliban has, China has. But on the bright side, China bought lot's of paintings from Hunter....
Apparently you haven't been paying attention at all. We've been funding and building up the Afghan army for 20 years.

Not my fault you're an uneducated rube.
Why is it Biden's fault that Americans traveled to an extremely dangerous country against all warnings, stayed despite being told to leave and now are stuck?

It's not Biden's fault people have no common sense.

It's Quid Pro's fault that he ran without first securing the civilians and the weapons.

You're so desperate to cover for the treason of you filthy Reich that you've gone full retard.

During his 90-minute speech in Alabama on Saturday night, former president Donald Trump praised the Taliban and talked up his relationship with them at the same time that President Joe Biden is attempting to conduct the evacuation of Americans out of Afghanistan.
Former president called the Taliban "great negotiators" and "tough fighters" before adding, "...with me in office the Taliban would not have ever dreamt of capturing our airfield or parading around with our American weapons."

None of these things are false.
No stupid fuck, you evacuate the civilians and equipment BEFORE you pull out the soldiers. This isn't mere incompetence, it's treason.
Speaking of equipment, check this out:

"Quantifying The "Staggering Costs" Of US Military Equipment Left Behind In Afghanistan"​

article title off
Just little shunk, and there is so much more:
Not helping transparency, the Biden Administration is now hiding key audits on Afghan military equipment. This week, our auditors at reposted two key reports on the U.S. war chest of military gear in Afghanistan that had disappeared from federal websites.

#1. Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit of U.S. provided military gear in Afghanistan (August 2017): reposted report (dead link: report).
#2. Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) audit of $174 million in lost ScanEagle drones (July 2020): reposted report (dead link: report).
...I read somewhere else that those drones cost 4 million dollars each. considering the 174 mil total, it brings down the total of them to about 44 units. Brand new, the stupid Afghans never touched them, not only that, they lost track of them!!!!!! etc.

The Pentagon and Joe Bin Laden are so freaking stupid. It's beyond hope.
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Got it. Al-Apache, Al-Tomahawk.



Equal parts cowardice and treason. What the Taliban has, China has. But on the bright side, China bought lot's of paintings from Hunter....

China already reverse engineered the US Stealth Fighter F-117 I think, courtesy of Hill-Billy-Larry Clinton. When she was secretary of state, Apparently we crashed one (bombed by the Serbs) on Chinese land. The concerned Depts asked if they should do what they need to do to scrap every piece of it. She said no. And sure enough. images of the Chinese version of it started to appear on the internet later on...
...Now talks are underway that the Taliban might start to reverse engineer all that good high tech Sophisticated Military US equipment that the Retarted and hopelessly stupid Joe Bin Laden left behind and run to hide in his mother's basement.
From the article
Critics of Trump were quick to note that his negotiations with the Taliban led to the release of 5,000 of their members which has contributed to the turmoil in the country as the U.S military leaves after a fruitless twenty-year war.

Trump, the master negotiator. LMAOO
How would he have "secured the civilians"? We don't have any idea where they are or what they're doing.

Simply not true. All civilian contractors are registered with the State Dept. We know exactly who they are - and now due to Quid Pro's incompetent treason, so does the Taliban.

Joe Biden: Make the Taliban Great Again.
Your support of the traitor that praises the enemy that killed American soldiers is so noted.

Keep talking skippy, you're doing fine.
The traitor is Joe, now China and Russia have full access to our technology. Both have been paying Joe off for years.

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