Trump Prepares To Meet, And Bend Over For Putin

Nothing says 'incompetence' like handing a Russian Ambassador a plastic prop that says 'Overcharge' instead of 'Reset'.

And nothing says 'I'll be your bit@h' like telling Putin's puppet off-mike to tell Putin after re-election you will have more flexibility to comply with anything Putin wants.
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Obabble is the one who promised more "flexibility", bub.
The sanctions were to punish Russia for a Crimean vote obama didn't like. Putin should have sailed a warship right up the Potomac and pointed all guns at obama's ass. AMERICANS would have been so happy, the Navy would have given him an escort.
Trump Prepares To Meet, And Bend Over For Putin


given the fact that is he is about to take away

Polands natural gas dependency to Russia

as we take over as the provider

Since everybody knows "Trump's Russian ties" are fake now, poor liberals have a hard time finding what else to whine about.

Liberals. you have to apologize for all the fake news you have already alleged and spread and only then may be to start alleging and spreading more fake news.

I'm looking forward to this meeting. I have no doubt it will be highly productive. Two common extremely important issues North Korea and ISIS will lay the ground work for an open and honest dialogue.
And nothing says 'I'll be your bit@h' like telling Putin's puppet off-mike to tell Putin after re-election you will have more flexibility to comply with anything Putin wants.

So, Putin WANTED sanctions imposed by Obama????

Who knew????.......The things you learn from fuckheads like Queasy......LOL
And nothing says 'I'll be your bit@h' like telling Putin's puppet off-mike to tell Putin after re-election you will have more flexibility to comply with anything Putin wants.

So, Putin WANTED sanctions imposed by Obama????

Who knew????.......The things you learn from fuckheads like Queasy......LOL
What sanctions did he actually impose...and when?

The media reported Barry did NOTHING for the longest time because he did not want to anger Putin and joepardize his 2nd Un-Constitutionl, Un-authorized War, this one in Syria.
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Typical leftard ignorance is on display here and all the bitter leftards that are replying to the OP. When did Russia become public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse? I trace it back to the illegal coup in the Ukraine because Russia was just fine when they were buying uranium with Barrypuppet and Hildbeast's blessing in 2011. Seems that Russia was just fine until the George Soros and E.U sponsored illegal coup de'etat when Russia stepped in and protected the mostly Russian speaking people of Crimea that wanted nothing to do with the E.U and the perpetual debt producing machine that is the IMF. Seems that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula.

So, the E.U goes running to the limp-wristed Barrypuppet and the lamestream media boldly lies and claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine and have already secured Crimea!!!! Lying sacks of shit that they are and the next year is spent trying to spin what a threat Russia is when it was the globalist E.U that caused this shit to begin with. THEN Russia made a deal with Syria to run a pipeline...well that can't be allowed to happen because that is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking and oil oligarchs that believe ALL oil is to belong to them which is why they have been using the proxy army of ISIS (that they are financing and supporting) to take out Assad because they have no other reason to go after him. Well, Russia has been fighting with Syria to fight the globalist sponsored ISIS army so what can the globalists do but seethe with anger and tell lies to a gullible dumbed-down public. Russia and Putin have shown remarkable restraint because the elites have been trying to goad them into war for the last four years. One of these days all of this might sink in on how you have been chumped but not any time soon. I hope Trump and Putin can work together and they should have already met by now.
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Typical leftard ignorance is on display here and all the bitter leftards that are replying to the OP. When did Russia become public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse? I trace it back to the illegal coup in the Ukraine because Russia was just fine when they were buying uranium with Barrypuppet and Hildbeast's blessing in 2011. Seems that Russia was just fine until the George Soros and E.U sponsored illegal coup de'etat when Russia stepped in and protected the mostly Russian speaking people of Crimea that wanted nothing to do with the E.U and the perpetual debt producing machine that is the IMF. Seems that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula.

