Trump Prepares More Appeasement for Conservative Extremists


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.


Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.

The sentencing phase will begin Oct. 5. Arpaio, 85, faces up to six months in confinement, a sentence equivalent to that of a misdemeanor.

He's 85 and was just doing his job.

Eric Holder oversaw "Fast and Furious" and allowed people to be murdered and is in contempt of Congress. He didn't have to face justice. Now that's an A-hole.
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.

View attachment 145667 View attachment 145668

Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.

There was no jury involved, so they do not have a case against Joe
Joe Arpaio broke the law. If he disagreed with the judge, he should have appealed it. He thought he was above the law. If Trump issues a pardon then it will show that Trump and his supporters have absolute contempt for the law. They talk constantly about jailing this and that Obama Administration official but clearly they want to jail their political enemies like Putin does in Russia.

Trump should be impeached if he does this.
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.

View attachment 145667 View attachment 145668

Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.

You worthless traitorous marxist communist leftists crack me up.
Pardon him. Give him a cabinet position. Grant him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and commission his likeness to be carved into Mount Rushmore.


Then, bomb the shit out of Kenya. Envade. Colonize with ONLY white Americans, and dominate the country until all the Obamas die.
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Joe Arpaio broke the law. If he disagreed with the judge, he should have appealed it. He thought he was above the law. If Trump issues a pardon then it will show that Trump and his supporters have absolute contempt for the law. They talk constantly about jailing this and that Obama Administration official but clearly they want to jail their political enemies like Putin does in Russia.

Trump should be impeached if he does this.

Illegals break the law every day. You people obviously have no problem with breaking the law.
I agree with the decision. Another Nazi here................

Can't stand Sanctuary Cities either....................OH NO.............Lion's Tigers and Bears.
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.

View attachment 145667 View attachment 145668

Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.


We know, DAMN that Constitution.
I'd like to see the sheriff pardoned. Soooo, I must be a nazi?
The narrative is that if you vote for Trump or even a Republican, then you are a racist. These leftwing douche bags are totally shameless when it comes to smears and personal attacks. As you observed in the OP for this thread, they don't give a fig about proving their despicable assignations.
Pardon him. Give him a cabinet position. Grant him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and commission his likeness to be carved into Mount Rushmore.


Then, bomb the shit out of Kenya. Envade. Colonize with ONLY white Americans, and dominate the country until all the Obamas die.

"Envade"? Good lord, thank your public education.
Pardon him. Give him a cabinet position. Grant him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and commission his likeness to be carved into Mount Rushmore.


Then, bomb the shit out of Kenya. Envade. Colonize with ONLY white Americans, and dominate the country until all the Obamas die.

"Envade"? Good lord, thank your public education.
Proof reading is my friend.

And, I am not advocating invading. Envading is acting like a complete jackass for no clear reason. I am a pro. :lol:
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.

View attachment 145667 View attachment 145668

Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.

You are going a little overboard, mate.
Not every trumptard is a nazi. I am sure that some are good people.
Here's are a few questions for the demented OP:

- Who are the ones wearing masks at the protests?

- Who are the people throwing bottles of urine?

- Who are the people justifying violence against others for Nogoodbadthinkandspeak?

Here's a wee clue: they didn't vote for Trump.
Regardless of the moniker the white racists’ groups here in the U.S. hang on themselves, names like White Nationalists, White Supremacists, Aryan Nation, skin-heads, KKK, and the like, the term “Nazi” covers them all, and does so very well.

That aside, we can address the next step the Big Orange Idiot is planning in his campaign to appease the conservative extremists (better defined as Nazis) in his voter base, the pardoning of the disgraced, former Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

It was reported by CNN, “The White House has prepared the paperwork for when Trump makes the decision.” And, given the disgusting speech the Big Orange Idiot made in Phoenix, AZ, there can be little doubt the Nazis will be cheering soon over Arpaio’s escape from justice.

The Nazis will view Arpaio’s pardon as a big win for their agenda. But, like other conservatives, they will conveniently forget the massive defeat they received in Boston a few days ago.

Far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred. And, as a reminder to Nazis nationwide, in Boston, “City officials said that at least 40,000 people participated in the counter protest, 20,000 of whom participated in a march across town.” Also, without the usual violence that accompanies a Nazi gathering, “Boston Police Commissioner William Evans said there were 27 arrests, primarily for disorderly conduct. He said no officers or protesters were injured and there was no property damage.”

“ ‘Overall everyone did a good job,’ Evans said. ‘99.9 percent of people were here for the right reason, and that’s to fight bigotry.’ ”

The event in Boston serves to illustrate the vast opposition to fascism that exists here in the United States, despite the increasing promotion currently provided to the Nazi agenda by the Big Orange Idiot, Evangelical leaders, and other conservative groups.

Nazis were defeated seventy-two years ago, and people of reason and conscience will never permit the cancer of Nazism to metastasize in U.S. society. The Nazis' past is linked to lynchings, murders, and many other violent acts.

As stated above, far-right groups often use the guise of free speech to incite hatred, and the Nazi’s idea of freedom of speech includes shouting “fire” in a crowded theater, when the theater is filled with people-of-color, or other anti-fascist groups.

The conservatives’ responses to this OP can be nothing other than laughable. As are all of their simple-minded justifications for their hatred, intolerance, and other assorted stupidity. Watch and see.

View attachment 145667 View attachment 145668

Yes. The Big Orange Idiot IS appeasing the Nazis.

You are going a little overboard, mate.
Not every trumptard is a nazi. I am sure that some are good people.

Oh c'mon. Don't harsh his NAZIGASM.

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