So, the E.U goes running to the limp-wristed Barrypuppet and the lamestream media boldly lies and claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine and have already secured Crimea!!!! Lying sacks of shit that they are and the next year is spent trying to spin what a threat Russia is when it was the globalist E.U that caused this shit to begin with. THEN Russia made a deal with Syria to run a pipeline...well that can't be allowed to happen because that is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking and oil oligarchs that believe ALL oil is to belong to them which is why they have been using the proxy army of ISIS (that they are financing and supporting) to take out Assad because they have no other reason to go after him. Well, Russia has been fighting with Syria to fight the globalist sponsored ISIS army so what can the globalists do but seethe with anger and tell lies to a gullible dumbed-down public. Russia and Putin have shown remarkable restraint because the elites have been trying to goad them into war for the last four years. One of these days all of this might sink in on how you have been chumped but not any time soon. I hope Trump and Putin can work together and they should have already met by now.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

So, unlike all US-led coalition, Russia is the only country legally fighting with ISIS and all kinds of other terrorists in Syria.
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Typical leftard ignorance is on display here and all the bitter leftards that are replying to the OP. When did Russia become public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse? I trace it back to the illegal coup in the Ukraine because Russia was just fine when they were buying uranium with Barrypuppet and Hildbeast's blessing in 2011. Seems that Russia was just fine until the George Soros and E.U sponsored illegal coup de'etat when Russia stepped in and protected the mostly Russian speaking people of Crimea that wanted nothing to do with the E.U and the perpetual debt producing machine that is the IMF. Seems that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula.

So, the E.U goes running to the limp-wristed Barrypuppet and the lamestream media boldly lies and claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine and have already secured Crimea!!!! Lying sacks of shit that they are and the next year is spent trying to spin what a threat Russia is when it was the globalist E.U that caused this shit to begin with. THEN Russia made a deal with Syria to run a pipeline...well that can't be allowed to happen because that is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking and oil oligarchs that believe ALL oil is to belong to them which is why they have been using the proxy army of ISIS (that they are financing and supporting) to take out Assad because they have no other reason to go after him. Well, Russia has been fighting with Syria to fight the globalist sponsored ISIS army so what can the globalists do but seethe with anger and tell lies to a gullible dumbed-down public. Russia and Putin have shown remarkable restraint because the elites have been trying to goad them into war for the last four years. One of these days all of this might sink in on how you have been chumped but not any time soon. I hope Trump and Putin can work together and they should have already met by now.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

So, unlike all US-led coalition, Russia is the only country legally fighting with ISIS and all kinds of other terrorists in Syria.

I will not get many responses if any from the naysayers like the OP. I know more than he does and all of the sheeple that buy the whole Russian narrative.
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934

Well, President Trump is a Lover, not a fighter. But i do not know what you can called Obama. A G20 Summit huzzie?


I am not trying to abuse Islam here.

My point is that Obama is a Muslim who hid his religion just to get elected.

And besides religion, another reason is Oil, Oil , Oil.

Basically they are all the same - Bush, Obama et al Obama Bows And Kisses The Hand Of Saudi King At G20 Summit - Foreign Affairs - Nigeria

“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Typical leftard ignorance is on display here and all the bitter leftards that are replying to the OP. When did Russia become public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse? I trace it back to the illegal coup in the Ukraine because Russia was just fine when they were buying uranium with Barrypuppet and Hildbeast's blessing in 2011. Seems that Russia was just fine until the George Soros and E.U sponsored illegal coup de'etat when Russia stepped in and protected the mostly Russian speaking people of Crimea that wanted nothing to do with the E.U and the perpetual debt producing machine that is the IMF. Seems that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula.

So, the E.U goes running to the limp-wristed Barrypuppet and the lamestream media boldly lies and claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine and have already secured Crimea!!!! Lying sacks of shit that they are and the next year is spent trying to spin what a threat Russia is when it was the globalist E.U that caused this shit to begin with. THEN Russia made a deal with Syria to run a pipeline...well that can't be allowed to happen because that is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking and oil oligarchs that believe ALL oil is to belong to them which is why they have been using the proxy army of ISIS (that they are financing and supporting) to take out Assad because they have no other reason to go after him. Well, Russia has been fighting with Syria to fight the globalist sponsored ISIS army so what can the globalists do but seethe with anger and tell lies to a gullible dumbed-down public. Russia and Putin have shown remarkable restraint because the elites have been trying to goad them into war for the last four years. One of these days all of this might sink in on how you have been chumped but not any time soon. I hope Trump and Putin can work together and they should have already met by now.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

So, unlike all US-led coalition, Russia is the only country legally fighting with ISIS and all kinds of other terrorists in Syria.

I will not get many responses if any from the naysayers like the OP. I know more than he does and all of the sheeple that buy the whole Russian narrative.

Utterly clueless Dale Smith knows more than any body. King Cheetolini says the same thing.

Dale Smith talent is wasted staggering around an Internet message board and would be a real asset working for trump.

Sent from my iPad using
“President Obama confiscated the two compounds, in New York state and Maryland, and expelled 35 Russian diplomats”, after the discovery of Russia’s interference in the 2016 elections.

Yuri Ushakov, adviser to Putin on foreign affairs, has strongly suggested the U.S. should return the two compounds before Russia is forced to take “exceptional” actions.

Putin is set to meet with the Big Orange Idiot Saturday at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

During this meeting, the Big Orange Idiot will have ample opportunities to again embarrass the United States. He has already proven he is a gutless bully, and is expected to, immediately bend over for Putin on the issue mentioned above. After all, it is his goal to undo everything done by Obama, and he is too cowardly to stand up to Putin.

Russia details agenda for Putin's meeting with Trump


View attachment 136934


Typical leftard ignorance is on display here and all the bitter leftards that are replying to the OP. When did Russia become public enemy #1 to the leftard clown posse? I trace it back to the illegal coup in the Ukraine because Russia was just fine when they were buying uranium with Barrypuppet and Hildbeast's blessing in 2011. Seems that Russia was just fine until the George Soros and E.U sponsored illegal coup de'etat when Russia stepped in and protected the mostly Russian speaking people of Crimea that wanted nothing to do with the E.U and the perpetual debt producing machine that is the IMF. Seems that Crimea was the sweetest plum on the tree because of the peninsula.

So, the E.U goes running to the limp-wristed Barrypuppet and the lamestream media boldly lies and claims that Russia is invading the Ukraine and have already secured Crimea!!!! Lying sacks of shit that they are and the next year is spent trying to spin what a threat Russia is when it was the globalist E.U that caused this shit to begin with. THEN Russia made a deal with Syria to run a pipeline...well that can't be allowed to happen because that is a direct threat against the hegemony of the banking and oil oligarchs that believe ALL oil is to belong to them which is why they have been using the proxy army of ISIS (that they are financing and supporting) to take out Assad because they have no other reason to go after him. Well, Russia has been fighting with Syria to fight the globalist sponsored ISIS army so what can the globalists do but seethe with anger and tell lies to a gullible dumbed-down public. Russia and Putin have shown remarkable restraint because the elites have been trying to goad them into war for the last four years. One of these days all of this might sink in on how you have been chumped but not any time soon. I hope Trump and Putin can work together and they should have already met by now.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

So, unlike all US-led coalition, Russia is the only country legally fighting with ISIS and all kinds of other terrorists in Syria.

I will not get many responses if any from the naysayers like the OP. I know more than he does and all of the sheeple that buy the whole Russian narrative.

Utterly clueless Dale Smith knows more than any body. King Cheetolini says the same thing.

Dale Smith talent is wasted staggering around an Internet message board and would be a real asset working for trump.

Sent from my iPad using

I know infinitely more than you but that isn't exactly a challenge.

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